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Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection. Implementation of SEVESO II Directive in Greece . Artemis Galani Chemical Engineer, PhD Vice Head of Technological & Other Disasters Planning, Prevention & Response Section Emergency Planning and Response Directorate
Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection Implementation of SEVESO II Directive in Greece Artemis Galani Chemical Engineer, PhD Vice Head of Technological & Other Disasters Planning, Prevention & Response Section Emergency Planning and Response Directorate General Secretariat for Civil Protection Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection Study Tour of the Team of the Project “ Law enforcement in the field of industrial pollution control prevention of chemical accidents and establishing the EMAS system EuropeAid/131555/C/SER/RS” in Serbia, Athens, 19-23 May, 2014
Civil Protection in GreeceCivil Protection Aim(Law 3013/2002/Article 1) “The protection of citizens life, health and property from natural, technological or other kind of disasters (including chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents) during peace time”
MINISTERIAL DECISION 1299/2003: National Emergency Plan “Xenokrates”, which provides the general guidelines of emergency planning in Greece
GSCP and major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances General Secretariat for Civil Protection has issued: • General Emergency Plan (Major Industrial Accidents Prevention Plan (General SATAME, 1st edition, June 2009) • Coordinating instructions on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances (2nd updated edition, March 2014)
Possible Consequences of Accidents per Accident Category Accidents in Establishments where Dangerous Substances are present Top event Initial event Consequences Fire Fire Fire Thermal Radiation Hazardous substance release Explosion Overpressure Leakage of dangerous substances Toxic Dispersion Interaction between the consequences: i.e. toxic or flammable gas dispersion Flash fire or CVCE/UVCE
Threshold Values of Effects/emergency zones according to the Technical Memorandum of the National Technical University of Athens/Greece
(Government gazette B’ 376/19.03.2007) Legal Framework in Greece Joint Ministerial Decision 12044/613/19.03.2007: Measures and terms for the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances Regards the incorporation into national law of the EU SEVESO II Directive 96/82/EC as it was amended by the Directive 2003/105/EC
SEVESO establishments in Greece 275 SEVESO sites 42 non operating sites
Major industrial accident administration Administration steps Prevention Response Restoration Data collection- Planning Implementation of plans Environment- Aid in stricken people 3 steps: Prevention – Response - Restoration More than one authorities get involved in each step Coordination by General Secretariat for Civil Protection
Major industrial accident administration Measures for accident prevention and response A cartographic representation of the area inside and outside the establishment is absolutely essential • Identified whether the establishment is surrounded be: • Other establishments (likelihood for a secondary accident) • Built-up areas, schools, public services, businesses, hospitals, nurseries, monasteries, critical infrastructures, areas of environmental interest, areas of archaeological interest etc. • Actions aiming to the accident response are determined considering the establishment surroundings
Major industrial accident administration Measures for accident prevention and response • Civil protection authorities focus on: • The establishment surroundings • The magnitude of consequences (to citizens and the environment) • According to the above issues, actions are planned to be implemented in case of an accident, aiming to: • Citizens protection • Environment protection
Major industrial accident administration Restoration Measures after an accident • Citizen protection actions: • Temporary evacuation and protection in shelter areas • Protection in closed areas • Administrative provision • Environment protection actions: • Samplings and monitoring of atmosphere, ground and water quality • Dangerous waste collection and disposal
Licensing authorities in Greece Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change (General Secretariat of Energy & Climate Change) Ministry of Development and Competitiveness (General Secretariat of Industry) (for establishments with industrial and medical gases) Prefectures (Competent Directorates of the Directorates-General for Development)
Basic Tools for Risk Management in the framework of JMD 12044/613/2007 • Notification • Major-Accident Prevention Policy • Safety Management System • Safety Report • Emergency Planning • Domino Effects • Land Use Planning • Information to and participation of the public in safety measures • Inspections-Other control measures
