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Jeopardy!. Round Two. Years-100. Jamestown was settled in this year and in this state. What is 1607? What is Virginia?. BACK. Years-200. The Civil War was fought in these years and began with the shots fired at this Fort. What is 1861 to 1865? What is Ft. Sumter. BACK. Years-300.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy! Round Two

  2. Years-100 Jamestown was settled in this year and in this state. What is 1607? What is Virginia? BACK

  3. Years-200 The Civil War was fought in these years and began with the shots fired at this Fort. What is 1861 to 1865? What is Ft. Sumter BACK

  4. Years-300 This was the year the colonies declared independence from Great Britain when they wrote this document. What is 1776? What is the Declaration of Independence? BACK

  5. Years-400 The Louisiana Purchase was made in this year when they purchased the land from this country. What is 1803? What is France? BACK

  6. Years-500 This is the year the Constitution was written with this man considered the “Father of the Constitution”. What is 1787? Who is James Madison? BACK

  7. Presidents-100 This president issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves in these states Who is Abraham Lincoln? What are the states in rebellion or the Confederacy? BACK

  8. Presidents-200 This president set many precedents for future presidents. These are 2 of the precendents. Who is George Washington? What is title Mr. President, 2 term presidency, cabinet, oath with “so help me God? BACK

  9. Presidents-300 This president protected Latin America, by issuing this document? Who is James Monroe? What is the Monroe Doctrine? BACK

  10. Presidents-400 This president was in office during the War of 1812 and this is the country that we fought against in that war? Who is James Madison? Who is England? BACK

  11. Presidents-500 This president was a supporter of states’ rights and a member of this early political party. Who is Thomas Jefferson? What is the Democratic-Republican Party BACK

  12. American Revolution-100 The quote “Give me liberty or give me death” showed this man’s passion for freedom from English oppression. Who is Patrick Henry? BACK

  13. American Revolution-200 This man was the author of Common Sense encouraging the patriots to break free of British rule. Who is Thomas Paine? BACK

  14. American Revolution-300 This man was one of the founders of the Sons of Liberty and one of the patriots involved in both the Committees Of Correspondence and the Boston Tea Party. Who is Sam Adams? BACK

  15. American Revolution-400 This person was a naval hero in the American Revolution that said, “I have not yet begun to fight.” Who is John Paul Jones? BACK

  16. American Revolution-500 This famous French general helped the Americans at the this final battle of the Revolution. Who is Marquis de LaFayette? What is the Battle of Yorktown? BACK

  17. Constitution-100 These 3 branches of government show separation of powers. What are executive, legislative, and judicial branches? BACK

  18. Constitution-200 The presidential veto is an example of this constitutional principle. What is checks and balances? BACK

  19. Constitution-300 This is the city in which the Constitution was written. What is Philadelphia? BACK

  20. Constitution-400 This term describes a government in which people have the final authority in political decisions. What is popular sovereignty? BACK

  21. Constitution-500 This term describes a type of government in which the power is divided between national and state governments. What is federalism? BACK

  22. Court Cases-100 In this court case, a slave fought for his freedom and defined slaves as this. What is Dred Scott v. Sanford? What is Property? BACK

  23. Court Cases-200 This court case established the power of judicial review which gave the Supreme Court this power. What is Marbury v. Madison? What is the power to declare a law unconstitutional? BACK

  24. Court Cases-300 This court case established the power of the national government over the states with the decision over who controlled the National Bank in a state. What is McCulloch v. Maryland? BACK

  25. Court Cases-400 This Chief Justice of the Supreme Court gave more power to the judicial branch with the power of judicial review. Who is John Marshall? BACK

  26. Court Cases-500 This court case established the national government’s power to regulate commerce. What is Gibbons v. Ogden? BACK

  27. Colonial Leaders-100 This leader established Pennsylvania and was established originally as a haven for this religious group. Who is William Penn? What were the Quakers? BACK

  28. Colonial Leaders-200 This person saved Jamestown with his strict military rule and then this man introduced tobacco which allowed them to make a living. Who is John Smith? Who is John Rolfe? BACK

  29. Colonial Leaders-300 This man defended the British soldiers at the Boston Massacre, became President and later, his wife said “Remember the Ladies”. Who are John Adams and Abigail Adams? BACK

  30. Colonial Leaders-400 This person created the Albany Plan of Union, suggesting unity, before this war? Who is Benjamin Franklin? What is the French and Indian War? BACK

  31. Colonial Leaders-500 This man’s pamphlet encouraged the colonies to break free from Great Britain. Who is Thomas Paine? BACK

  32. Jeopardy!

  33. Reform Movements-100 Quakers, Harriet Tubman, William Lloyd Garrison, and Frederick Douglass were all early reformers in this movement. What is the abolitionist movement? BACK

  34. Reform Movements-200 This woman advocated for women’s rights and helped to organize the Seneca Falls convention. Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton? BACK

  35. Reform Movements-300 As a transcendentalist, he wrote Walden Pond and Civil Disobedience, suggesting people be self-reliant and follow their own conscience. Who is Henry David Thoreau? BACK

  36. Reform Movements-400 This religious movement led to the more reform movements because it preached social responsibility as the path to salvation. What is the Second Great Awakening? BACK

  37. Reform Movements-500 People joined this reform movement because they thought alcohol contributed to poverty and crime. What is the temperance movement? BACK

  38. Civil War-100 This person was the president of the Confederacy. Who is Jefferson Davis? BACK

  39. Civil War-200 This freed the slaves in the Confederacy. What is the Emancipation Proclamation? BACK

  40. Civil War-300 This person left the U.S. Army to join the Confederate army to be the commander. Who is Robert E. Lee? BACK

  41. Civil War-400 This speech was delivered at the dedication of the national cemetery. What is the Gettysburg Address? BACK

  42. Civil War-500 This person became Northern commander during the Civil War and later became the 18th president. Who is Ulysses Grant? BACK

  43. Amendments-100 These amendments delayed ratification of the Constitution until they were added in 1791. What are amendments 1-10? What is the Bill of Rights? BACK

  44. Amendments-200 This amendment gives all Americans the right to bear arms. What is the 2nd amendment? BACK

  45. Amendments-300 This amendment freed all slaves. What is the 13th amendment? BACK

  46. Amendments-400 The 15th amendment offered suffrage to this group of Americans. What are African American males? BACK

  47. Amendments-500 This amendment defines citizenship. What is the 14th amendment? BACK

  48. The Age of Jackson-100 This act forced many Native Americans to leave their homes and re-settle in the Indian Territory. What is the Indian Removal Act? BACK

  49. The Age of Jackson-200 This refers to Jackson’s action of giving political offices to political backers. What is the spoils system? BACK

  50. The Age of Jackson-300 This man, from Massachusetts debated for the preservation of the Union and against nullification against Robert Hayne. Who is Daniel Webster? BACK

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