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The 231 Buffet

The 231 Buffet The 231 Buffet This course has been a survey of instructional technologies intended to expose students to a wide range of current applications. The 231 Buffet: the menu Word processing Email and listservs Discussion forums Chats Administrative content Online quizzes

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The 231 Buffet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 231 Buffet

  2. The 231 Buffet • This course has been a survey of instructional technologies intended to expose students to a wide range of current applications.

  3. The 231 Buffet: the menu • Word processing • Email and listservs • Discussion forums • Chats • Administrative content • Online quizzes • Html • Online research • Distance education • Multimedia technologies

  4. The 231 Buffet • Because maintaining a critical perspective toward technology is so important, this class began by examining the “why” of technology (theory) in combination with the “how” of computers (the application).

  5. The 231 Buffet • Advantage: The buffet approach allows you to choose applications that match your particular tastes.

  6. The 231 Buffet • Disadvantage: Except for the final unit project, the buffet approach does not allow you to savor a particular application deeply, and the various “flavors” can begin to run together.

  7. The 231 Buffet • The buffet approach does, however, offer a context to develop the skills needed to pursue applications later, in other situations, on your own.

  8. Principle #1 • Keep people first. • The class demonstrated a consistent urge to “re-embody” online education.

  9. Principle #2 • Identify and build from program principles. • I stressed interactivity; others focused on presentational applications.

  10. Principle #3 • Start simple. • The buffet only included the simplest items, but the large projects let you know how quickly such applications can become complex.

  11. Principle #4 • Requires intense hands-on investments. • You are no doubt most comfortable with the application(s) you used in your final projects.

  12. Principle #5 • Revise strategies for instructing students: we’re all feral. • Because you could not practice on live students in this class, you’ll want to be sure to keep this principle in mind as you enter the real (virtual) world.

  13. Principle #6 • Expect the crash. • Two words: CoursInfo chat

  14. Principle #7 • Consider access. • Economically, culturally, logistically.

  15. Principle #8 • Be critical of technology. • Once you have been exposed to a range of technologies, you are better equipped to be choosy and to argue in your defense and in defense of your students.

  16. Principle #9 • Use technology as a lever for positive change: you are now more powerful. • People will listen to you.

  17. Principle #10 • Consult with others. • Expertise in instructional technology is definitely and open-ended skill; thus, the learning never ends. I am eager to remain your coach and contact.

  18. The 231 Buffet • I hoped you enjoyed your meal. • Spicy, sweet, sour, rich, bland—but hopefully just what you needed (or will need). • Thanks for your hard work.

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