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Workshop Outline – Objectives, Attendance and Feedback. Vira Atalifo SOPAC Division, SPC. Workshop Participants. Workshop Participants. The following 15 member countries of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) were represented:. Cook Islands Federated States of Micronesia Fiji
Workshop Outline – Objectives, Attendance and Feedback Vira Atalifo SOPAC Division, SPC
Workshop Participants The following 15 member countries of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) were represented: • Cook Islands • Federated States of Micronesia • Fiji • France • Kiribati • Marshall Islands • Nauru • Niue • Papua New Guinea • Samoa • Solomon Islands • Tonga • Tuvalu • United States and Vanuatu • The following Governments also sent representatives: • South Korea • Peoples Republic of China and • Timor Leste (a beneficiary of the DSM Project by request of the European Union)
Workshop Participants • International, Regional and National Agencies represented were: • Commonwealth Secretariat • Duke University • European Union • IFM-GEOMAR • International Seabed Authority • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) • Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) • National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) • Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) • Pennsylvania State University • Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) • UNEP/GRID-Arendal • United States Geological Survey (USGS) • and World Bank
Workshop Participants • The following private sector and civil society entities were represented: • Anindilyakwa Land Council • BECA International Limited • Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights Inc • Eco-Strategic Consultants • Envi-Green Pacific Consultancy Limited • Fiji Environmental Law Association • GeoPacific Limited • Greenpeace Australia Pacific • Kontiki Capital • Minerals Policy Institute • MUSKITS Law • Nauru Ocean Resources Inc (NORI) • Nautilus Minerals Inc and North-South Environmental Law and • World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Workshop Objectives • Captures the significance of deep sea mineral for the region and the need for in-depth information sharing on this new industry; • Experts to talk on a broad range of issues related to deep sea minerals and mining; • Stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities, needs and priorities and agree on a number of broad outcomes for the way forward.
DSM Project Communication and Visibility • Press release prepared and issued in February to media outlets in the region – “Regional Project to Promote Mineral Wealth” • Pacific Reach Limited contracted in May - Media works (prepare and disseminate press releases, TV and radio interviews, media liaison) prior to, during, and soon after the project inception workshop. • Two news articles published leading up to the workshop - led to expression of interest from various stakeholders in attending the workshop.
DSM Project Communication and Visibility • All project meetings and important activities will be released through the media, also highlighting the financial support of the EU. Fig 1:Samples of DSM Project press releases within and outside the region.
Specific Purposes of Workshop • Present the SPC-EU Deep Sea Minerals (DSM) Project together with the current status of marine minerals exploration and mining in the region; • Provide representatives of participating countries with relevant information on various aspects of deep sea minerals; • Highlight deep sea minerals potential in the region and promote information sharing;
Specific Purposes of Workshop • Encourage countries and stakeholders to share their experiences and concerns as well as their expectation of the Project; • Stimulate discussions among stakeholders, and experts are expected to provide appropriate advice and guidance during the discussions; • Disseminate DSM Project Information Brochures and other relevant information to stakeholders;
Specific Purposes of Workshop • Discuss collaborative opportunities with potential partners; • Identify challenges / needs / priorities with recommended approaches / strategies. • Consider feedbacks from stakeholders to improve task implementation and stakeholder participation; • Collective agreement on some broad outcomes for the way forward in the next four years
DSM Project Steering Committee Meeting • Held on Wednesday evening 8th June 2011 at Tanoa • Oversee and validate the overall direction and policy of the project and keep track of the implementation of project activities • Representatives of participating countries, the DSM Team, a representative from the EU Delegation and the Secretary General of the PIFS as the Regional Authorising Officer • Next meeting October 2011, back to back with STAR/Heads of Geoscience Meeting
DSM Project Steering Committee Meeting Outcomes • Translating Project information brochures to local languages in the region • Country-specific information brochures should be handed to the country of origin for information and distribution • DSM Project needs to target priority areas in each country and avoid having to spread its resources too thinly
DSM Project Steering Committee Meeting Outcomes • PICs participating in the DSM Project could make a request for technical assistance at any time • Possible inclusion of Pacific Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) in the DSM Project • Australia and New Zealand’s interest to engage with the DSM Project should be explored
Suggestions for Improvement Include:- • Provide time for PIC’s reps to meet and jointly develop their talks based on pressing issues in their respective countries • Sessions to be organized so that presentations on similar topics are to be discussed jointly • As a single workshop, it was excellent but need to maintain momentum by following-up with smaller groups or countries • Capture what has been gained from this workshop and shape the next one to the most identified important areas
Suggestions for Improvement Include:- • Provide more information on the science and biology of DSM • Timely disseminate reports and new R & D information to stakeholders at all levels • Include community participation at separate meetings or sessions with the inclusion of FFA &/or fisheries officials, similar for tourism and other marine use sectors.