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Contraceptive Security

Contraceptive Security Definition and Background Conceptual Framework for Addressing Contraceptive Security Supporting the Field What Can You Do? What Is Contraceptive Security?

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Contraceptive Security

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Contraceptive Security • Definition and Background • Conceptual Framework for Addressing Contraceptive Security • Supporting the Field • What Can You Do?

  2. What Is Contraceptive Security? Contraceptive Security exists when every person is able to choose, obtain and use quality contraceptives and condoms for family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention whenever he/she needs them.

  3. 217 Million Additional Users Growing Shortfall of Contraceptive Supplies

  4. The Donor Funding Gap Source: Meeting the Challenge: Contraceptive Projections and the Donor Gap and and Interim Working Group on Reproductive Health Commodity Security (IWG)

  5. Need is Growing in the Poorest Regions Source: Meeting the Challenge: Contraceptive Projections and the Donor Gap and and Interim Working Group on Reproductive Health Commodity Security (IWG)

  6. Conceptual Framework For Addressing Contraceptive Security

  7. Strategic Chain of Actions National Capacities Select Private Sector Use Forecast National Policies Finance Procure Regulation & QA Distribute Use Information and Data Donor Coordination

  8. Strategic Chain of Actions Select Use Forecast Finance Procure Distribute Use National Capacities Private Sector Supportive policy environment, e.g., tariffs,duties, import regulations Availability of distribution and promotion channels Sufficient market to attract commercial providers Commercial providers must have a competitive advantage relative to other providers National Policies Regulation & QA Information and Data Donor Coordination

  9. Strategic Chain of Actions Select Use Forecast Finance Procure Distribute Use National Capacities Private Sector National Policies Regulation & QA Information and Data Donor Coordination

  10. Strategic Chain of Actions Ineffective inventory control/distribution, logistics Improper ordering Inadequate Storage Capacity Inadequate Staff Training Inadequate LMIS National Capacities Private Sector Select Use Forecast National Policies Finance Procure Regulation & QA Distribute Information and Data Use Donor Coordination

  11. Support to the Field

  12. Different Stages Need Different Help • Graduated • self-reliant • Graduating • procurement TA, market segmentation • Donor Dependent • forecasting, distribution, logistics TA, • coordination among donors

  13. Ripple Effects – BangladeshHow Good News Goes Bad WB loan - contraceptive procurement USAID plans reduced shipments Reprograms funds for other critical TA support WB Procurement delayed Emergency shipments requested USAID shifts funds – TA plans disrupted Stock-outs and misdistribution CLIENTS UNDERSERVED

  14. Building Partnerships With Key Stakeholders Global Partnerships Contraceptive Security Team Alan Bornbusch Joan Robertson Tanvi Pandit Shannon Rogers Countries/ Missions Cooperating Agencies

  15. What Are We Striving For? • Contraceptive security strategies in PHN Countries • Contraceptive security coordinating bodies in PHN countries • Countries working with WB credits maintaining client service, with contraceptive availability • More countries allocating their own budgets for contraceptive security • Better donor planning of resource allocation and shipment decisions • Better targeting of public subsidies & greater private sector provision of service including contraceptives

  16. How Will We Measure Impact? • CS Strategies in PHN Countries • CS coordinating bodies in PHN Countries • Countries working with WB Credits maintaining client service • More countries allocating their own budgets for CS • Better donor planning of resource allocation and shipment decisions • Better targeting of public subsidies

  17. Work in Progress FIELD INITIATIVES • LAC Feasibility Study • Country level contraceptive security plans and resource mobilization • Private sector contraceptive supply options in Latin America • Asia media advocacy workshop GLOBAL INITIATIVES • Strategic Pathway to Reproductive Health Commodity Security (SPARHCS) • Determining impact of SWAPs and PRSPs on contraceptive security • Contraceptive security indicators • “Ready Lessons for Moving Towards Contraceptive Security”

  18. What Can You Do? • Country Coordination Committee • SPARHCS assessment and strategic planning • National Market Segmentation • Indicator-based determination of CS status • Launch of advocacy effort for national change • Seek the experience of the contraceptive security team and other colleagues working in this area

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