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Islam, Turkey & Snow

Islam, Turkey & Snow. Ms. Mitchell Cultural revolutions Andover high school. ISLAM. What is it?. Islam is a major world religion with approx. 1.3 billion followers Islam is one of the world’s fastest growing religions It originated in (Saudi) Arabia, in the city of Mecca

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Islam, Turkey & Snow

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  1. Islam, Turkey & Snow Ms. Mitchell Cultural revolutions Andover high school

  2. ISLAM

  3. What is it? Islam is a major world religion with approx. 1.3 billion followers Islam is one of the world’s fastest growing religions It originated in (Saudi) Arabia, in the city of Mecca No central religious governing body

  4. Islam, continued Islam is Arabic for submission, surrender, obedience Followers of Islam are called Muslims Muslim is Arabic for “those who submit to God” In order to be considered Muslim one must practice complete submission to God

  5. Qur’an Qur’an = Koran. The Qur’an is the holy text of Islam. It is a rule book. Qur’an is Arabic for “recitation” It is meant to be read out loud, and in reading it out loud, one is communing with God Muslims believe it to be the direct message of God, as given to the prophet Muhammad.

  6. Qur’an, continued No chronology, more stream of consciousness in style 114 chapters, or, suras Contains many stories that are known in Christianity and Judaism Everyone’s interpretation of the Qur’an is their own Therefore, there are thousands of different interpretations of the Qur’an—ranging from very peaceful, to very violent Muhammad’s teachings were about equality, empowering women and the poor

  7. Muhammad Muhammad is the only prophet of Islam Born in Mecca Against the Islamic faith to show or create a visual depiction of the prophet Felt disturbed by the inequalities paganism brought about and often went to meditate in a cave One day, while meditating, Muhammad heard from God Over the next several decades Muhammad would continue to commune with God and spread his word This was all done orally. No written version of the Qur’an existed until about 20 years after Muhammad’s death.

  8. Universality • Muslims claim that Islam is a universal religion, not handed down to a specific people, at a specific time, but to all people for all times. • However, verses of the Qur’an are very specific to the Arab people at that time • Ex) The visions of heaven and hell in the Qur’an appeal to a the needs and desires of a desert people

  9. Articles of Islamic Faith Belief in the oneness of god Belief in god’s angels Faith in the book of god Faith in god’s prophets Belief in life after death

  10. 1. Belief in the Oneness of God • I. Belief in the Oneness of God • No other God but God • “ilah” = One who is worshipped • Includes infinite powers • Others depend on him, he is dependent on no one • Unseen and imperceptible • Allah = personal name of the Muslims’ God • La ilahaillallah= There is no ilah other than the One Great Being known by the name Allah

  11. Effects of Belief in the Oneness • One who believes… • Can never be narrow minded. His mind is as liberal as the kingdom of God • Has the highest degree of self-respect and self esteem • Is modest and humble • Is virtuous and upright • Does not become despondent or broken hearted under any circumstances • Has determination because he works for and trusts in God • Is brave • Is peaceful and content • Observes and obeys God’s laws

  12. 2. Belief in God’s Angels God has angels and we must follow them Almighty beings we can’t see = angels We are told to believe, and therefore disbelief = denial of God

  13. 3. Faith in Books of God There were books of God which came before the Qur’an (Books of Abraham, Torah of Moses, Psalms of David, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ) God’s original words have been corrupted in these texts. Qur’an is the last book. It is different from the others.

  14. Why the Qur’an is different Exists in original form. Not translated. Pure word of God Evidence proved it was told directly to Muhammad. Dates and times are known. “Live” language. Not dead. Universal in scope and audience. Comprehensive moral guide. Nothing obscene. Full of wisdom and truth.

  15. 4. Faith in God’s Prophets Implicit faith in God’s prophets There have been over 124,000 prophets over the history of the Earth Muhammad is the one true prophet Muslims are required to believe in all prophets specifically mentioned in the Qur’an even if they exists outside of Arab countries Not allowed to speak ill of other religion’s holy men

  16. Why is Muhammad the One True Prophet? Sent for the whole world and for all times Remaining scriptures from other prophets have been corrupted. Only Muhammad’s word is pure. Other prophet’s words were amended by successors. Muhammad has had no successor.

