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Omm. OFMDFM Signature Project Improving Literacy and Numeracy Induction Training 7-11 October 2013 Day 2 Post-Primary. OFMDFM Signature Project . Day Two. This course aims to : The course aims to increase awareness of : Analysis and use of data

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  1. Omm OFMDFM Signature Project Improving Literacy and Numeracy Induction Training 7-11 October 2013 Day 2 Post-Primary

  2. OFMDFM Signature Project Day Two This course aims to : • The course aims to increase awareness of : • Analysis and use of data • Using levels of progression/ Exam criteria in English and Maths to baseline and identify pupil needs • The importance of planning to bring about improvement

  3. OFMDFM Signature Project Programme • Welcome • Spectrum Analysis • Analysis and use of data in Context • Coffee • Analysis and use of data in Context • English and Mathematics Workshop 1 • Lunch • English and Mathematics Work shop 2 • Monitoring and Evaluation • Record Keeping • Plenary • Plenary

  4. OFMDFM Signature Project Effective Use of Data 5th February 010 Head of Department Support Programme

  5. OFMDFM Signature Project Objective • To increase the number of young people in post-primary schools, in particular those entitled to free school meals, achieving a grade C or above in English and Mathematics by the time they leave school

  6. Use of Performance Data How are we progressing? How are we doing? How do we know? What do we want to achieve?

  7. Pupil outcomes System-level outcomes, trends and targets Challenge Estimation + teacher judgement Target Prediction

  8. Using data for self-evaluation • How are we doing? • How do we know? • System-level trends • System targets • Performance in other similar circumstances External perspective Self-evaluation Internal perspective • Baseline information • Predictive testing • Formative and summative assessment Using Data for Self-Evaluation

  9. Workshop 1 Reflect and discuss your involvement in self-evaluation, target setting and use of data within a school context

  10. Trend Data

  11. Comparative Data

  12. OFMDFM Signature Project GCSE DATA

  13. Workshop 2 Discuss how performance data could be used How is performance data used?

  14. GL-Assessment Analysis Progress in Maths Progress in English Progress in Maths Progress in English

  15. What the scores mean Progress in Maths Progress in English Raw Scores – How many questions did the child/group answer correctly? Standard Age Scores or Standardised Score – attainment in relation to national sample, where 100 is the national average Percentile – the percentage of pupils in the national sample who scored at the same level or below that of the pupil’s score Stanine – reduces national attainment to a 1 to 9 scale 9 is highest scoring and 1 is lowest scoring Progress Scores – are only available for pupils who have had their previous test marked

  16. Below Average Above Average Average 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  17. Progress in Maths Progress in English

  18. Data which might have been used to identify intervention group • Attendance • Standardised tests • Teacher judgement • School exams • School reports • Pastoral - referral • SEN – Special needs register/Statements • EAL How is progress tracked and monitored ?

  19. Standardised Tests 22

  20. Intervention • Think of a skill that you have that was difficult for you to learn. • What helped you to overcome this barrier to learning?

  21. Effective Interventions Effective interventions ‘personalise learning’ by matching provision to meet children’s individual needs and quicken the pace of leaning for those with literacy difficulties, thus narrowing the attainment gap with their typically developing peers. Identifying and Teaching Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy difficulties. Jim Rose 2009

  22. OFMDFM Signature Project Questions • How have students been identified? • What assessments have been used? • How are parents involved ? • Do students know why they have been identified?

  23. OFMDFM Signature Project English and Mathematics Workshop

  24. OFMDFM Signature Project English and Mathematics Workshop

  25. OFMDFM Signature Project Monitoring and Evaluation School level • Action plan aligned with the school’s school development plan • Action plan/s completed using NISPLAN website (English, Mathematics, Irish) by 30th October • Baseline performance data recorded on school action plan/s (key stage 2 / GCSE) • Performance targets set for 2013-14 • Monitoring of progress through the NISPLAN website (December, February) • Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data • Self-Evaluation by participating teachers • Evaluation of the project (June)

  26. OFMDFM Signature Project Monitoring and Evaluation Pupil level • Individual pupils identified for support using performance data • Baseline information recorded for individual pupils • Targets and success criteria set for individual pupils • Detail of specific intervention planned • Monitoring of individual pupil progress against performance targets (December and February) • Pupil questionnaires and attitudinal studies used

  27. OFMDFM Signature Project Monitoring and Evaluation System level • Assessment of action plans through the NISPLAN website • Monitoring of progress through the NISPLAN website (December, February) • Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data • Progress measured against PfGtargets and Count, Read: Succeed milestones • Sharing of effective practice through the NISPLAN website and teacher training sessions • Principal information sessions/ meetings • CASS officer information sessions and workshops • Evaluation of training and support for teachers • Progress updates and evaluation reports to the WELB implementation team, ASEO group, SOG, DE, ETI

  28. OFMDFM Signature Project Evaluation Please include comment and statistics on the following, per school: • total number of classes supported (breakdown by year group) • total number of pupils supported (breakdown by in-class support and withdrawal) • nature of support provided to pupils • quantitative data on pupil improvement as a result of your support • total number of teachers supported • nature of support provided to teachers • qualitative analysis of support provided by you to each school – how did your involvement with pupils impact on their learning experiences? What worked and why? How do you know? What problems did you encounter and how were they overcome?

  29. OFMDFM Signature Project Models of support • Withdrawal • Small groups • Team teaching

  30. OFMDFM Signature Project Record Keeping Group record sheet See exemplars

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