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Implementation of SSP in the MID Region / Action Plan (Support to Member States)

Implementation of SSP in the MID Region / Action Plan (Support to Member States). Nadia Konzali Project Coordinator, COSCAP-GS. 1 st Airworthiness Safety Conference Dubai, 9-10 March 2014. SSP Implementation. Flight Plan References Objectives Action Plan & Schedule of actions

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Implementation of SSP in the MID Region / Action Plan (Support to Member States)

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  1. Implementation of SSP in the MID Region / Action Plan(Support to Member States) Nadia Konzali Project Coordinator, COSCAP-GS 1st Airworthiness Safety Conference Dubai, 9-10 March 2014

  2. SSP Implementation Flight Plan • References • Objectives • Action Plan & Schedule of actions • Challenges SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  3. SSP Implementation Reference • Annex 19 to the Convention (1st Edition, July 2013); • Safety Management Manual (3rd Edition, DOC 9859); • Revised Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) provisions; • ICAO training material (Material provided from ICAO); • ICAO / DANB (Air Navigation Bureau) recommendations; • Best Practices and Guidance Material from the experience of other Regions/COSCAPs Projects. SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  4. GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) Background • The ICAO Council approved a recommendation from the March 2010 ICAO HLSC to develop a new Annex dedicated to States’ safety management responsibilities and processes, including those framed under the SSP; • During 186th Session of the Air Navigation Commission, it was agreed to establish the Safety Management Panel (SMP) to provide recommendations on the development of the new Annex; • SMP, set up in 2011, comprised international group of 20 experts; SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  5. GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) Background • In response to HLSC 2010 recommendations, the ANC recommended the new Annex to be developed in 2 phases: • Phase 1: consolidation of existing safety management provisions in a single new Annex; • Phase 2: will address the development of enhanced requirements, once the new Annex becomes applicable. SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  6. GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) The GASP • The GASP has been changed in order to strengthen its role as a high-level policy, planning and implementation document; • The GASP is intended to assist ICAO, States and regions in their aviation safety policy, planning and implementation activities. SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  7. GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) The GASP • Sets out the global air navigation safety objectives, including specific milestones and priorities to be addressed by State and regional aviation safety planners; • Provides a familiar planning framework to assist States and regions to make improvements in safety through the use of the 4 Safety Performance Enablers: • standardization • Collaboration • Resources • Safety information exchange SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  8. GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) The GASP sets out a continuous improvement strategy for States to implement core, and then more advanced Aviation Safety System: Near Term(by 2017) Implementation of an effective Safety Oversight System; Mid-Term (by 2022) Full implementation of the ICAO State Safety Program framework; Long term (by 2027) Advanced Safety Oversight system including Predictive Risk Management. SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  9. SSP Implementation Objectives States and regions must remain focused on: • establishing, • Updating, and • addressing their safety priorities as they continue to encourage expansion of their air transport sectors SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  10. SSP Implementation Action Plan • Regulations: Review existent regulations and amend as necessary, including recent ICAO provisions contained in Annex 19 (Develop and Issue Regulatory framework); • Guidance Material (Procedures & Check-lists regarding SMS implementation, auditing): Development of Procedures & Check-lists for the CAA inspectors to audit the operators SMS implementation (Develop and Issue model check-lists); • Training on Annex 19 & DOC 9859 (3 day training courses, planned in the 3 member States in 2014, with support of ICAO); • Audit of CAAs (Proactive oversight): In cooperation with ICAO experts, Conduct audits of the CAAs (Gap Analysis) regarding their present SSP status; • Workshop on SSP Action Plan implementation, 2 days workshop planned in May 2014; • Training on Advanced SMS Auditing: Advanced training of CAA inspectors on the auditing of operators regarding the SMS implementation. Planned in October 2014; • Collection/Analysis/Monitoring of safety data: Provide support to member States for the collection, Analysis and monitoring of safety data/Safety Reports. SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  11. SSP Implementation Key Milestones (Deliverables) • Revised Regulation ____ End 2014 • Guidance Material ____ End 2014 (Procedures/Check-Lists) • Gap Analysis ____ End 2015 (Auditing of States) • Workshops/Training ____ 2014 (recurrent) (Annex 19/SMM, SSP implementation, Advanced SMS Auditing) SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  12. SSP Implementation Challenges • Security issues; • Lack of commitment of some Administrations; • Political tensions; • Shortage of qualified personnel; • Lack of financial resources. SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

  13. SSP Implementation THANK YOU For your attention SSP Implementation _ Action Plan

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