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<br><br>User Testing is one of the forms of software testing that recently has become important for todays businessu2019 product success. This is a unique method of software testing that involves a process that is used in the design process and particularly user testing is done by a group of humans who evaluate a software application or product or prototype.<br><br>https://www.testingxperts.com/blog/user-testing
BestUser Testing Apps 2020-2021 CLEARLY STATE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE TEST 0 0 TEST EARLY 1 2 Bytestingearlyitbecomes moreeasyandconvenientto implementthechangesas perthefeedbackreceived fromtheend-user. Clearlydefineandstate theobjectiveofthetest. Uncleargoalsactasahurdle inachievingthedesired result. DO NOT ASK CLOSE-ENDED QUESTIONS DON’T BE BIASED 0 0 3 4 Makesurethatyouask minimumpossibleclose- endedquestions (YES/NO) as theyhavealimitedscopeof explanation. Makesurethatyougive fullauthoritytothepeople whoaregoingtotestyour product. TEST WITH REAL USERS GO SLOW AND STEADY 0 0 5 6 Findingtherightsetof peoplewhowillactuallyuse yourproductandare unbiasedtooisvery difficult. Makesurethatyoufocuson majorthingsfirst.Don’tbein ahurrytosolveeverythingat once. THANK YOU