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How to fix Microsoft Word not responding?

Microsoft sometimes troubles its users by 'not responding to the device’s' error. If you are one of them, who faces the same issue on the Mac device, then you can figure it out and proceed towards the steps to resolve the error. Visit web. https://customer-help-number.com.au/microsoft-support-australia.html

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How to fix Microsoft Word not responding?

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  1. What To Do When Your Microsoft Software Is Not Responding On Your Mac Device?

  2. The Microsoft provides basic to professional applications to its users, so that they can showcase their work and creativity both at the same time. From MS Word to Adobe illustrator, it has the solution for all your needs, even you can share your work in your circle as it provides a free cloud storage and sharable application like One Drive, Skype and many more. In spite of this, Microsoft sometimes troubles its users by 'not responding to the device’s' error. If you are one of them, who faces the same issue on the Mac device, then you can figure it out and proceed towards the steps to resolve the error. Well, the reason behind this error may be miscellaneous. So without going in detail, let’s take a peek at the steps below:

  3. Steps to follow: • Run the repair Disk permissions • From the Go menu, select the Utilities and click to start the disk utility program. • Choose the main hard disk drive from your device and select the first aid tab. • At last, tap to repair Disk Permissions. • Remove Word Preferences:

  4. • Go to the library and select preference folder. • Look for a Microsoft. Word.plistfile name and drag it to the desktop. • After this open the Microsoft and check the error if it still persisting. • Repair and recover Word: • Go to the MS Word and place the cursor to the File, click on Open button. Alternatively, you can press the Ctrl+O key simultaneously.

  5. • In the open window select any document file you wish to open. • Click the down arrow on the open button and select Open then choose Repair tab. • After that, select the “Fix Microsoft Word Not Responding Mac” link. In case, you need any help from the well-experienced experts, don’t hesitate to contact us at Microsoft Technical Support 1-800-875-398 number Australia. Our well-educated executives are always at your service, so that you would not face any inconvenience to reach us.

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