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Training Cochrane Systematic Reviews: Challenges and benefits of online training Shayesteh Jahanfar, PhD, School of Population and Public Health, University British Columbia, Canada shayeste@ubc.ca. P4_108. Abstract.
Training Cochrane Systematic Reviews: Challenges and benefits of online trainingShayesteh Jahanfar, PhD, School of Population and Public Health, University British Columbia, Canadashayeste@ubc.ca P4_108 Abstract On line training has become an inseparable part of today’s learning and teaching efforts. Medical experts are facing many challenges in their everyday clinical and academic life many of which can be solved through online training. Traditional learning opportunities are plenty, but are not affordable by some because of financial and time constraints. Iranian scholars in particular are facing new challenges to travel abroad. This paper discusses benefits and challenges of conducting Cochrane Systematic Review webinars for Iranian scholars. Introduction Methods Workshop and Webinar • What is a systematic review? • A review that is conducted according to clearly stated, scientific research methods, and is designed to minimize biases and errors inherent to traditional and narrative reviews. • What is the significance of systematic reviews? • A large amount of scientific literature requires clinicians and researchers alike to rely on systematic reviews in order to make an informed decision. • Systematic Reviews minimize bias. “A systematic review is a more scientific method of summarizing literature because specific protocols are used to determine which studies will be included in the review. Hands on Learning Learning Game Techniques Discussion What is the potential for Cochrane systematic reviews in Iran? • Iran or Persia is a home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations with the population of over 77 million, and 0.89 physicians/1,000 population. • Iran has over 40 medical universities and ever increasing number of undergraduates and postgraduates in all medical fields from surgery to primary care, to public health, and to emergency care. • During last 3 years, 5 active centers in Iran have conducted Cochrane Systematic Review Workshops. Conceptual Framework • Benefits: • Online training supported the traditional training workshops • Self-sufficient team of authors are trained • Evidenced-based practice is motivated • A Network of policy makers, consumers and health professionals are connected • A window of opportunity is provided for first time authors to find international co-authors • Training if offered in English and Persian which facilitates learning • Cost-effective training: Webinar/workshops were conducted for free and when I traveled to Iran as an international speaker in the filed of reproductive health or for other purposes • Challenges: • Slow internet connection • Time difference between Vancouver and Iran • Live Classroom Using Blackboard: • Used for three sessions of continuous support following traditional workshops or • Used for 4 series of Webinars (16-sessions each) Conclusion Results • The effectiveness of different training strategies of Cochrane Systematic Reviews is remained to be seen. In this paper, I examined the pros and cons of different strategies for training methods used to train Cochrane review authors in Iran. Successful strategies for ongoing support and mentorship throughout the process of title registration, preparing a protocol and writing a review were presented. Moreover, the publication issues pertaining to documentation of randomized clinical trial and possible solutions are to be discussed. The future of Cochrane systematic reviews in Iran will depend on dedication and willingness of authors to utilize tested learning strategies and to provide the self-sufficient environment to train more authors and supply a link between the clinical practice and research. • A description of the methods A description of the methods A description of the methods A description of the methods A description of the methods A description of the methods A • Five Cochrane Systematic Review Workshops held by self-motivated Iranian team • The 1st International Congress on Midwifery & Reproductive Health, Mashhad Medical University, May 2011 • International Conference in Applied Biology, Mashhad Azad university, October 2011 • International Conference on Birth & Women’s Health, Ahvaz Medical University, February 2012 • Iranian Academic Restorative Dentistry, Tabriz Medical University, October 2012 • International Congress for Women’s Health Promotion, Urmia, September 2013 • Why do clinicians need to learn about Cochrane Systematic Reviews? • Despite the considerable amount of attempt made to promote the implementation of research findings, clinicians still find it challenging to adapt their everyday practice with evidenced-based research. • Cochrane systematic reviews provide an opportunity for closing the gap between research and practice. • Systematic reviews grant the best evidence of the effectiveness of medical interventions for promoting the best clinical practices. Acknowledgements • Dr. Molaynejad for coordination of webinar across 8 medical universities in Iran • Dr. Asady, Mashad Azad University of Medical Science for collaborative effort on handbook translation, website • Dr. Abedy, Ahvaz Medical University; Dr. Mohammad_Alizadeh, Tabriz Medical University, Dr. Ebrahimi, Urmia Medical University, Dr. Latifnejad, Mashad Medical University • Steven McDonald for facilitating Balckboard webinar sessions, Monash University, Australia • Professor Jackie Ho for inspiration and mentoring, Penang Medical School, Malaysia