  17. 5. Belief in Life after Death • Resurrection after death • Day of Judgment in the Divine Court • Everyone who has walked the Earth will be presented before God and be given final judgment • Reward/Punishment • Paradise/Hell • Believing in this holds one responsible for his actions and determines his course of life

  18. Prayer and Worship Ibadat Salat Fasting Zakat Hajj jihad

  19. Ibadat Ibadat = acts of worship Abd= submission God is master, you are the servant Islamic concept of worship is very wide Acts of worship are the pillars upon which Islam is founded

  20. Salat Daily prayer 5 times a day, always pointing in the direction of Mecca Positions are positions of submission Recitations show one’s commitment to the creator Must cleanse before each salat Symbol of equality When possible, should be done with others

  21. Fasting & Zakat Fasting during the month of Ramdan From dawn to dusk, no food, no drink Builds spirituality Equality Cleanliness, righteousness, purity Zakat is charitable giving Minimum of 2.5% of your net worth each year Seeking to achieve a more balanced distribution of wealth The more one gives, the better he looks in God’s eyes Islam is the sworn enemy of selfishness and greed

  22. Hajj Hajj = Pilgrimage One in a lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca for Muslims who can afford it. Those who cannot afford it are not faulted for it. Thoughts should be concentrated on God. All words and actions during the pilgrimage should be pure. No violence.

  23. Jihad Jihad = struggle War waged in the name of God against those who perpetrate oppression as enemies of Islam Countries must help one another Muslims must help each other as a while

  24. Divine Law

  25. Divine Law All the rules and regulations Muslims must follow Determined by the Qur’an and the Hadith Hadith = collection of rules delivered by the prophet Each version of Divine Law is delivered by the prophet, for the specific people and time he preaches to. Since Muhammad has no successor, we still follow his Divine Law

  26. Principles of Divine Law • The Rights of God • No other God but God • Follow, worship, and obey him • The Rights of Self • Forbids all which could injure a man’s physical, mental, or moral being • No drinking, no eating unclean blood (pork, beasts of prey, poisonous animals) • No nudity • Work hard • Sex in marriage • Forbids suicide— “most outrageous and ridiculous manifestation of man neglecting the rights of his self”

  27. Principles of Divine Law • The Rights of Other Men • Do not violate the rights of others • No lying, no theft, bribery, forgery, cheating • No gambling • No murder • No adultery, fornication, or “unnatural” sexual practices • Rules regarding the family unit • No mingling of the sexes • Dress code • The Rights of All Creatures • No hunting for sport • Respect the land and God’s creatures

  28. Our Studies Turkey Iran Iraq Aghanistan Saudi Arabia Pakistan syria

  29. Snow By OrhanPamuk

  30. Facts Published in Turkish in 2002, in English in 2004 Ka = central character Kars = setting of the story Kar = snow Told in third person by an narrator who sometimes breaks the wall and speaks to the reader Focuses on the suicide of some young Muslim women who were forced to remove their headscarves to attend school Confused yet?

  31. Plot Summary Ka is a poet, who returns to Turkey after 12 years of political exile in Germany. He has several motives, first, as a journalist, to investigate a spate of suicides but also in the hope of meeting a woman he used to know. Heavy snow cuts off the town for about three days during which time Ka is in conversation with a former communist, a secularist, a fascist nationalist, a possible Islamic extremist, Islamic moderates, young Kurds, the military, the Secret Service, the police and in particular, an actor-revolutionary. In the midst of this, love and passion are to be found. Temporarily closed off from the world, a farcical coup is staged and linked melodramatically to a stage play. The main discussion concerns the interface of secularism and belief but there are references to all of Turkey's twentieth century history. --wikipedia

  32. Secular Secular: not pertaining to religion; the separation of religion from the state

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