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Examination Invigilation Refresher (2012/2013) Julie Hodgson Exams Team Leader. Examination Invigilation Refresher 2012/13 Before the examination – practical arrangements, support and guidance, resources, timetables, venues etc
Examination Invigilation Refresher (2012/2013) Julie Hodgson Exams Team Leader
Examination Invigilation Refresher 2012/13 • Before the examination – practical arrangements, support and guidance, resources, timetables, venues etc • During the examination – main policies and procedures, starting the exam, dealing with emerging exam issues/incidents, • After the examination - ending the examination • Sports Hall – additional arrangements for invigilators • On line examinations – additional guidance
Before.......practical arrangements • D3 Richmond Building will be used for signing in, picking up and returning all exam scripts • IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU SIGN IN PLEASE • If you are running late and/or wish to go straight to the exam venue please inform the Exams Office ASAP x5402/x3030 so that we know this is the case. • Resource packs will be provided for each exam venue – let us know if anything is missing so that we can bring spares across to the venue before the start of the exam • Clocks – please check before each exam for accuracy • Attendance slips are located in answer books!
Before.......support & guidance • The Code of Conduct For Invigilation 2012/13 has been updated for this academic year • There are no additional or revised examination regulations for implementation during 2012/13 • Exams Office - 3030/5486 with ALL queries • Please do not attempt to sort problems out directly • Contact your academic School support team if you have any invigilation issues that you need to discuss • WWW - http://www.bradford.ac.uk/exams/
During.....main policies and procedures • Arrive at Sub-Office D3 at least 30 minutes before the start of the examination to sign in and/or pick up papers (45 mins in Sports Hall) GO STRAIGHT TO THE ROOM • Note – there may be more than one examination being held in the venue that you are invigilating in • Arrive at examination venue at least 20 minutes before start of exam (30 mins in Sports Hall) • Check facilities (clock and safe area for outerwear/bags) • All examination materials should be set up by the porters • Anything missing? Any queries? Any issues? - Ring Exams Office (3030/30311/5486) ASAP
During.....main policies and procedures • Admit candidates when satisfied venue is fit for purpose at least at least 10 minutes before the start (20 minsin Sports Hall) • Remind candidates that they are under examination conditions from when they enter the exam room until when they leave it at the end of the examination • Remind candidates to switch off their mobile phone and place it in their bags which should be stored away from their desk in a designated area in the exam room • Get the candidates to go to their desk ASAP
During.....main policies and procedures • The candidates should know where they are sitting as this information is on their individual timetable • Any candidate not on the Register and/or has not been allocated a seat? - check they are in the right place, sitting the right examination on the right day! • If a candidate’s name does not appear on the Register but they are eligible to sit the exam please find a spare seat in the room and provide all examination materials • You will need to put an orange label (in Resource Pack) on their answer book(s) to denote ‘this candidate’s name did not appear on the Register’ (this will be picked up by School prior to marking)
During.....main policies and procedures • Distribute the question papers and make announcements from the CARD (in Resource Pack) • Start the exam at the scheduled time on the timetable • NEVER start early even if you are ready • Once you have started the examination (this exam has now formally started and you may begin writing) NEVER let any candidate into the room NO EXCEPTIONS • Late arrivals – fill in the Late Arrival Form (GREEN) and provide the candidate(s) with a ‘hand-out’ (BLUE) – both Forms are included in the Resource Pack • Collect in attendance slips and check ID • Headcount against slips and Register
During.....main policies and procedures • Times when candidates are permitted to leave an exam which is in progress • Under an hour candidates may not leave (except in emergency) • One hour duration – leave after 30 minutes but not during last 15 minutes (except in emergency) • More than one hour – leave after one hour but not during last 15 minutes (except in emergency) • If a candidate leaves the examination in accordance with the above they may not return
During.....dealing with emerging issues/incidents • Checking candidates’ identification (ID) • Candidates requests for toilet breaks • Unwell candidates – temporary break and/or permanent • Calculators and/or exam materials • Queries with the question paper • Suspected malpractice • Unacceptable behaviour • Mobile phones • Fire alarm • Stopping an exam in progress
