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Introduction to Human Anatomy

Introduction to Human Anatomy. Sanjaya Adikari Department of Anatomy. Why do you need to study anatomy?. A doctor should be able to localize symptoms and signs Pains Lumps/bumps Withdrawing of blood & giving injections Basic medical procedures. Why do you need to study anatomy?.

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Introduction to Human Anatomy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Human Anatomy Sanjaya Adikari Department of Anatomy

  2. Why do you need to study anatomy? • A doctor should be able to localize symptoms and signs • Pains • Lumps/bumps • Withdrawing of blood & giving injections • Basic medical procedures

  3. Why do you need to study anatomy? • Surgeons need to know what they cut • Where to cut • How to find the structures/organs • Relationship of stuctures/organs • Normal variations

  4. Subsections in the study of Anatomy • Dissections/Macroscopic structure • Histology/Microscopic structure • Embryology • Genetics

  5. Dissection is done in regions • Head and neck (with Nervous control M) • Thorax (with Res. Gas exch. M, Blood & Circula M) • Abdomen (with Alimentation M) • Pelvis & Perineum (with Excretion & Reproduc M) • Limbs (with Locomotion M)

  6. Anatomical Terms

  7. Anatomical Position

  8. Anterior = VentralPosterior = DorsalSuperior = CephalicInferior = CaudalLeft and RightMedial and Lateral

  9. Para saggital/ Para median Anatomical planes

  10. A B ‘A’ is lateral to ‘B’ ‘B’ is medial to ‘A’

  11. Superior/ cephalic Inferior/ caudal

  12. A B ‘A’ is proximal to ‘B’ ‘B’ is distal to ‘A’ A B

  13. Pre-axial border Post-axial border

  14. Abduction Adduction

  15. Flexion Extension Flexion Movement that carries the limb anteriorly and bends it Extension Movement that carries the limb posteriorly and straightens it

  16. Flexion Extension

  17. Rotation Circumduction

  18. Superficial Closer to the skin/out side Deep Away from the skin/out side

  19. Books Recommended • Grant’sAtlas of Anatomy • McMinn’scolour atlas of Human Anatomy • Grant’s Dissector • Wheater’s Functional Histology by B Young and J.W. Heath or Textbook of Human Histology with Colour Atlas and Practical Guide by Inderbir Singh

  20. Books Recommended • LAST’S ANATOMY REGIONAL AND APPLIED • Gray’s Anatomy for students • Textbook of Anatomy by Inderbir Singh • Clinically oriented Anatomy, By Keith L. Moore • Human Embryology by Prof. Malkanthi S. Chandrasekera

  21. List of things to be brought by you on the day of introduction to dissections • Scalpel blade and handle – 4 sets per group • Non toothed-forceps with a broad tip – 4 per group • Toothed-forceps with a broad tip – 4 per group • Pare of scissors (curved) - 2 per group • Cotton wool - 400 g packet • Gauze bandage - 06 per group • Two pairs of socks • One sponge (about 2 x 3 x 5 inches) to apply body fluid • A grey clothe 60 inches wide and 2 ½ meters long • Grant’s Dissector and a Lab coat

  22. Instruments Scalpel blade (No 22) Scalpel handle (No. 4)

  23. Instruments

  24. Instruments Gold-handled, curved fine-tipped Scissors 5-6 inch Forceps

  25. Approach to the human bodies Scissors Forceps

  26. Approach to the human bodies Scissors Forceps

  27. Approach to the human bodies Scissors Forceps

  28. Approach to the human bodies Scissors Forceps

  29. Communication with staff • Talk during practical classes • Meet us personally in the office • ‘Comments box’ next to the Anatomy notice board (of the ground floor) • Email: Our: headanatomy@pdn.ac.lkadikarisb@yahoo.com Your: m1001@med.pdn.ac.lk Batch Stu. No.

  30. Exams • Semester Exams – 4 • SAQ (40%), MCQ (30%), OSPE (30%) • Each OSPE item will have equal weightage • No separate merit exam • Marks from the 4 semester exams will decide ‘Distinctions in Anatomy’

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