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Zorbing Proposal

Zorbing Proposal. At the Haliburton Sustainable Forest. How does this actually work…. http://www.zorb.com/media/videos/zorb_prmo.mov. History of the zorb:. Zorbing was invented by a couple of adrenaline junkies from New Zealand in the 1990s. Dwane van der Sluis and Andrew Akers

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Zorbing Proposal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Zorbing Proposal At the Haliburton Sustainable Forest

  2. How does this actually work… • http://www.zorb.com/media/videos/zorb_prmo.mov

  3. History of the zorb: • Zorbing was invented by a couple of adrenaline junkies from New Zealand in the 1990s. • Dwane van der Sluis and Andrew Akers • originally developed the zorb as a giant plastic ball that could be used to walk on water

  4. Our mission:The purpose of our programme is to provide a non-traditional, innovative and high-reward adventure activity that meets the ethical and sustainable principles of HSF forest and contributes to the local community.

  5. Our Target Market • Our target market is adventure tourists ageing from 16-29 who typically are seeking high-reward activities • Targetting those who live in the area, have cottages or are camping in Haliburton • Focus on core needs of excitement and self-fullfillment

  6. Map

  7. Zorbing within Framework of the HSF - meet the stringent guidelines of the international Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). • will not interupt other activities • Limit participants so it does not exceed carrying capacity • Community will will play an active role in the development stage • Democractic processes • $2 Eco-tax

  8. Program Details -Meet at base camp -Guided hike to site -Group discussion and demonstration about zorbing -Types of Zorbing -The zorbing experience to a maximum of 3 run -Hike back to base camp -Discussion, Snacks, Survey and debreifing participants

  9. Employees • CPR • First Aid • NLS • Certification for Outdoor Leaders • Training programs • Staff Incentives • Benefits

  10. Marketing Strategies. -Brochure -Haliburton Tourism -Partnerships -Other Promotional Activities, I.e website, radio script, newspaper,

  11. Strengths/Weaknesses • Strengths • Weaknesses

  12. Contingency and Growth -Contingency money -Contingency ideas -Growth Strategies-new target markets and product innovations

  13. Debrief • Feel free to ask us any questions you may have about the zorbing experience within the Haliburton Sustainable Forest • Feel free to provide us any comment and/or suggestions to enhance our program • Enjoy your snacks! • Thank-you for listening 

  14. Contact Us Please feel free to contact us Email us www.haliburtonforest.com Call us (705) 754-2198 Visit us At the Haliburton Sustainable Forest

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