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THE PRECEDE-PROCEED PLANNING MODEL. Muji Sulistyowati. Phase 5 Administrative and Policy Diagnosis. Phase 4 Educational and Organizational Diagnosis. Phase 3 Behavioral and Environment Diagnosis. Phase 2 Epidemiological Diagnosis. Phase 1 Social Diagnosis. Predisposing Factors.

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  2. Phase 5 Administrative and Policy Diagnosis Phase 4 Educational and Organizational Diagnosis Phase 3 Behavioral and Environment Diagnosis Phase 2 Epidemiological Diagnosis Phase 1 Social Diagnosis Predisposing Factors HEALTH PROMOTION Health Education Behavior and Lifestyle Reinforcing Factors Quality of Life Health Policy and Regulation Organization Enabling Factors Environment Phase 6 Implementation Phase 7 Process Evaluation Phase 8 Impact Evaluation Phase 9 Outcome Evaluation PROCEED (Policy, Regulation, Organization, Construct in Education, Environment Development)

  3. Overview • P-P framework originated in the 1970s • To enhance the quality of health education interventions by offering practitioners a systematic planning process • PRECEDE = Predisposing, Reinforcing and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation • PROCEED = Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development Bersambung…

  4. P-P model is a nine-phase process that begins with the proposition that health behaviors are complex, multidimensional, and influenced by a variety of factors • P-P model is not considered a behavioral theory per se, it is a conceptual framework for practice, or planning model • The planning process in P-P emphasized on the principle of participation Bersambung…

  5. The principle of participation states that success in achieving change is enhanced by the active participation of member of the target audience in defining their own high-priority problems and goals and in developing and implementing solutions (Green & Kreuter, 1991; Minkler, 1990; Freudenberg & others, 1995)

  6. It means : at each phase, efforts should be made to include the target audience in all aspects of program planning, implementation and evaluation

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