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South Carolina Education and Economic Development Act of 2005 . South Carolina Education and Economic Development Act EEDA. Comprehensive. Comprehensive reform-focused legislation that addresses workforce development through student-centered education reform
South Carolina Education and Economic Development ActEEDA Comprehensive • Comprehensive reform-focused legislation that addresses workforce development through student-centered education reform • Establishes a framework for a collaborative effort among students, parents, educators, business partners, and communities to take an active role in providing the best educational opportunities possible for all SC public school students
Goal of EEDA All of South Carolina’s students will complete high school fully prepared for successful employment, further training, or postsecondary study.
Components of the EEDA • Help students connect education to careers of their choice • Increase the number of guidance counselors and career specialists to achieve a 300:1 student to guidance personnel ratio • Establish clusters of study and Individual Graduation Plans (IGPs) for students • Provide for parental review and approval of IGP with student and counselor • Identify at-risk students and provide programs to increase graduation rate
Components of the EEDA • Align requirements for high school graduation with college entrance • Establish articulation agreements making K-16 education seamless • Create dual-enrollment agreements for high school and college coursework • Create Regional Centers to connect students, educators, employers, and the community • Create a Coordinating Council to oversee implementation of EEDA
EEDA Definitions and Performance Standards for Teachers, Administrators, and School Counselors
EEDA 1. Definition: • Career Guidance is a developmental process by which students become aware of the interrelationship among interests, abilities, school, work, family, and life roles in relation to academic and career planning.
EEDA1. Performance Standard: • Teacher candidates will explain the career guidance process.
Career Guidance Process • Lifelong learning process of career development • Empower students to make a successful transition from school to the world of work, from job to job, across their life span, and to be productive citizens • Collaborative effort of guidance staff, teachers, parents, other family members, and community partners
Career Guidance Process • SC Career Guidance Model mission is to improve students’ knowledge of careers while adhering to the standards and competencies set forth in the South Carolina Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program Model.
SC Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Model • Student standards and competencies are addressed in the model and may be accessed at: http://ed.sc.gov/agency/Innovation-and-Support/Youth-Services/Guidance/Index.html • Career guidance lesson plans and activities are available at: http://ed.sc.gov/agency/Standards-and-Learning/Career-and-Technology-Education/SouthCarolinaCareerGuidanceModel.html
EEDA2. Definition: • The curriculum framework for career clusters of study is an organizational model that integrates career preparation components with academic coursework, providing the foundation for the development of the Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). The IGP, organized around career clusters and majors, is an educational plan aligned with students’ interests, aspirations, and experiences.
EEDA2. Performance Standard: • Teacher candidates will explain the curriculum framework for the career clusters of study concept and its relevance to the Individual Graduation Plan (IGP).
Curriculum Framework Design • Schools of study (optional) • Clusters of study • Majors for each cluster of study • Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) • Recommended Curriculum for an IGP • Template for the IGP for each major
Cluster of Study • Means of organizing instruction and student experiences around broad categories that encompass virtually all occupations • Provide a way to organize and tailor course work and learning experiences around areas of interest • Designed to provide a seamless transition from high school study to postsecondary study and/or the workforce
South Carolina’s Sixteen Career Clusters Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Business, Management, and Administration Education and Training Finance Government and Public Administration Health Science Hospitality and Tourism Human Services Information Technology Manufacturing Marketing, Sales, and Service Public Safety and Security Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Majors • A career cluster may have several majors. • A major consists of the completion of at least four required units of study in that area as well as complementary electives. • Students are urged to take the most challenging course work.
Individual Graduation Plan • Consists of state high school graduation requirements and/or college entrance requirements • Includes course recommendations for successful completion of a major • Includes course recommendations to help with successful transition to postsecondary education and the workforce • Offers flexibility so that plan may be updated if students interests change
2009-2010IGP Conference Requirements IGP conferences are required for 8th – 11th grade students IGP conferences must be led by a certified guidance counselor. 10th grade students must select a major. 12th grade IGPs at school/district’s discretion.
EEDA3. Definition: • The elements of the Career Guidance Model are awareness, exploration, and preparation.
EEDA3. Performance Standard: • At their appropriate level of instruction, teacher candidates will explain the use of the career guidance standards and competencies as specified in the South Carolina Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program model.
SC Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Model Career Development Learning to Work Student Standards • Students will understand the relationships among personal qualities, education and training, and the world of work. • Students will demonstrate decision-making, goal-setting, problem-solving, and communication skills. • Students will explore careers and the connection of school to work. • Students will demonstrate a positive attitude toward work and the ability to work together. • Students will understand how community awareness relates to work.
Career Guidance ProcessStep One – Career Awareness • Career awareness begins in the home and community. • Parents and extended family members enhance and influence children’s knowledge and awareness of careers. • American School Counselor Association cites the elementary school years as a time period for children to develop awareness of self and careers. • Career awareness activities allow children to assimilate information about themselves and the world of work into their thinking.
Career Guidance ProcessStep Two – Career Exploration • Exploration focuses on the rapidly changing needs of young adolescents. • Counseling and career awareness programs on clusters of study are provided to students. • Assessments are used to help students determine interests and abilities. • Students develop an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) and identify a preferred cluster of study.
Free Assessments The SCDE funds the following assessments for all schools. EXPLORE Kuder PLAN SCOIS Districts/schools may use one or all of these assessments based on their student population.
Career Guidance ProcessStep Three – Career Preparation • Students develop realistic and fulfilling life plans based on clear understandings of themselves and their needs, interests, and skills. • The IGP is reviewed and updated annually in accordance with students’ post-graduation educational and occupational goals. • Students experience a variety of professional opportunities through job shadowing, apprenticeships, or internships. • Students are assisted to develop competence in decision-making, career planning, working with others, and taking responsibility for their own behavior.
EEDA4. Definition: • Character education encompasses the identification, understanding, and performance of core values that enhance citizenship, relationships, and quality of life.
EEDA4. Performance Standard: • Teacher candidates will identify instructional strategies that promote core values in the school community.
EEDA5. Definition: • Contextual teaching is a concept that refers to methodologies used by teachers that focus on concrete, hands-on instruction and content presentation with an emphasis on real-world application and problem solving.
EEDA5. Performance Standard: • Teacher candidates will useconcrete, hands-on instruction and content presentation with an emphasis on real-world application and problem solving.
EEDA6. Definition: • Cooperative learning is an instructional technique where students interact collaboratively to complete a task.
EEDA6. Performance Standard: • Teacher candidates will implement learning strategies that promote cooperation.
EEDA7. Definition: • Learning styles is a concept that refers to methodologies intended to accommodate diversity in student learning.
EEDA7. Performance Standard: • Teacher candidates will implementstrategies to accommodate the needs of diverse learners.
EEDA Collaborative efforts of all are required to accomplish the goal that all of South Carolina’s students will complete high school fully prepared for successful employment, further training, or postsecondary study. Credits: S.C. Department of Education and Lexington County School District One