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    1. Region 43 (Washington) & Region 35 (Oregon) 700 MHz Regional Planning Committees and 800 MHz Regional Planning Committees August 31, 2005 – 1000 to 1630 Portland Emergency Communications Center 3732 S.E. 99th Avenue, Portland, Oregon www.region43.org or www.region35.org Conference Call Not Available for This Meeting Please get signed up on the attendee rosters There are separate rosters for Region 35 and Region 43

    2. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 2

    3. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 3 Washington SIEC Activities The SIEC website has been redesigned and relocated http://isb.wa.gov/committees/siec/index.aspx The System Architecture Report was approved by the SIEC at their August 15th meeting. Work is now underway to finalize the Technical Implementation Plan for completion in September. The State is also moving forward with the hiring of staff for the spectrum management function

    4. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 4 SIEC Statewide Interoperable Radio System Planning Deliverables to Date High-Level Final Statewide Public Safety Communications Interoperability Plan, December 2004 Statewide Interoperable Public Safety Radio Network – Request for Information, January 2005. Inventory of Public Safety Communications Systems Phase 2 Report, February 2005 System Capabilities and User Needs Report, March 2005. Alternatives Report, May 2005 System Architecture Report, August 2005 Technical Implementation Plan – In progress, September 2005

    5. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 5 NPSTC Org Update

    6. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 6 Information from APCO National At the APCO conference in Denver last week, the annual FCC Panel discussion yielded a few tidbits of information in the 700 MHz band. Will the 700 plan review and approval process move faster as we move along? The standard set was 120 days, they are doing everything they can to meet this, also trying to move it more quickly if possible Side note…..the Region 19 (New England) Plan was approved two days ago (August 29th)….it was submitted on March 25th so it took about 150 days for that one Any insights on the potential for some of the upper 700 band for broadband uses? The FCC’s report to Congress is due on December 17th and they plan on meeting that date. They are coordinating their work with NTIA as well as integrating lots of comments they’ve received Any prospect for the Guard Band turnback from Nextel ending up as available for public safety? They remind us that it isn’t nationwide spectrum, only 40-some markets Might be OK for PS, maybe critical infrastructure

    7. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 7 Region 43 700 MHz Plan Status Update The SIEC Advisory Working Group reviewed the proposed edits to the Interoperability section at their August 10th meeting and recommended approval to the SIEC The SIEC reviewed the proposed edits at their August 15th meeting and approved them. Now securing the final complete paperwork (Concurrence Letter and Inter-Regional Dispute Resolution Agreement) with Region 35 Plan will be submitted to the FCC as soon as this is completed If they stick to the 120 review and approval period, the Plan should be approved before the end of the year

    8. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 8 Region 43 4.9 GHz Plan Status Update The final version of the Plan has been posted to the web site and will be submitted to the FCC at the same time the 700 MHz Plan is submitted A presentation given by M/A-COM at the APCO conference in Denver has been posted to the web site http://www.region43.org/docs/vp/MA-COM-APCO-Presentation4.9GHz.pdf

    9. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 9 Region 35 Agenda Approval of Minutes for May 2005 Old Business Sub-committee By-laws update General information updates Accessing frequency allocation through CAPRAD State frequencies available without Regional Plan complete New Business Permission for the City of Portland to outsource Region 35 700 MHz Plan Recommendation for 4.9 GHz RPC plan

    10. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 10 Additional 700 MHz or 4.9 GHz Issues of Mutual Interest None

    11. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 11 Break Since the 700 MHz meetings concluded early (1115) we took a 15 minute break and convened the 800 Mhz meetings at 1130

    12. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 12 Agenda for Today’s 800 MHz Meetings Introductions Region 43 Approval of Minutes of July 27, 2005 General information updates WSDOT ICALL Applications Interim 800 MHz Plan Amendments Plan Amendment Draft Editing Region 35 Approval of Minutes for May 2005 Old Business Clackamas Phase 2 Frequencies Dispute resolution for Region 12 800 MHz Plan WSDOT frequency review (new frequency?) New Business Joe Kuran to present example of Pre Planning Fund Request Update on Regional Plan Issues of Mutual Interest Information sharing on rebanding experiences in Region 35 Standardizing interoperability channels, National, Oregon, Washington aliases Status of Wave 1 800 MHz Rebanding in Region 35 (Oregon)

