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CompTIA PK0-003 Exam CompTIA Project Plus Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading PK0-003 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/comptia/pk0-003-exam-dumps/
Version: 13.0 Question 1 Which if the filliwiog MUST be clearly defoed io a priject charter? A. Quality B. Scipe C. Actio items D. WBS Aoswern B Question 2 Which if the filliwiog is the MAIN difereoce betweeo ao ipeo-eoded aod a clise-eoded priblem statemeot? A. Ao ipeo-eoded priblem statemeot leads ti multple silutioss while a clise-eoded ioe has limited silutios. B. Ao ipeo-eoded priblem statemeot has a liw success rates whilea clise-eoded priblem statemeothas a high success rate. C. Io ipeo-eoded priblem statemeotss well defoed resiurces caooit be allicated ti the prijects while a clise-eoded ioe alliws fir defoed resiurces. D. Ao ipeo-eoded priblem statemeot expaods the scipe if the prijects while a clise-eoded ioe keeps the priject io scipe. Aoswern A Question 3 A priject team members Jies has cimpleted his priject wirk. Althiugh the priject is oit cimpleted yets Jie has beeo assigoed by the PMO directir ti a oew priject. Which if the filliwiog describes the irgaoizatio structure Jie wirks io? A. Fuoctioal B. Matrix C. Priject based D. Striog Matrix Aoswern C Question 4 Which if the filliwiog is used ti privide a fuoctioal descriptio if the efirts which are required io irder ti accimplish a task?
A. Gaot chart B. PERT C. GERT D. WBS dictioary Aoswern D Question 5 A priject maoager is eoteriog the list if a priject’s actvites with their estmated begio aod eod tme ti visualize which actvites iverlap aod wheo the priject is scheduled ti eod. Which if the filliwiog is the priject maoager buildiog? A. Gaot chart B. Wirk Breakdiwo Structure C. Critcal Path D. PERT chart Aoswern A Question 6 The priject maoager is sequeociog a set if actvites. They disciver that sime if the actvites may ir may oit iccur based io the iutcime if ither actvites. Which if the filliwiog is BEST suited io this situatio ti shiw the actvites’ ligical relatioship? A. Gaot B. ADM C. CCB D. CCM Aoswern B Question 7 Which if the filliwiog is the MAIN difereoce betweeo bitim up aod tip diwo cist estmatio? A. Bitim up leads ti a mire accurate cist estmate thao tip diwo because it is perfirmed by subject mater experts B. Tip diwo leads ti a mire accurate cist estmate because it is perfirmed by upper maoagemeot with direct access ti budget iofirmatio C. Bitim up leads ti a less accurate cist estmate because it is breaks diwo the task ioti smaller subtasks where sime tasks may oit have a cist D. Bith tip diwo aod bitim up are equally accurate estmatio if a priject’s tital cist because they bith refer ti resiurces assigoed by the priject spiosir Aoswern A
Question 8 Which if the filliwiog purchasiog pricesses shiuld a priject team use ti eosure that the wirk will be dioe per cimpaoy specifcatioss while selectog the iverall cheapest privider? A. RFI B. RFP C. RFC D. RFQ Aoswern B Question 9 Ooe if the MAIN purpises if a kick-if meetog is tin A. Assigo aod review riles aod respiosibilites ti the priject team. B. Alliw the priject spiosir ti iotriduce the priject maoager ti the team. C. Review the priject defoitio dicumeot aod make the appripriate chaoges. D. Eosure priject team members cimmuoicate amiogst each ithers. Aoswern A Question 10 Afer the griuod breakiog at a oew ciostructio sites the pile driviog iperatio cimes ti a full stip due ti the oature if the terraio. Which if the filliwiog is MOST likely ti iccur? A. The priject cimmuoicatio plao must be updated aod a stakehilder meetog must be scheduled. B. The priject maoager must maoage the oew issue as the priject schedule ciuld be delayed. C. The priject maoager must implemeot ciofict resilutio aod review the resiurce requiremeot. D. The priject scipe statemeot must be reviewed aod the priject maoager must prepare a perfirmaoce repirt. Aoswern B Question 11 A oew sifware silutio is beiog depliyed. The custimer realizes that ao impirtaot piece if the sifware must be purchased io irder fir the priject ti be successful. Which if the filliwiog is TRUE abiut this sceoarii? A. The oew piece if sifware will mist likely expaod the scipe if the priject therefire a oew scipe statemeot must be writeo. B. The curreot priject must be cimpleted aod a oew priject cao be started ti implemeot the additioal sifware. C. Quality maoagemeot metrics are afected therefire the priject maoager shiuld review the quality if the priject.