During....checking candidates’ identification (ID) • All candidates’ ID must be verified during the examination • All candidates are required to bring their UoB Student ID Card with them and display their ID at all times on the desk • Candidates may provide a valid passport and/or driving licence as alternative forms of ID • If a candidate's ID cannot be verified you must contact the Exams Office to arrange for ID to be brought to the exam venue whilst the examination is in progress • Tell the candidate to stay behind at the end of the exam so that you can verify his/her ID with the evidence provided • NEVER confirm a candidate’s ID based on personal knowledge of the candidate (eg you are his/her tutor)
During....checking candidates’ identification (ID) • If the candidate is a female muslim candidate you should only conduct the verification of her ID if you are a female invigilator • You should conduct the verification of her ID in a discreet area of the room away from the other candidates OR outside the venue (eg ladies toilet) • You should ask her to stay behind at the end of the examination until her ID can be checked (if you are a male invigilator on your own in the exam room) • Contact the Exams Office (3030/30311/5486) if you require assistance with checking a female muslim candidate’s ID or advice
During...candidates requests for toilet breaks • Contact the Exams Office (3030/3031/5486) to arrange for an escort to attend the exam room • Provide the gender of the candidate and the venue (we will try to provide an escort of the same gender) • Record the time that the candidate left and subsequently returned to the exam room with the words TOILET VISIT in the answer book at the appropriate place for the marker to note and sign the entry • If you escort a candidate to the toilet check whether they are in possession of a mobile phone or not, if so, confiscate the phone whilst they are visiting the toilet and hand it back when you return to the exam room
During..... unwell candidates • Candidates who complain they are feeling unwell can leave the exam room either temporarily or permanently depending on the nature of the illness • Contact the Exams Office (3030/3031/5486) to arrange first aid assistance to be sent to your venue promptly • A candidate who wishes to leave the exam venue temporarily may do so provided s/he is escorted at all times by either the first aider, invigilator or Exams Office staff • Record the time that the candidate left and subsequently returned to the exam room with the words LEFT EXAM DUE TO ILLNESS in the answer book at the appropriate place for the marker to note and sign the entry
During..... unwell candidates • A candidate who is advised to leave permanently because the nature of the illness is deemed to be severe is not permitted to continue the exam at a later time • Arrangements should be made with the first aider/Exams office for the candidate(s) to be supported until they recover sufficiently to be left alone or they are accompanied by a relative or friend • Record the time that the candidate left the exam room with the words LEFT EXAM DUE TO ILLNESS in the answer book at the appropriate place for the marker to note and sign the entry • Complete an Incident Report Form (YELLOW)
During.....calculators and/or exam materials • Candidates are permitted to use their own non programmable calculators in an examination UNLESS a restriction has been placed on the examination and stated as such on the question paper • The candidate is responsible for providing all examination materials s/he needs for the examination including calculators, pens, rulers, pencils etc • The University does not provide ‘spares’ of any exam materials unless there has been mechanical failure (ie battery not working in calculator) • The use of English Language dictionaries is not permitted
During.....queries with the question paper • Do NOT assist candidates with queries about the question paper NO EXCEPTIONS • Candidate who query the question paper should be instructed to ‘work to the paper as seen’ and record a note to the marker in the answer book at the appropriate place • No error on the question paper will be rectified on the day of the examination • Any potential errors on the question paper should be reported back to the academic School via the Incident Report Form (YELLOW) for consideration by the appropriate Assessment Committee
During.....suspected malpractice • If you suspect malpractice • Observe the candidate(s) carefully and discreetly • Discuss the matter with another invigilator • Reach a decision before taking appropriate action • Contact the Exams Office for assistance if you are on your own • If you are convinced malpractice has occurred • Approach the candidate and confiscate any unauthorised materials or e-devices+ that s/he has in their possession • Confiscate the existing answer book and permit the candidate to continue the examination in a new answer book • Complete a Suspected Breach of Assessment Form (RED) and submit the form to the Exams Office at the end of the exam • The evidence MUST ‘stand up in court’ +can be returned at the end of the exam
