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Expansion.ppt. J. Jers ák, Technical Univ. Aachen Theoretical Physics Prague, April 2007. Expansion of space in contemporary cosmology. Geschichte des Universums aus einem Schulbuch in D. CMB. History of the expansion paradigm (I). Known since 1920´s

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  1. Expansion.ppt J. Jersák, Technical Univ. Aachen Theoretical Physics Prague, April 2007

  2. Expansion of spaceincontemporary cosmology

  3. Geschichte des Universumsaus einemSchulbuchin D CMB

  4. History of the expansion paradigm (I) • Known since 1920´s (after GR 1915) • Originaltheory of expansion based on general relativity (GR) De Sitter (Netherland), Friedmann (Russia), Lemaître(Belgium, L'Hypothèse de l'Atome Primitif), …

  5. Millikan, Lemaître, Einstein

  6. History of the expansion paradigm (II) • First observations in 1920´s: • Redshift ofclose Galaxies increases with their distance • Evidence ofthe expansion: Hubble (USA) • Since 1995: Observation of distant galaxies • Evidence of an accelerated expansion

  7. Understanding of the expansion • 1920-1990´s: „simple“ explanations of the expansion without GR (bomb-like explosion in a rigid space, using Newtonian mechanics or SR only, evoking Doppler-effect, assuming energy conservation, etc.) were wrong • Today:consequentely GR + dark energy both introduced into cosmology by Einstein

  8. Universe on cosmologicaltime-scales (Giga…) • 1 Gy = 1 000 000 000y = billion years • Solar system age 4,5 Gy • Our galaxy age ≈ 10 Gy • Universe since the big bang t0 = 14 Gy • Cosmic microwave background (CMB) origin 400 000 y= 0.000 4 Gy • Big bang t ≈ 0

  9. Universe on cosmologicallength-scales (Giga…) • 1 Gly = 1 000 000 000ly = 1 billion light years • Galaxies („dust particles“) 0,000 1 Gly • Galaxy clusters 0,001 Gly • Uniform mass distribution (no structures) from 1 Gly • Observables Universe (radius) 46 Gly

  10. Distribution of galaxies over the whole sky http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/jarrett/papers/LSS/

  11. Cosmic microwave background (CMB)averaged over all sky directionsT0 = 2.730+/-0.001° (COBE)T-fluctuations onlyvery fine0,000 02 °K (COBE and WMAP satellites) COBE 1989: Mather, Smoot, Nobel prize 2006

  12. Cosmic microwave background (CMB) From all sky directions atlower T-resolution:T0 = 2,7..°K W. Hu, http://background.uchicago.edu/%7ewhu/beginners/introduction.html

  13. On cosmological scales is theobservable Universe everywhere the same (uniform matter distribution)

  14. The observable Universe is equal everywhere and expands on all distance scales For an understanding of the expansion is the general theory of relativity (GR) .necessary [ Attention!!!...!!! The special theory of relativity (SR) ist . NOT applicable! ]

  15. SR, black holes, expansion, … properties of space in GR ∩ black holes … SR expan- sion

  16. Cosmic time t applicable in the whole observable Universe GR => no inertial system is required.(different from SR) Since the Univere is equal everywhere, it has also the same age everywhere • Cosmic aget Defined by the expansion as by a sandglass Today: t = t0 ( = 14 Gy)

  17. Cosmic („proper“) distance D(t) • All directions are egual • It suffices to consider the ± distanceD(t) between pairs of distant galaxies in arbitrary directions • Demo of1-dimGR-space: a rubber band

  18. APOD good approxi- mation: ≈

  19. The space expands, but remains locally always the same.Galaxies recede from each other,but they are at restin space and do not expand. t

  20. 2-dim model of expansionC.H.Lineweaver and T.M.Davis,Scientific American, March 2005 Read, please

  21. A curved 2-dim surface of an air balloon is a good model of thewhole Universe The observable part of the Universe is ≈ flat

  22. The distance between galaxies grows, since thespacebetween them expands t

  23. What is the expansion: • Expansion = stretching of the . space . Therefore galaxies recede from each other • Recession velocity v of the galaxies at rest is not a mechanicalmotion of the galaxies through the space!