Notification1. Notification Folder Submission Procedure Both Upper and lower tier establishments • Ministry of Development and Competitiveness • Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate • Change • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare • General Secretariat for Civil Protection • Competent Fire Service • Competent Chemical Service • Ministry of Rural Development and Food • (only for plant protection products and • biocides and/or fertilizers) Operator Licensing Authority 1 month Authorities mentioned in article 6 of JMD 12044/613/2007 FOR INFORMATION Notification is updated in the event of: — any significant increase in the quantity or significant change in the nature or physical form of the dangerous substance present, as indicated in the notification provided by the operator pursuant to paragraph 2, or any change in the processes employing it, — modification of an establishment or an installation which could have significant repercussions on major accident hazards, or — permanent closure of the installation. In case of review and/or update of the Notification content, the total reviewed issue is mandatorily submitted in a digital form. • Permanent closure of the installation (due to penalties or bankruptcy) • Modified notification informing about: • The disposal of raw materials or products reserves • The dismantlement of the equipment
Notification2. Notification Contents • Thenameand tradenameoftheoperatorandthefulladdressoftheestablishmentconcerned • Theregisteredplaceofbusinessoftheoperator, withthefulladdress • Thename, phone number (in a 24hour basis) and faxnumber ofthepersoninchargeoftheestablishment and the safety technician • Material safety data sheet (MSDS) • Yhequantityandphysicalformofthedangeroussubstanceorsubstancesinvolved MSDS • Theactivityorproposedactivityoftheinstallationorstoragefacility • Theimmediateenvironmentoftheestablishment (elementsliabletocause a majoraccidentortoaggravatetheconsequencesthereof) • The prediction of the likelihood and the possibility of domino effects, with defined domino radius values • Topographic diagram of the ground plan of the establishment (with all the processes and the storage places) • A 1:5.000 map around the establishment in a 2km radius illustrating all the points of interest with coordinates • A Major-Accident Prevention Policy BOTH THE NOTIFICATION AND THE MAJOR-ACCIDENT PREVENTION POLICY MUST BE SUBMITTED IN A DIGITAL FORM
Major-Accident Prevention Policy Lowertier establishments • Ministry of Development and Competitiveness • Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate • Change • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare • General Secretariat for Civil Protection • Competent Fire Service • Competent Chemical Service • Ministry of Rural Development and Food • (only for plant protection products and • biocides and/or fertilizers) Operator Licensing Authority 1 month Authorities mentioned in article 6 of JMD 12044/613/2007 Is submitted with: — the notification or every modification of this — in any other case, every 5 years. Upper tier establishments Part of safety report, indicating that a major-accident prevention policy and a safety management system are implemented in the establishment
Safety Management System Part of upper tier establishments safety reports, including the organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for determining and implementing the major-accident prevention policy Submitted and updated together with safety report
Safety Report1. Safety Report Submission Procedure For Uppertier establishments Operator Licensing Authority 1 month Authorities mentioned in article 8 of JMD 12044/613/2007 • Ministry of Development and Competitiveness • Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate • Change • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare • General Secretariat for Civil Protection • Competent Fire Service • Competent Chemical Service • Ministry of Rural Development and Food • (only for plant protection products and • biocides and/or fertilizers)
Safety Report2. Safety Report Content • NECESSARY: • A 1:5.000 map around the establishment for the worst-case accident scenario, • illustrating all the points of interest with coordinates • Digital form of safety report 3. Safety Report Evaluation* • Ministry of Development and Competitiveness • Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate • Change • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare • Competent Fire Service • Ministry of Rural Development and Food • (only for plant protection products and • biocides and/or fertilizers) * GSCP does not evaluate Safety Reports but puts their copies at the disposal of the Supportive Team of article 15 of Law 3491/2006 (Supportive Team for the Management of CBRN Threats and Incidents: a staff consultative body, coming under the General Secretary of CP and supporting the competent civil protection forces and authorities in tactical, operational and political level by providing them with specialized know how and scientific information for the management of CBRN threats and incidents.