During..... unacceptable behaviour • Any candidate who disturbs the smooth running of the examination by displaying unacceptable or inappropraite behaviour may be asked to leave the examination room • If you feel that your dignity or respect is being violated by a candidate’s unacceptable behaviour you should contact the Exams Office (3030/3031/5486) to request immediate assistance and/or request support from Security • Any candidate who does not obey the invigilator should be reported back to the academic School for further action to be taken • Complete a Suspected Breach of Assessment Form (RED)
During.....mobile phones • Candidates should be reminded to switch off their phones and to leave them in their bags away from the desks • As an additional precaution they should be instructed to remove the battery and/or SIM Card from the phone • Should a mobile phone ring during the examination arrange to remove the offending bag (assuming the phone is in a bag) away from the rest so that at the end of the exam you can identify whose phone has caused the disruption • If the phone continues to cause a disturbance contact the Exams Office (3030/3031) to arrange its removal • Complete a Suspected Breach of Assessment Form (RED)
During.....fire alarms • There are no planned fire drills scheduled to take place during the main examination periods • If a fire alarm is activated note the time and instruct the candidates to leave the exam room immediately • Accompany the candidates out of the building to the designated fire areas • Return to the exam room when it has been declared safe to do so, get the candidates settled back down and note the time that has lapsed since the exam was halted • Restart the examination allowing the extra time for the disruption that has been caused • Complete an Incident Report Form (YELLOW)
During.....stopping an exam in progress • In unforeseen circumstances you may need to stop an exam in progress before the end time, e.g. • a candidate suffers a serious illness (epilepsy, seizure, fainting) • there is a major disturbance (excessive building works) • amajor problem with the exam paper • Contact the Exams Office ASAP (3030/3031/5486) and describe the situation in detail so that they can assess the problem and offer appropriate advice and support • Note the time and make the appropriate announcement to the candidates (see Code of Conduct page 20) • Collect back in the question papers until the unforeseen circumstances has been resolved
During.....stopping an exam in progress • Calculate the time that has elapsed between the time the examination was stopped and the time that the examination is to restart • Add on the time to the duration of the examination and inform the candidates of the revised end time so that they are aware of the timescales involved • Redistribute the question papers and re-start the exam following normal University procedures • Complete an Incident Report Form (YELLOW)
After - ending the examination • 15 minute warning announcement to help candidates prepare to end the examination on time and complete the appropriate paperwork ready for collection • Remind candidates to fill in all the sections on the answer book especially their UB number and the numbers of the questions they have attempted • End exam accordingly • Collect in scripts (check number of scripts against Register) • Dismiss candidates when you are satisfied all scripts are accounted for and leave the exam venue as found please • Return to Sub-Office Richmond D3 with worked scripts • Your School support team will have made arrangements for picking up the scripts for marking
Sports Hall - additional information • Pick up examination papers from the Exams Sub-Office Richmond D3 at least 45 minutes before the start time • If you are running late and/or wish to go straight to the exam venue please inform the Exams Office ASAP x5402/x3030 so that we know this is the case • Go across to the Sports Hall promptly and enter through the main entrance on Great Horton Road • Candidates will be informed to wait outside the side entrance (next to Waterstones) • A member of staff will attend to let candidates in at least 30 minutes before the start so that they can go in the Hall and prepare for the examination
Sports Hall additional information • Admit candidates and get them seated promptly • No personal belongings to be left in the lockers located in the corridor outside Hall • Announcements to inform candidates that if they leave before the end of the examination they must exit the building from the front entrance (not the entrance they came in) • At end of the exam – dismiss the candidates and exit from the FIRE DOOR in the Hall (right hand corner of Hall) • Ensure that the FIRE DOOR is closed behind you
on line examinations - additional guidance 4 logging in steps: • Logging in to the PC (user name and password) • Double clicking a desktop icon • Logging in to the QMP software (user name and password) • Accessing the on-line paper Further guidance included in the Code of Conduct For Invigilation pages 25 - 28