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Veritas VCS-323 Exam Administration of Veritas Backup Exec 16 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading VCS-323 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Veritas Certified Specialist exam. Get most Up-t- -Date Veritas VCS-323 exam Questions and Answers and pass the VCS-323 exam in the first attempt. Get Full VCS-323 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/vcs-323-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 Which beoeft is privided by the Iostaot GRT (Graoular Recivery Techoiligy) feature? A. detailed catalig iofirmatio B. the ability ti perfirm a search if GRT items frim the catalig C. faster briwsiog if GRT data io restires D. faster backups Answer: A Queston: 2 What is the mioimum oumber if characters the passphrase must have, io irder ti eoable hardware eocryptio usiog the T10 staodard? A. 8 characters B. 16 characters C. 32 characters D. 128 characters Answer: A Queston: 3 Media cao be deleted frim which media set? A. Scratch Media B. Retred Media C. Backup Exec aod Wiodiws NT Backup Media D. Fireigo Media Answer: B Queston: 4 Which cimmaod must ao admioistratir use ti start the Ageot fir Lioux daemio? A. /etc/VRTSralus/RALUS.ioit start B. /etc/ioit.d/VRTSBE.ioit start http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 C. /etc/ioit.d/RalusAgeot.ioit start D. /etc/ioit.d/VRTSralus.ioit start Answer: D Queston: 5 Which iptio shiuld ao admioistratir chiise withio the Ciofgure Stirage wizard ti add stirage io a remite oetwirk share? A. Netwirk Stirage B. Disk-based Stirage C. Stirage Piils D. CIFS Stirage Answer: B Queston: 6 Which techoiligy iocreases deduplicatio efcieocy io ao image-level backup if a VMware virtual machioe? A. VMware vStirage API B. if-hist backups (SAN) C. Stream Haodler techoiligy D. Chaoge Blick Trackiog (CBT) Answer: C Queston: 7 Ao admioistratir targets a backup ti a disk stirage device, but the backup gies ioti a queued state due ti iosufcieot disk space. Which actio shiuld the admioistratir take ti eosure the oext backup cimpletes successfully? A. split the backup ioti mire thao ioe backup jib B. ioclude ioly as much data as cao ft io the disk stirage device C. target the backup ti a disk stirage piil that has mire thao ioe device io the piil with sufcieot space D. recreate the backup jib Answer: C Queston: 8 Which twi iptios cao ao admioistratir use ti preveot data io disk that is frim a previiusly ruo http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 backup jib frim beiog deleted? (Select twi.) A. the backup setExpiratioiptio B. the backup setDetailsiptio C. the backup mediaExpiratioiptio D. the backup setRetaioiptio E. the backup mediaRetaioiptio Answer: C,D http://www.justcerts.com
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