Emergency Planning • FOR UPPER TIER ESTABLISHMENTS • SUBMITTED WITH SAFETY REPORT • UDPATED AT LEAST EVERY 3 YEARS Internal Emergency Plans External Emergency Plans DRAWN UP FOR BOTH UPPER AND LOWER ESTABLISHMENTS, ACCORDING TO THE GENERAL CIVIL PROTECTION PLAN “XENOCRATES” General SATAME 1st edition, June 2009 Interministerial Committee coordinated by GSCP (established under the provision of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change) • Aims to the direct and coordinated response of all the involved authorities in order to support the Fire Brigade in industrial accidents suppression and efficient emergency response (the latter including a prompt consequence management)
Emergency Planning (article 9 of JMD 12044/613/2007) Upper tier SEVESO sites Internal Emergency Plans Drawing up Competent Ministries General Emergency Plan (Major Industrial Accidents Prevention Plan (SATAME) Drawing up GSCP Other organizations and authorities Approval Involvement in the drawing up of SATAME Prefectural SATAME Decentralized Administration SATAME Coordination of the drawing up of SATAME Services of Prefectures and Decentralized Administrations Prefectural and Decentralized Administration Directorates of Civil Protection
Prefectural and Decentralized Administration SATAME Reasons for delay in the drawing up of the plans Mainly: The «freeze» of the procedures of Prefectures and Decentralized Administrations (former Regions and Prefectures, respectively) due to administrative modifications in the framework of Law 3582/2010 “New Architecture of Self-Administration and Decentralized Administration-”Kallikrates Program”” (Govermnent Gazette 87Α’ / 07.06.2010) General SATAME is under update by GSCP in order to: - adapt administrative modifications imposed by “Kallikrates” Program - be modified in order to get a more flexible and effective form
Domino Effects The licensing authority, using the information (notifications and major-accident prevention policy, for lower tier and safety report, for upper tier establishments) received from the operators in compliance with Article 10 of JMD 12044/613/2007, identifies establishments or groups of establishments where the likelihood and the possibility or consequences of a major accident may be increased because of the location and the proximity of such establishments and their inventories of dangerous substances. Provision is made for cooperation in informing the public and in supplying information to the authority responsible for the preparation of external emergency plans.
Land Use Planning The competent authoritiesshallensurethattheobjectivesofpreventingmajoraccidentsandlimitingtheconsequencesofsuchaccidentsaretakenintoaccountintheirland-usepoliciesand/orotherrelevantpolicies. Theyshallpursuethoseobjectivesthroughcontrolson: (a) thesitingofnewestablishments, (b) modificationstoexistingestablishments, (c) newdevelopmentssuchastransportlinks, locationsfrequentedbythepublicandresidentialareasinthevicinityofexistingestablishments, wherethesitingordevelopmentsaresuchastoincreasetheriskorconsequencesof a majoraccident.
Information to and participation of the public in safety measures • In compliance with Articles 8 and 13 of JMD 12044/613/2007 and after the administrative modifications of “Kallikrates” Program, the Prefectural Civil Protection Directorate sends to the competent Regional Council information with issues included in appendix V of article 20 of JMD 12044/613/2007. • The public must be able to access this information persistently. • The information is reviewed every 3 years by the Prefectural Civil Protection Directorates and updated: - in case of modifications in the establishments - every 5 years. • The Prefectural Council : - publishes in press an abstract of the information and informs the public that it affords more detailed information - dangles a copy of that publication in the announcement template of the Prefectural Unity - supplies regularly and in the most appropriate form, information on safety measures and the requisite behavior in the event of an accident, to all persons and all establishments serving the public (such as schools and hospitals), without their having to request it - informs the GSCP about its actions in the event of an accident -sends the GSCP and the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change a report with its actions in the event of an accident -Cooperates with the competent Civil Protection Directorate in exercises of the public
Information to and participation of the public in safety measures • Safety reports are published • The public, under the provision of the Prefectural Civil Protection Directorate has access to the catalogue of dangerous substances included in the upper tier establishments of their area • The Prefectural Civil Protection Directorate publishes the prefectural SATAME, before its submission to the GSCP, in order the public to express its opinion on this • The public is able to give its opinion in the following cases: • planning for new upper tier SEVESO sites • modifications to existing establishments • developments around such existing establishments. • during the drawing up of SATAME
