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Manager Training Month Date , 2013

An educational initiative focusing on mental health, specifically depression, encouraging employees to seek help. Studies show a connection between mental health, productivity, and employee well-being. Train managers to recognize symptoms and provide support. Reduce stigma, share resources, and promote transparency. Launch date: [Month.Date], 2013.

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Manager Training Month Date , 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Manager Training Month Date, 2013

  2. An educational initiative that focuses on mental health (specifically depression) and encourages people who need help to seek it. Studies show that people want their employers to do more to help them improve their health and get the most from their employer-provided health and wellness plans. There is a connection between mental health and productivity.

  3. Embrace the initiative Recognize the symptoms Reduce the stigma Share the resources

  4. 25 percent of the working population suffers from a treatable mental illness. Only 15 percent of employers train managers to recognize mental health problems and help employees get treatment.

  5. Slowed thoughts and difficulty thinking • Lack of concentration • Forgetfulness and difficulty remembering • Trouble making decisions • Lack of interest in activities, low motivation • In MEN – irritability, anger; In WOMEN – tearfulness, upset • Feelings of sadness • Self-medication • Sleep disturbance, can’t get going in the a.m. 

  6. Poor quality work Procrastination, accidents on the job Indecisiveness, slowed productivity Presenteeism – “just showing up” Missed deadlines, absenteeism Poor relationships with co-workers, a boss, clients Low morale in the workplace Late to work

  7. Promote transparency and openness in discussions of mental health concerns • Encourage symptom management through early recognition • Support employees when they seek assistance • Share similar stories or experiences if you can • Reach out to HR and/or EAP for support on how to have these conversations “I’ve noticed you’ve been absent a lot lately. Is there anything you’d like to talk about? I’m worried about you.”

  8. People are less impaired at work if they have positive expectations and knowledge about the effectiveness of treatment. Remember, counseling and medication options are not the only solutions. Reinforce healthy lifestyle solutions to help manage symptoms: Exercise Nutrition Stress management Healthy sleep habits

  9. RightDirectionForMe.com Anonymous Assessment Tool Links and Resources National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK Company Intranet (if applicable) EAP Benefits Program

  10. Launch Date: [Month Date], 2013 • Posters • Intranet Content • Email • Team Meetings

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