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Alternate Assessment Monthly Webinar

Stay up-to-date on the Mississippi Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (MAAECF) with updates on AVS training, field test information, and upcoming modules.

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Alternate Assessment Monthly Webinar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alternate Assessment Monthly Webinar Office of Student Assessment Tuesday, December 3, 2013

  2. Today’s Agenda • MAAECF Updates • Modules 3-5 Review • Modules 6-8 Preview • Field Test Updates

  3. MAAECF Updates

  4. MAAECF Updates • MAAECF Support continues for all areas • Assessment View System Manuals for Teachers and District Administrators are now available under Publications at www.mde.k12.ms.us/maaecf • Assessment View System Online Training Modules are currently available on iTunes. • AVS opens Friday, December 6, 2013 at noon.

  5. AVS Training

  6. AVS Training • Any teacher may register for training, however it is recommended for those either new to the system or who had difficulty with the electronic process last year. • All participants must bring a lap top & digital files ready for uploading. Lap tops must be updated with the required software. • Technical Requirements are included in manual and were emailed out November 20, 2013. • AVS does not work on tablets (iPad, Kindle, etc.)

  7. MAAECF Important Dates • December 20, 2013 - Baseline data collection deadline • Mid December 2013- AVS opens • February 7, 2013 – All Baseline artifacts must be uploaded into AVS • An artifact is the evidence cover sheet and the supporting evidence (work sample, observation, pictures series, or video)

  8. MAAECF Science Updates • MAAECF will continue to be used for Science. • Science Extended Curriculum Frameworks are currently being revised for use during the 2014-2015 year. • Are being reviewed by teacher panels next week. • They will be sent to the board in February to begin the APA Process.

  9. Dynamic Learning Maps Professional Development plan

  10. Professional Development Plan • Strongly suggest the creation of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) within the district • PD plan provided by MDE included suggested timeline and activities • Make it work for your district

  11. Professional Development

  12. Module 3: Universal Design for Learning • UDL is a scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that • (a) provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged; and • (b) reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports, and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students. • The three core principles of Universal Design for Learning are multiple and flexible means of: • presentation • expression • engagement

  13. Module 4: Principles of Instruction in English Language Arts (ELA) • Repetition With Variety • Cognitive Engagement • Cognitive Clarity • Personal Connection With The Curriculum • Participation Of A Knowledgeable Other • A Means Of Expressive Communication • Allocating Significant Time For Comprehensive Instruction

  14. Module 5: Standards of Mathematical Practice • Standard 1, making sense of problems and persevering in solving them. • Standard 2, reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Standard 4, model with mathematics. • Standard 5, using the appropriate tools strategically. • Standard 6, the need for students to attend to precision. • Standard 7, look for and make use of structure. • Standard 8, look for and express regularity in mathematical reasoning.

  15. Upcoming Modules • Module 6: Counting and Cardinality • Module 7: Individual Education Programs Linked to the DLM Essential Elements • Module 8: Symbols • Module 9: Shared Reading *NEW*

  16. DLM Field Test Updates

  17. Field Test Updates • Email sent from DLM to the district Assessment Coordinator (AC) on Wednesday, November 20. • Email included links to additional information for the field test. • Attached were 5 letters for the AC to send to the data steward, the technical liaison, and the teachers. Directions were included.

  18. Field Test Updates • What should be happening now? • Download System Start Up Guide from DLM. • KITE System should be installed on each computer • KITE System is the software that will run the DLM assessment. • Data Stewards should be compiling • User File – Teachers • Roster File – Students and Teachers

  19. Field Test Updates • Tips for the Data Steward • The Organization # that is asked for in the roster will be a unique number to DLM. It has not been assigned yet. I will notify you when we have them. • Teachers who are assigned to multiple schools should be listed at the District Organization Level. That number will come with the list of schools. • The list of district and school numbers will include everyone in the state and will stay the same for next year. • You will have the ability to update staff and student rosters as the year progresses.

  20. Field Test Updates • What should teachers be doing? • Visit Field Test 1 Educator Resource Page • Download the **Read Me First** Fact Sheet • Watch Videos and review DLM Glossary and continue Self-Directed Learning Modules • Review Essential Elements that will be covered in Field Test 1 • Review released DLM testlets for an idea of what to expect.

  21. Field Test Updates • What should teachers be doing? (Cont) • Create a schedule for testing each student in their class. Allot approximately 30 minutes for each student and each domain (ELA & Math) • Make sure that each student tests early in the window • Schedule Make Up days at the end of the schedule in order to cover any absences. • Any student who does not participate in all 3 windows will count as not tested!

  22. Questions? Contact Person: Gretchen Cagle Educator in Residence, Office of Student Assessment Gcagle@mde.k12.ms.us 601-359-2135 www.mde.k12.ms.us/dlm www.mde.k12.ms.us/maaecf

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