Information to and participation of the public in safety measures General information (Self-protection and proper actions instructions) Specific information (Instructions to the public in the event of an accident) Local disaster of small magnitude Prefectural disaster of small magnitude GSCP, Fire Corps Headquarters Central Level Prefectural Unities Civil Protection Central Coordinating Body (Law 3013/2002, article 5) Websites Distribution of leaflets (included in General SATAME) Prefecture Governor or Vice-Prefecture Governor Prefecture Governor Prefectural Councils, in cooperation with the Civil Protection Directorates of Prefectures and Decentralized Administrations, as well as the Civil Protection Offices of Municipalities Distribution of instructions and pressed informative material Volunteer Organizations
Inspections-Other measures of control • The licensing authority with the cooperation ofthecompetentauthoritiesorganize a systemofinspections,orothermeasuresofcontrolappropriatetothetypeofestablishmentconcerned. The aforementioned system of inspections anticipates: • for both upper tier and lower tier establishments atleastoneon-siteinspectioneverytwelvemonths • the composition of an inspection report by all the authorities who participated in the inspection and its submission to the licensing authority, in order the latter to impose additional measures to the operator, if necessary • the operator attends the inspection carried out by the licensing authority, if necessary • The inspection results must be notified to the personnel of the establishments.
Inspections-Other measures of control Questionnaire published by the Technical University of Crete, composed by ministerial representatives responsible for the implementation of SEVESO II Directive in Greece as well as oil companies representatives FOR OIL AND NATURAL GAS ESTABLISHMENTS
Authorities pertinences in the framework of the JMD 12044/613/2007
Authorities pertinences in the framework of the JMD 12044/613/2007
Authorities pertinences in the framework of the JMD 12044/613/2007
Prefecture Directorates of Civil Protection (GSCP coordinating instructions) Participation in Inspections- Inspection Reports Summary issues after an accident, lists of establishments and inspection reports List of SEVESO establishments Civil Protection Directorates of Decentralized Administrations Competent Licensing Authorities Copies of Safety Reports and Notifications (Specific SATAME)
Prefecture Directorates of Civil Protection (GSCP coordinating instructions) Competent Prefectural Councils Until 30 May 2014: Operators Prefecture Directorates of CP Memorandum of 2-3 pages including information data of Appendix V of JMD Until 13 June 2014: Prefecture Directorates GSCP In cooperation with the Competent Licensing Authority List of non-operating establishments (due to penalties or bankruptcy)
Prefecture Directorates of Civil Protection (GSCP coordinating instructions) Competent Directorate of the Prefecture Directorate- General of Development Prefecture Directorates of CP Remaining competent Prefecture Directorates Safety Reports of establishments being licensed by Central Authorities
Competent Licensing Authorities (GSCP coordinating instructions) Until 30 April 2014: Competent Licensing Authorities GSCP List of SEVESO establishments GSCP Every 6 months, starting from 1 July 2014: Operators Competent Licensing Authorities Tables 2, 3 and 4
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments Α) INSTALLATIONS
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments B) TANKS
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments C) TANK BULWARKS
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments D) PIPELINES
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments E) TANKERS
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments F) STORES
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments G) OTHER INSTALLATIONS
Table 3: Record of critical equipment of establishments H) BUILDINGS-ANCILLARY AREAS
Table 4: Record of domino radius and protection zones for the worst-case scenario pf accident
Competent Licensing Authorities (GSCP coordinating instructions) Domino radius of SEVESO establishment Competent Directorate of the Prefecture Directorate- General of Development Non-SEVESO establishment • Information provided by: • Accident Scenarios (safety reports) • Descriptive or numerical estimation • of domino radius (notifications) Accident in SEVESO establishment neighboring with non-SEVESO establishment (likelihood of domino effect): The local Fire Service alerts the non-SEVESO establishment for possible secondary accident