  24. The Hubble law (in a modern form) Recession velocity v of galaxies is rigorously proportional to their distance D H(t) … Hubble expansion parameter measures the expansion velocity of the space

  25. Hubble distanceDH(t): H(t) D(t)= v = cDH(t) = c/H(t) For D(t) > DH(t) is v(t) > c !!!

  26. It is in no contradiction with SR • Expansion cannot transmit a signal • SR holds around any place . = locally (in any galaxy) • Locally,the light velocity is alwaysc • Locally, iscthe maximal velocity • At large distances (nonlocally),SR is not applicable

  27. Cosmological redshiftz t Wave- crest ≈

  28. The distance between wave crests of light increases t

  29. Cosmological redshift z • Expansion of the wave length λ of the light during ist travel to us through the expanding space • It has NOTHING to do with the motion of the source =>NOT the Doppler effect!

  30. Typical observed values ofz • First observations by Hubble 1929: D < 0,04 Gly z < 0.0003 • Galaxies at the Hubble distance D =DH= 14 Glyv = cz = 1.5 • Quasars up to z ≈ 6.4 • CMB source: v = 3cz = 1090

  31. Universe on cosmologicalvelocity scales c = 1Gly/Gy= 300 000 km/s Mechanical velocities through the space: • Earth around Sun 0,0001c • Typical motion of galaxies 0,003c Large recession velocities: • Galaxies with z > 1,5(> thousand observed!) > c • Source of CMB today (z = 1090) 3c • Source of CMB „then“ 50c

  32. Cosmic scale a(t) • Distances normalized with respect to the present ones • All length scales in cosmology are proportional to the cosmic scale a(t)determines the expansion at all distances simultaneously

  33. a(t) describes the expansion • a(t0) = 1 D(t0) today • a(t´) = 2 D(t´) = 2D(t0) • a(t´´) = 1/1000 D(t´´) = D(t0)/1000

  34. z-a(t) relation • t… time of emission (t < t0) • 1+z measures the expansion of space between t and t0 • Z> 0is an evidence of the expansion Rigorous:

  35. How fastdoes the Universe expand? • Hubble-law:v(t) = H(t) D(t) • H(t) large … fasterexpansion • H(t) small … slowerexpansion H(t) = ?<=>a(t) = ?

  36. Empirical properties of H(t): • H(t) is t-dependent • After the big bang decreased for ≈ 7 Gy H(t) ~1/t=>decelerated expansion • Since ≈ 7 Gy H(t)≈ const=>accelerated expansion • The present value („Hubble-constant“): . H(t0) = 70 km/s Mpc (1Mpc = 0.003 Gly) … and a THEORY ???

  37. Qualitative description of changes of the expansion velocity: Matter decelerates the expansion Einstein´s cosmological constantΛaccelerates the expansion

  38. A. Friedmann

  39. THEORY of space expansion • Equations of the Einstein´s general relativity . (Friedmann-Lemaître eqs. without the pressure term)

  40. Matter • Negative contribution to the acceleration • Decelerates the expansion • Ist density decreases during the Expansion:

  41. Cosmological constant Λ • Positivecontribution to the acceleration • Accelerates the expansion • Remains constant with t • The second greatest discovery by Einstein (next to GR)?

  42. Willem de Sitter

  43. De Sitter Universe • Universe without matter, only Λ • De Sitter 1917: Exponentially accelerated expansion

  44. Discovery during the last 10 years: • Supernovae observations => The expansion accelerates! Some accelerating term like Λ is required

  45. The cause of the acceleration? • New constant of Nature = cosmological constantΛà la Einstein? • Quintessence?A new scalar field≈Λ(t)? Suggested first by Ch. Wetterich (Heidelberg) • Energy of the vacuum (quantum effect)? To be expected, but theoreticians cannot calculate ist value

  46. Ch. Wetterich Quintessence ! Fire , air, water, earth! Standard-model of the antic Greeks

  47. Constant of NatureΛ,Quintessence, Vacuum energy,???Cosmologists need something like that: „DARK ENERGY“ Nobody knows, whatit is, since it is transparent (unobservable)! - A completely new (dark) category?

  48. Energy in contemporary observable Universe • 73±% dark energy dominates • 4% known matter ≈ atoms (stars, H-gas, . ourselves) • 23±% unknown matter („dark matter“) • Matter slows down, dark energy speeds up the expansion WMAP

  49. History of the Universe CMB

  50. Future of the Universe? NASA

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