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If You Fail to Plan … You Plan to Fail

If You Fail to Plan … You Plan to Fail Why bother? Gain new members and retain existing members. Increase the Club’s income revenue $. Assist with funding applications to Banks, Sponsors, Gaming Trust’s and other funders. Strong sustainable club’s and administration.

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If You Fail to Plan … You Plan to Fail

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Presentation Transcript

  1. If You Fail to Plan … You Plan to Fail

  2. Why bother? • Gain new members and retain existing members. • Increase the Club’s income revenue $. • Assist with funding applications to Banks, Sponsors, Gaming Trust’s and other funders. • Strong sustainable club’s and administration. • Executive continuity and succession planning. • Survival of the Club and our Sport, Achieve vision, mission, Goals and key Strategies. Communicate to members. • Dealing with local Council’s i.e. renewing lease. • Assist’s executive/board to make key decisions.

  3. The Big PictureKEYS TO FAILURE

  4. Statistics show over 90% of business failuresare because of poor financial management. Here are the primary financial killers: • Failure to plan properly. • Failure to monitor the financial position. • Failure to understand the relationship between price, volume and costs. (Break Even Analysis) • Failure to manage cash flow. • Failure to manage growth and decline. • Failure to borrow properly. • Failure to plan for transition and changing environment Financial survival and health are the result of continuous management and control applied according to a PLAN

  5. Stand and keep standing if your club has: • A CLUB PLAN covering the next 3-5 years • Decided for the coming year who is doing what by when …ie an Operations Plan • Up to date documented Job Descriptions • At least one BNZ qualified coach and umpire • Prioritised its major expenditure projects for the next 1-3 years • A Pay-for-Play social league for more than $5 per head • Backups for all key people • Sponsor management plans • Documented key processes • Considered relaxing the dress code • A link with a local school

  6. “For the first time in the history of the campaign we are surrounded on the East, West, North and South. We can now attack the enemy in all directions” General Creighton William Abrams Battle of the Bulge, WW II

  7. Your club is perfectly designed to get the results it is getting

  8. For Change to Occur: D x V x P > Cost • D = Dissatisfaction • V = Vision • P = Plan • Cost (either emotional or financial)

  9. If you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there

  10. Macro Overview • Page 3 … a club intro • Page 4 … this is us, changing, our commitment • Page 5 … snapshot … a reality check • Page 6 … where are we going and principles • Page 7/8 … what and how • Link to Operations Plan … who and when

  11. Operations Plan… who and by when

  12. “At the beginning there was much to do, but by planning and whittling away, the tasks became few.”

  13. Workshop ActivityClub Snapshots • Complete Page 3 … Initial Club Self- Assessment • Complete page 5 … SWOT

  14. Some Newbie’s • Pay for Play … at market rates • Dress Code … a link to recruitment • Bequests • Volunteer coordinators • Publicity Officer • Paid administrators/shared admin • Buddy system • Risk exposure … a lesson learned • Internet capability

  15. Next Steps • Write your Club name and Region on Club self assessment form and give it back to us • Take the rest of the CLUB PLAN handout back for your club executive to look at and review • Ring your Bowls NZ CDO to arrange a meeting to progress your CLUB PLAN … (First in) • Questions and Answers

  16. ABC Bowling ClubVision: ABC- the preferred sports club in the ABC community.

  17. Our vision: ABC Bowling Club the preferred sports club in the ABC Community

  18. Our vision: ABC Bowling Club the preferred sports club in the ABC Community

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