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Evolving Geodesy: National Spatial Reference System & CORS Network

Geodesy, the science of Earth measurement, plays a crucial role in monitoring Earth's changes and ensuring accurate positions. The National Geodetic Survey defines the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), vital for diverse applications like climate change monitoring. Geodetic control forms the foundation for geospatial products, ensuring precise positioning. NGS continually evolves through programs like CORS and GRAV-D height modernization, enhancing accuracy in heights and orbits. Discover the importance of NGS initiatives like ECO and CMP for ecosystem resilience and coastal mapping. Watch NGS' video celebrating 200 years of geospatial advancements.

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Evolving Geodesy: National Spatial Reference System & CORS Network

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  1. geodesy.noaa.gov National Geodetic Survey 101

  2. What is geodesy? Geodesy is the science of measuring and monitoring the size and shape of the Earth. Why is geodesy important? The Earth is an irregular surface, difficult to model. Accurate positions are required for a wide variety of applications. (e.g. monitoring climate change impacts and sea level change)

  3. The Earth constantly changes. Monitoring position and height is important! Benchmark set at 0.2m (1980)

  4. NGS’ Mission To define, maintain and provide access to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) to meet our Nation’s economic, social, and environmental needs. ……………………………………………......................... The NSRSis a consistent coordinate system that defines latitude, longitude, height, scale, gravity, orientation, and shoreline throughout the United States.

  5. Accurate positions beginwith accurate coordinates! Geodetic control (NSRS) is the foundation for all geospatial products.Without a geodetic control “base map” layer, GIS applications will not work properly! Image Source: Unknown

  6. Inconsistent geospatial information results in inconsistent positions. Some GPS units provide 70 different datums! (Location of a flagpole in Riverside, California) INSERT GRAPHIC WITH BULLSEYE PROPERLY SIZED (Brian Shaw will look for an alternative graphic to use instead.)

  7. NGS and the NSRS continue to evolve! The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) has been around a long time! Our Nation’s first civilian science agency. 1807 Thomas Jefferson Survey of the Coast 1970 NOAA is established 1878 Ferdinand HasslerU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey The National Spatial Reference System continues to evolve with us. GPS GNSS Passive Control (Monuments) Active Control (CORS)

  8. Expansion of the National Spatial Reference System 1816 to 2006 Video available at: http://celebrating200years.noaa.gov/foundations/spatial/survey_network.html

  9. NGS Programs Modernizing the NSRS CORS GRAV-D Height Modernization OPUS ECO Coastal Mapping Emergency Response Imagery GPS Satellite Orbits NGS Products and Services VDatum Airport Surveys Geodetic Advisor Program

  10. Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/CORS/ • Enable accurate positing • Provide interface between land and ocean observing systems • CORS at tide stations: contribute to local and global sea-level rise calculations CORS data used to: • monitor and predict distribution of moisture and electrons in the atmosphere • produce ionosphere models of total electron content impacting GNSS-derived position accuracy 2014 CORS Network ~ 1900 Stations

  11. Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/OPUS// • Over 2.8 millions solutions processed since 2002 • Processed automatically on NGS computers • Solution via email in minutes Fast, easy, consistent access to NSRS

  12. GPS Satellite Orbits http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/orbits/ NGS is one of several Analysis Centers (AC) of the International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Service (IGS). The accuracy of a user-determined GPS position is directly related to the accuracy of the GPS orbit information used. Data from Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) and IGS stations are used to determine GPS satellite orbits, station positions, and Earth orientation.

  13. Height Modernization http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/heightmod/Regional.shtml Used to determine accurate heights using GPS/GNSS with traditional leveling, gravity, and modern remote sensing observations. • Dam, levee safety • Evacuation planning • Hazard mitigation • Flood-plain mapping • Subsidence monitoring • Determining high-water marks

  14. Evacuation Route Analysis Making evacuation routes safer for citizens to escape flood-prone areas

  15. Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/GRAV-D/ Project to collect gravity data to redefine the U.S. vertical datum by 2022 (at current funding levels) Target: 2-centimeter accuracy relative to sea level (orthometric heights) using GPS/GNSS and a geoid model. GRAV-D Status May 2014: 35%

  16. http://vdatum.noaa.gov/ VDatum Ellipsoidal Datums All elevation data are referenced to a vertical datum. Many different vertical datums are used around the Nation. For elevation data sets to be blended together, they must be referenced to the same vertical datum. VDATUM provides a solution! WGS 84, NAD 83 (NSRS) +17 others Orthometric Datums (MSL) NAVD 88, NGVD 29 Tidal Datums MHHW, MHW, MTL, DTL, LMSL, MLW, MLLW

  17. NGS Ecosystem and Climate Operations (ECO) http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/web/science_edu/ecosystems_climate/ NGS ECO uses precise positioning models, tools, and techniques for marsh restoration and to support communityresilience in response to climate change. NGS develops guidelines for collecting elevation data and monitoringrestoration projects. Courtesy USGS, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

  18. NGS’ Coastal Mapping Program (CMP) http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/RSD/cmp.shtml NGS produces the Nation’s shoreline to define territorial limits. Up-to-date shoreline: • is an integral component of NOAA Nautical Charts • supports wide range of coastal applications To survey the shoreline, NGS uses remote sensing technologies (imagery, lidar, radar, etc.) from various sources (aircraft, satellites) and continually assesses new technologies and workflows.