    13. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 13 Information from APCO National At the APCO conference in Denver last week, the annual FCC Panel discussion yielded a few tidbits of information in the 800 MHz rebanding process. General impression at the FCC is that things are moving along fine, we need to recognize that this is complex, and the petitions and appeals can still impact things, but rebanding is underway The FCC is in routine communications with the TA and Nextel to track progress They certainly welcome comments from all of us on how things are going One thing that all parties will be held to is the basis of good faith bargaining Lots of debate on what the ‘standard’ is for what are reasonable costs The facts will really drive the issue, there will certainly be some comparison to costs presented by others, but if your fact pattern is solid your cost proposals will be more defensible Wave 4 licensees are very interested in the status of the Canadian and Mexican negotiations The State Department has the lead but FCC working closely with them, impression is negotiations will get done in time They note that all past issues of spectrum allocation in border areas have been successfully resolved, no reason to suspect this will be any different Update on the petitions APCO’s petition on freeze issues and frequency coordination - Can’t say when these will be addressed, but they are working on them, and will likely be dealt with along with other petitions Expansion band access and administration Currently set as a first-come-first-serve process, what about some RPC role so there is some rationalization to the allocation of the spectrum based on need Wilhelm noted that they are thinking about it, but also recognize that this spectrum has different constraints, and they have some question about whether the RPCs will be able to handle this if the responsibility given to them. Willing to get further Ex Parte comments from us

    14. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 14 Some General Re-banding information from recent APCO meetings with the Transition Authority The Transition Administrator’s web site continues to grow and more and more information is available there http://www.800ta.org/default.asp The TA strongly encourages everyone to spend some time at the site and get familiar with the material it contains The TA is also offering a series of webinars to assist licensees in the process The TA wants people to submit their POC forms, regardless of which Wave they are in…..they want to be sure they’ve got accurate contact information for everyone responsible for systems and radios. If people are having any difficulty getting planning requests approved through Nextel, they need to get the TA involved. Preferably, any written communications with Nextel should be copied to the TA so they can track how things are going

    17. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 17 Washington State Homeland Security Region IV Interoperability Project – Status Update

    18. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 18 Status of WSDOT Applications Region 35 had objection to one channel on one site due to it being a statewide channel in the Region 35 plan, and WSDOT has been requested to seek a different channel. The text from the memo to WSDOT…. Klickitat (Klickitat County) – Channel 758 is already approved in the Plan for statewide use by WSDOT, so this is approved administratively for full licensing. Channel 829 is approved for STA filing and we have concurrence from Region 35. Channel 784 was objected to by Region 35 since channel 783 is assigned in the Region 35 Plan as a regionwide channel. While they acknowledge that there is currently no equipment operating in this area, they request that an alternate channel be identified instead of using 784. WSDOT has not yet proposed a replacement for 784

    19. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 19 WSDOT ICALL Applications WSDOT has implemented a single ICALL station on Mt. Spokane which is monitored by WSDOT Spokane They are proposing to implement 10 additional stations as follows:

    32. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 32 Region 43 Plan Amendments The two interim Plan amendments (allowing monthly filing of applications to aid in pre-rebanding license cleanup and eliminating the zone concept) will be filed with the FCC this week The Plan Revision Draft #1 has been posted to the web site and will serve as the basis for further editing at the September meeting

    33. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 33 Region 35 Agenda Approval of Minutes for May 2005 Old Business Clackamas Phase 2 Frequencies Dispute resolution for Region 12 800 MHz Plan WSDOT frequency review (new frequency?) New Business Joe Kuran to present example of Pre Planning Fund Request Update Regional Plan?

    34. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 34 800 MHz Issues of Mutual Interest Information sharing on rebanding experiences in Region 35 Standardizing interoperability channels, National, Oregon, Washington aliases

    35. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 35 Current Interop Channel Names in Region 43 Plan FCC mandated frequencies to be used as Mutual Aid channels are listed below: CHAN # FREQUENCY DESIGNATION . 601 821/866.0125 Mhz National Calling Channel ICALL 639 821/866.5125 Mhz National Working Channel ITAC-1 677 822/867.0125 Mhz National Working Channel ITAC-2 715 822/867.5125 Mhz National Working Channel ITAC-3 753 823/868.0125 Mhz National Working Channel ITAC-4 Note….these channel names are consistent with the NCC recommendation to the FCC Statewide mutual aid tactical channels and recommended service are listed below: CHAN # FREQUENCY DESIGNATION . 716 822/867.5375 Mhz Tactical, Fire/EMS STATEOPS-1 718 822/867.5625 Mhz Tactical, Law Enforcement STATEOPS-2 720 822/867.5875 Mhz Tactical, Local Gov't, Others STATEOPS-3 722 822/867.6125 Mhz Tactical, Fire/EMS STATEOPS-4 724 822/867.6375 Mhz Tactical, Law Enforcement STATEOPS-5

    36. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 36 Future Meetings September 28th – Yakima Probation Services, Yakima October 26th – Joint issues in the Tacoma/Olympia area, location TBD November 30th – Eastside, location TBD December 28th – The Chair proposes we skip meeting in December

    37. August 31, 2005 Joint Meeting of Region 43 & 35 Regional Planning Committees 37 Next Region 43 Meeting

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