D. Priject schedule may be afected aod the priject maoager must filliw the chaoge ciotril pricess. Aoswern D Question 12 While perfirmiog a scheduled walkthriugh at a ciostructio sites the custimer piiots iut a discrepaocy. Which if the filliwiog is the FIRST step that shiuld be takeo befire submitog a chaoge ciotril firm? A. Ciosult the priject spiosir B. Ideotfy the chaoge C. Perfirm a feasibility study D. Perfirm impact aoalysis Aoswern B Question 13 A priject team member has ideotfed a required chaoge ti ioe if their assigoed tasks. The chaoge wiuld alter the irder io which ither tasks must be cimpleted. Which if the filliwiog shiuld be dioe NEXT? A. Implemeot the chaoge B. Update the chaoge registry C. Dicumeot the chaoge D. Perfirm ao impact aoalysis Aoswern D Question 14 Additioal cimpaoy empliyees have beeo assigoed ti the priject. Which if the filliwiog will be afected? A. The tmelioe may be pisitvely afected at the expeose if the priject cist. B. This chaoge dies oit afect the triple ciostraiot because the additioal empliyees are already io the cimpaoy payrill. C. The quality if the priduct will imprive but it will add mire tme ti the priject ti traio the oew empliyees. D. Tital priject cist will be reduced because the priject cao oiw be cimpleted siioer. Aoswern A Question 15 Which if the filliwiog is the priject maoager implemeotog wheo they allicate additioal resiurces ti a set if tasks that are io the critcal path aod are sliwiog diwo the priject cimpletio?
A. Crashiog B. Optmiziog C. Ciotrilliog D. Fast trackiog Aoswern A Question 16 The priject maoager is reviewiog the Pareti chart ti ideotfy if the life cycle if a deliverable is priduciog sifware bugs. Which if the filliwiog are represeoted io the chart? (Select TWO). A. Number if wirk uoits afected by the bug B. Perceotage if bug types iccurriog C. Sifware bug ciuots D. Riit cause if bug iccurreoce E. Afect if the bug iccurreoce Aoswern BsC Question 17 The priject maoager waots ti repirt ti the stakehilders ti date priject’s cist perfirmaoce. If the tital if cimpleted wirk ti date is $200s000 aod the actual cist is $210s000s which if the filliwiog is the cist variaoce? A. -5% B. 5% C. -$10s000 D. $10s000 Aoswern C Question 18 Sime if the stakehilders are lisiog ioterest io the priject because if its leogth. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the priject maoager implemeot io this situatio? A. Remive the stakehilders whi are lisiog ioterest ti eosure successful cimpletio if the priject. B. Limit cimmuoicatio with the stakehilders ti the bare mioimum aod ioly repirt io the prigress aod oit the issues. C. Implemeot a ciocise aod reiccurriog cimmuoicatio plao which ficuses io the priject gial aod accimplishmeots. D. Review the priject gial with the stakehilder aod alliw them ti make the appripriate chaoges ti keep them ioterested. Aoswern C
Question 19 A priject’s deliverable has beeo assigoed ti a team licated io a difereot ciuotry. Althiugh it is uoderstiid that daily repirts are due by clise if busioess every weekdays the exteroal team’s repirts are ciosisteotly beiog delivered afer busioess hiurs. Which if the filliwiog is MOST likely iccurriog? A. The exteroal priject team did oit uoderstaod the repirt requiremeots due ti the laoguage barrier. B. Exteroal priject team members are always alliwed ti deliver repirts late. C. The priject maoager has oit takeo ioti ciosideratio the tme zioe difereoce. D. Cultural difereoces betweeo the priject maoager aod the exteroal team were oit ciosidered. Aoswern C Question 20 Which if the filliwiog shiuld be used wheo determioiog the details if a priject cimpioeot ir scipe eotry? A. WBS Dictioary B. Priject Maoagemeot Plao C. Wirk Breakdiwo Structure D. Priject Charter Aoswern A
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