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Get insights into Mrs. Rammohan's engineering and design course guidelines, including materials needed, classroom rules, grading policies, and intervention plans. Stay informed for a successful academic journey.
After school Help • I am available during lunch for any help or make up work you need to complete. • Send me an email in advance
My Goal as your Teacher • You will know your assignments • You will be provided with study help associated with tests • You will earn your grade • You will follow all classroom procedures • You will be treated fairly • You Will Succeed!
Materials You need For Class • Earbuds • Many Flash Cards • 96pc Wood Art Set • Notebook • Pens/ Pencils/ Highlighter • Small Flash Drive
No Tolerance rule • fighting, cursing, damage to school, or personal property is a serious offence, leading to dismissal from class, call home, and discipline referral to administration
Taking A Zero • Please try to turn in all work on time! • Zero’s are devastating to grades. • Zeros will be entered if no work is turned in google classroom. Sketches if needed have to be turned in physically as well. • Zeros will be entered if you submit the original document without an answer or a blank document.
Late work • You may turn in late work until date is determined. A deadline will be announced before the end of the quarter. • 3 points will be taken off for late submission • 1 week past due will lose 50% of the grade
Substitute Procedure • Treat him/her as you treat me! • It is like any other day! They are in charge! Follow their rules!
COURSE WEBSITE • https://www.msrammohan.com/ (Password ted2019)
If your absent….. • First check google classroom for work to be submitted. • Talk to me about missed notes or test. • Before class and during class is not the time to discuss missed work or make up time for quiz or test.
INTERVENTION • If you are failing or struggling you will get into an intervention plan. • Recovery for your grade includes: • Please talk to me to improve your grades • STAY OFF THIS PLAN DO THE WORK AND YOU WILL PASS!!!
Miss a Test, Quiz, or assignment • If you miss a test or a quiz it is your responsibility to set up a time or a date to make up the test or quiz. You will need to come and meet me during lunch during test availability window.
Restroom procedure • We adhere to the 10/10 rule • You are required to sign the bathroom log when you leave and when you return • Plan time before class for a restroom break. • You are given a sheet of bathroom passes you can use each quarter. The sheet will contain 9 passes to use during the quarter. • When you need to go fill it out and I will sign it. • You must have those passes to go the restroom.
BYOd • BYOD means students bring their own devices to school for educational purposes. In the classroom, students will use devices responsibly, and only with the permission and direction of the teacher or other staff member. The increased use of technology in RHS classrooms will “power up” student success today, and for the future. Just like tardy table, violations accumulate by each individual class over the course of each quarter. Violations restart each quarter. • First violation: Verbal warning. • Second violation: Final verbal warning. • Third violation: Student will be verbally directed to select one of two options: • A: Student will shutdown the device and place it in a secure location in the classroom as designated by instructor. • B: Student will shut down the device and place it in their own personal belongings for the remainder of the class. • Fourth and subsequent violations:Student will be escorted to ISS for the remainder of the period. Device is confiscated by administrator. Loss of BYOD privilege may be revoked by administrator.
Hints on How to Succeed • Listen • Take Notes (Cornell, Guided Notes, Graphic Organizers, etc.) • Stay organized • Practice and participate in lab • Read your notes aloud, use flash cards, or rewrite your notes • Complete online activities • Make up work as quickly as possible • Utilize quiz and test retakes
What to do When you finish your work • Allow others to finish their work undisturbed • Finish or complete any missed or incomplete assignment • Complete Quiz corrections • Make flash card to prepare for unit test • Work on homework, future projects, or assignments