  19. Emergency Response Imagery http://storms.ngs.noaa.gov/eri_page/index.html To support NOAA national security and emergency response requirements, NGS collects high-resolution, geo-referenced imagery of the effects of disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes.

  20. Aeronautical Survey Program http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/AERO/aero.html NGS has a long-standing relationship with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to conduct airport surveys. These surveys are used to develop runway approach procedures and obstructions charts. Activities include: • Establish quality assurance/quality control standards forthird-party aeronautical survey data (primary function) • Developsurvey standards, guidelines, tools, and models to assist surveyors conducting aeronautical surveys • Provide positional, height, and orientation data to the FAA in support of the National Airspace System (NAS) and safe navigation

  21. NGS Geodetic Advisor Program http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/ADVISORS/ The NGS Geodetic Advisor Program currently provides either a NOAA employee (jointly funded by NOAA and the state) or a designated coordinator residing in the state. Geodetic advisors guide and assist the state’s geodetic and surveying programs. Advisor program is transitioningto a regional approach for more coverage but fewer advisors.

  22. NGS Provides the Geospatial Infrastructure Critical to Our Economy through the NSRS Aviation Satellite Operations Surveying and Mapping Precision Agriculture Trucking and Shipping Personal Navigation Disaster Response Oil Exploration Fishing and Boating Navigation CORS Survey Marks

  23. The NSRS Supports: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSRS positioning data provides the reference for NOAA’s nautical charts, among many other geospatial applications. Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA uses NSRS elevations to determine flood zones for the National Flood Insurance Program. United States Army Corps of Engineers USACE uses NSRS elevations to determine levee heights and positions in their Levee Safety Program. United States Geological Survey USGS uses the NSRS to geospatially reference their Topographic Maps and interior water data for the nation. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency NSRS gravity data contributes to NGA’s geospatial mission.

  24. Location, Location, and Elevation! NGS Positioning Products Worth Billions! http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/Socio-EconomicBenefitsofCORSandGRAV-D.pdf NSRS worth $2.4 billion per year, $22 billion over 15 years at a discounted rate. CORS worth $758 million per year; $6.9 billion over 15 years at a discounted rate. GRAV-D worth $522 million per year through implementation of a new national vertical datum; $4.8 billion over 15 years at a discounted rate, including $2.2 billion for improved floodplain management alone. One-page handout available at: http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/INFO/OnePagers/socio_eco_handout.pdf

  25. Coastal Mapping Program Benefits Total economic benefits estimated in excess of $200 million per year Combined direct and indirect return of $35 for every $1 in program cost CMP supports ~1500 jobs including 40 full-time jobs (CMP and contractors) http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/web/news/Big_Benefits_from_NGS_Coastal_Mapping.shtml

  26. The National Geodetic Survey Ten-Year Plan Support the users of the National Spatial Reference System. Modernize and improve the National Spatial Reference System. Expand the National Spatial Reference System stakeholder base through partnerships, education, and outreach. Develop and enable a workforce with a supportive environment. Improve organizational and administrative functionality. http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/web/news/Ten_Year_Plan_2013-2023.pdf

  27. New Datums Are Coming in 2022! • Both a new geometric and a new geopotential (vertical) datum will be released in 2022. • The realization of the new datums will be through GNSS receivers. • NGS will provide the tools to easily transform between the new and old datums.

  28. How will the new datums affect you? The new geometric datum will change latitude, longitude, and ellipsoid height by between 1 and 2 meters. The new vertical (geopotential) datum will change heights on average 50 cm (20''), with a 1-meter (39'') tilt towards the Pacific Northwest.

  29. What’s Next for Geodetic Datums? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsyDl_aqUTdFY6eKURmiCBBk-mP4R10Dx

  30. New Datums: What to do now • Move to newest realizations.NAD 83(2011) epoch 2010.00USGG12 (gravimetric geoid) / GEOID12A (hybrid geoid) • Obtain precise ellipsoid heights on NAVD 88 bench marks. (OPUS-DB, contact NGS Geodetic Advisor)Improves hybrid geoid models and provides “hard points” in new vertical datum.Follow new NGS Guidelines when released. • Move from NGVD 29 to NAVD 88.Understand the accuracy of VERTCON in your area. • Move away from passive marks to GNSS.Especially, move away from classical passive control. • Require/provide complete metadata for all mapping contracts.How did they get the positions/heights? Document it!

  31. New Datums: How can you prepare? Watch for upcoming NGS status updates via conferences, reports, webinars. Understand the impact of changing positions and heights for your community, company, or agency. We’re here to help! New Datums Webpage:http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/datums/newdatums/NewDatums.shtml NGS Info Center: ngs.InfoCenter@noaa.govFind a Geodetic Advisor:http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/ADVISORS/AdvisorsIndex.shtmlGeometric Datum Manager:Joe Evjen Joe.Evjen@noaa.govGeopotential Datum Manager:Dr. Dru Smith Dru.Smith@noaa.gov

  32. NGS Workshop, Conference, and Training Opportunities • Training Classes • Workshops and Conferences • NGS Online Learning Resources http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/web/science_edu/training/ NOS Online Learning Resources cover NGS programs and more. http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/multimedia/

  33. NGS Presentations Library http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/web/science_edu/presentations_library/

  34. Sign up for NGS Training Notifications http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/web/science_edu/training/

  35. Sign up for the NGS ListServe http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/

  36. Questions?

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