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JEOPARDY Geography Explorers Colonial Life American Revolution Creating A New Nation The Nation Expands Play Double Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500

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  2. Geography Explorers Colonial Life American Revolution Creating A New Nation The Nation Expands Play Double Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  3. GEOGRAPHY$100The name given to the ocean located along the eastern coast of North America. Atlantic

  4. GEOGRAPHY$200Because it could be used to move west toward the Mississippi River it was known as “The Gateway to the West.” Ohio River

  5. GEOGRAPHY$300In order to travel to Mexico and other parts of America, this is the body of water you would probably choose for entering North America. Gulf of Mexico

  6. GEOGRAPHY$400The Pueblo, not the Inuit, would be found to live in this geographical region. Basin and Range

  7. GEOGRAPHY$500Traveling up the Mississippi River for France, LaSalle found this region to be great for his trading posts. Interior Lowlands

  8. EXPLORERS $100He explored Quebec for France. Samuel de Champlain

  9. EXPLORERS $200Francisco Coronado took the Pueblo as slaves, but it was this that caused most of the Native Americans to die, not abuse from the Spanish. European Disease

  10. EXPLORERS $300It was Samuel De Champlain that established this settlement for France, not John Cabot. Quebec

  11. EXPLORERS $400These three countries made discoveries throughout North America. England, France, Spain

  12. EXPLORERS $500The Spanish were in search of gold, but the French found that when you traded this it was worth its weight in gold. Furs

  13. COLONIAL LIFE$100The “Lost Colony” was last seen at this settlement. Roanoke Island

  14. COLONIAL LIFE$200Religious reformers had to endure harsh winters because they established their settlements in this colonial region. New England

  15. COLONIAL LIFE$300If you had settled in Georgia, you would have been coming from this type of establishment in England. Debtor's Prison

  16. COLONIAL LIFE$400Indentured servants can be found doing the labor in any of the colonial regions, but slaves were seen strictly in this colonial region. Southern

  17. COLONIAL LIFE$500One of the reasons for the American Revolution was taxation without representation. Without the taxes, then the King could not afford to pay for this event that took place between 1754 and 1763. French and Indian War

  18. AMERICAN REVOLUTION $100Thomas Jefferson may have been the one to write it, but it was the voice of every American colonist when declaring their separation from England. Declaration of Independence

  19. AMERICAN REVOLUTION $200Prior to this event the cause for independence seemed to be a lost cause. Battle of Saratoga

  20. AMERICAN REVOLUTION $300As an African American that once was a slave, she used her personal experience in her poetry in order to inspire independence throughout the colonies. Phyllis Wheatley

  21. AMERICAN REVOLUTION $400This tax, led the colonists to “Act” out in the harbor. Boston Tea Party

  22. AMERICAON REVOLUTION $500The colonies could not have surrounded Yorktown, forcing Cornwallis to surrender, if this country’s navy had not blockaded the York River. France

  23. CREATING A NEW NATION$100This president was known for warning European nations to not interfere with the western hemisphere. James Monroe

  24. CREATING A NEW NATION$200The Bill of Rights were written in order to allow for everyone to have these. Individual Rights

  25. CREATING A NEW NATION$300He was not only a President of the United States, but he wrote the Bill of Rights into the U.S. Constitution. James Madison

  26. CREATING A NEW NATION$400It was the only branch of government provided by the Articles of Confederation. Legislative

  27. CREATING A NEW NATION$500This new type of government divides power between the national and state governments. Federalism

  28. THE NATION EXPANDS$100These two explorers were sent to make discoveries west of the Mississippi River in the Louisian Purchase. Lewis and Clark

  29. THE NATION EXPANDS$200We will “remember” this Spanish mission found in the heart of Texas. Alamo

  30. THE NATION EXPANDS$300This smart investment doubled the size of the United States in 1803. Louisiana Purchase

  31. THE NATION EXPANDS$400McCormick can be found on the spice isle in the grocery store . But it was the invention of this that he is best known for. Mechanical Reaper

  32. THE NATION EXPANDS$500If gold is what I am looking for, I would move to this new territory and try my luck at panning. California

  33. Double JEOPARDY

  34. First Americans Geographical Regions Vocabulary Documents Presidents Potpourri Play Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

  35. FIRST AMERICANS$200You might want to bring a tool to cut the ice in order for you to start fishing for your dinner if you were a part of this Native American tribe. Inuit

  36. FIRST AMERICANS$400If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that I saw this Native American tribe wearing tree bark and plants for clothes. Kwakiutl

  37. FIRST AMERICANS$600I would hate to be a historian for the Kwakiutl tribe. It would be impossible for me to carry around this form for recording their family history. Totem Poles

  38. FIRST AMERICANS$800This Native American tribe would have been the one to teach new farming techniques to the English, given where they lived in North America. Iroquois

  39. FIRST AMERICANS$1000It is safe to say that this Native American tribe’s environment was exactly opposite of the Inuit’s environment. Pueblo

  40. GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $200The Ohio River, Mississippi River, and Missouri River all meet up in this geographical region. Interior Lowland

  41. GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $400If it wasn’t for the 135 degree heat in places like Death Valley, this geographical region would be a great vacation spot. Basin and Range

  42. GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $600Because of weathering, this geographical region is said to be the oldest mountain range in North America. Appalachian Highlands

  43. GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $800This vast region is where the nomadic Souix traveled following the herds of buffalo. Great Plains

  44. GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $1000Just because it is shaped like a horseshoe does not mean it is lucky for all the Canadians that live there. Canadian Shield

  45. VOCABULARY$200The belief that one’s country to supreme. Superiority

  46. VOCABULARY$400Trade, Gold, and Natural Resources Economics

  47. VOCABULARY $600Law-making body Legislatures

  48. VOCABULARY $800Rights that can not be taken away. Unalienable

  49. VOCABULARY $1000Having enough (ie. Supplies) Adequate

  50. DOCUMENTS $200Was approved on July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence

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