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Efficient Patient Data Entry in Medisoft

Learn how to add, search, and edit patient information in Medisoft software. Master chart numbers, and guarantees for seamless record management.

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Efficient Patient Data Entry in Medisoft

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  1. 4 Entering Patient Information

  2. 4-2 Learning Outcomes When you finish this chapter, you will be able to: 4.1 Explain how patient information is organized in Medisoft. 4.2 Discuss how a new patient is added in Medisoft. 4.3 Describe how to search for a patient in Medisoft. 4.4 Describe how patient information is edited in Medisoft.

  3. 4-3 Key Terms • chart number • established patient • guarantor • new patient

  4. 4-4 4.1 How Patient Information isOrganized in Medisoft • Patient information is accessed through the Patient List dialog box • The Patient List dialog box is divided into two primary sections • Left side – information about patients • Right side – information about cases

  5. 4-5 4.1 How Patient Information isOrganized in Medisoft (Continued) • The Patient List dialog box Patient Information Case Information

  6. 4-6 4.2 Entering New Patient Information • A new patient has not received services from the same provider or a provider of the same specialty within the same practice for a period of three years • An established patient has been seen by a provider in the practice in the same specialty within three years

  7. 4-7 4.2 Entering New PatientInformation (Continued) • Entering a new patient is done by clicking the New Patient button in the Patient List dialog box New Patient button

  8. 4-8 4.2 Entering New PatientInformation (Continued) • Entering a new patient Patient/Guarantor dialog box with Name, Address tab active

  9. 4-9 4.2 Entering New PatientInformation (Continued) • A chart number is a unique number that identifies a patient • Links together all patient information • Eight-character number • No special characters such as hyphens, periods, or spaces • Created based on patient’s name • No two chart numbers can be the same

  10. 4-10 4.2 Entering New PatientInformation (Continued) • Entering a new patient Patient/Guarantor dialog box with Other Information tab active

  11. 4-11 4.2 Entering New PatientInformation (Continued) • Entering a new patient The Type field indicates whether an individual is a patient or guarantor A guarantor is an individual who is not a patient but who is the insurance policyholder for a patient of the practice

  12. 4-12 4.3 Searching for Patient Information • Medisoft offers two options for conducting searches for information: • Search for and Field boxes • Locate buttons

  13. 4-13 4.3 Searching for PatientInformation (Continued) • The Search for box contains the text that is to be searched for • The Field box controls how the list is sorted • Several options are available • Data can be resorted and filtered

  14. 4-14 4.3 Searching for PatientInformation (Continued) • The Search for and Field boxes are found at the top of many dialog boxes List of Field options

  15. 4-15 4.3 Searching for PatientInformation (Continued) • The Locate buttons are used to display the Locate Patient dialog box Locate buttons

  16. 4-16 4.3 Searching for PatientInformation (Continued) • When a Locate button is clicked, the Locate Patient dialog box appears Locate Patient dialog box

  17. 4-17 4.4 Editing Patient Information • To edit patient information: • Search for a patient • Click the Edit button to display the Patient/Guarantor dialog box • Make necessary changes • Save changes

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