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Homework : Complete an analysis of the representation of Sexuality from the BLOG example. This MUST be a hand written answer. YOU SHOULD analyse the the sequence 4 times and make notes/plan your answer, just like you would in the exam.
Homework: • Complete an analysis of the representation of Sexuality from the BLOG example. • This MUSTbe a hand written answer. • YOU SHOULD analyse the the sequence 4 times and make notes/plan your answer, just like you would in the exam. • YOU SHOULD then spend no longer than 45 minutes writing your response. • Due: Today
AS Media Studies – Period 3 Lesson – Targeting of National and international Audiences Wednesday 1st May 2013 Unit G322: Key Concepts Exam
Vs. ‘The Angel’s Share’ (2012) Dir. Ken Loach ‘Taken 2’ (2012) Dir. Oliver Megaton YOU MUST make notes on EACH case study example as we go through them. YOU SHOULD make notes on other areas we have covered previously in relation to this particular topic.
Aims & Objectives Why? • Re-cap prior learning of HOW to approach Section B of the Exam. • Focus on the ways in which UK audiences in particular are targeted by dominant Institutions such as the major studios of Hollywood. • Look at Case Study material we have previously covered, as well as focus on the case study examples YOU MUST refer to in the exam – ‘Taken 2’ (2012) and ‘The Angels Share’ (2012). • Complete some research into this area and reflect on HOW your own case study examples comply with how we are targeted. • Key term: Inter-relationship • Review the learning and set homework for next lesson. So you can succeed in the exam!
YOU MUST write down an example of a case study – ‘Taken 2’, ‘The Angels Share’ OR your own – that uses cross media convergence to target it’s audience. YOU SHOULD support this understanding with statistics/examples. YOU COULD give more than x1 example.
The use of video sharing and the age of prosumerdriven content has meant audiences are now much more easily captured and targeted across the globe. Hollywood’s success - $10.8 Billion (2012) in the US alone – has transferred across the globe, resulting in the film industry much more like a ‘Global Village’ (Marshall McLuhan – 1967). How else are Global audiences targeted by Hollywood?
Vs. ‘The Angel’s Share’ (2012) Dir. Ken Loach ‘Taken 2’ (2012) Dir. Oliver Megaton YOU MUST go on to the Blog Pages for each of the films above and establish HOW each film utilized social media and new media technologies to help market the film to National and International audiences.
Key Term: Event Movie
Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film) “..the age group Hollywood mostly targets is 18-49 year olds”. 6) Targeting of Audiences– Case Study example WHY? HOW?
Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film) 6) Targeting of Audiences– Case Study example Audiences now have “diminished expectations” Mark Kermode – Film Critic
Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film) Or have they? • Research the listings of film currently being shown at Odeon cinemas in: • Kingston • Bradford/Leeds – A city that is very culturally and ethnically diverse. • Do they differ in what is on offer? • Do they films reflect the demographics of the area?
How many of these films are British (%)? How many of these films are a part of successful Hollywood film franchises (%)? Whodistributesmost of these films (%)?
UK audiences are overwhelmed by the dominance of Hollywood and the concentration of media ownership they possess.
Some examples of successful multi-national media conglomerates who are ensuring Hollywood stay dominant are: Distributor Estimated Marketing Budget: $30 million
Released in 3,661 Theatresin the US alone! Would you expect a similar ‘blanket release’ in the UK? Grossed$50 million in it’s opening weekend at the box office in the US alone
http://metro.co.uk/2013/04/05/from-iron-man-to-man-of-steel-five-action-films-showing-their-mettle-this-summer-3584182/http://metro.co.uk/2013/04/05/from-iron-man-to-man-of-steel-five-action-films-showing-their-mettle-this-summer-3584182/ The mass media have the power tocreate“falseneeds” (Herbert Marcuse– 1964). A popularand Free publicationsuch as the Metrohas the power to target a widereadership–around 3 millionpeople a day– in the UK andusepowerful sales techniques in helpingto market the film. We will look at the articlefrom the link abovetoestablish HOW theytryand target film fans toconsume the latestblockbusters.
Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film) “Blanket release” £1.1 Billion generated at the Box-Office in 2012 – 4% increase. 32% of this figure represents UK Produced Blockbusters such as ‘Skyfall’ (2012). 9% of this figure represents UK Produced Low Budget films such as ‘The Angels Share’ (2012). 23% of this figure represents Hollywood produced ‘Event Movies’. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/uk-admissions-box-office-up-417093
‘The Angels Share’ (2012) Dir. Ken Loach “The films that have succeeded have not tried to ape Hollywood. They have typically British subjects, done in an entertaining, confident way” (Grant – 2007) Key Term: Realism
Key Term: Shoestring Film ‘The Angels Share’ (2012) is a prime example of a Low budget British film that endeavors to provide verisimilitude(realism) for it’s target audience without being overpowered by the business and money making Hollywood machine. Estimated Marketing Budget: ?
Key Term: Cross over Hit Who Distributedthis film? Why did this NOT succeed in being a Cross-over hit?
Key Term: Cross over Hit Was the film successful in the US? Critically: YES Commercially: NO
Why so low? Was the film marketed poorly? Was released in Multiplex cinemas?
What do you hope the audience will take out of this film? • I hope they’ll enjoy meeting the folks in it, particularly the young people who are either referred to as ‘petty criminals’ or ‘benefit claimants’ or whatever, and just see that they are rounded, humorous, proper, real people; and that for every one of that million unemployed statistic, there are a million kids who are facing a fairly hopeless future – and here’s four of them. Aren’t they interesting to meet and aren’t they complex and valuable, worth something really? I hope they’ll see that as well as enjoying the tale. • The verbal codes highlighted above provide some very profound connotations in terms of our film consumption habits – “hope” connotes that Loach is potentially aware that the film is not going to reach the popcorn fuelled teenager of the multiplex, however through viral marketing and word of mouth, maybe the film will get the exposure and acclaim it deserves.
Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film) Smaller UK Studio – Case Study
Unit G322: Institutions & Audience (Film) Bollywood cinema Key term: Indigenous Cinema 6) Targeting of Audiences– Key Term Refer to consumer choice at the cinema and how Hollywoods dominance means very little growth or or opportunity for GlobalisingIndigenouscinema.
What have you learnt? • Summarise your findings today by comparing the targeting of audiences with ‘Taken 2’ and ‘The Angels Share’ with your own case study examples. • Are there any similarities and/or differences?
Homework: Section B – Complete this Past paper question by reflecting on what you have learnt today. YOU SHOULD time yourself to ensure you are completing the answer in no longer than 45 minutes. DUE: WEDNESDAY 8th MAY – Period 3