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In Utah, every motorist who is pulled over and has any amount of alcohol in their blood will be charged with DUI. Driving with a high level of alcohol in your blood gives you a sense of false control, allowing you to think that you are in control of your vehicle when you are not. If you need a Salt Lake City DUI attorney, you can turn to the trusted professionals at the Jardine Law Offices for help in proving your innocence. The attorneys at Jardine Law Offices will help you find it and minimize your penalty if that is possible.
How Dangerous is a Mix of Drinking and Driving?
01 You could get jailed You could get jailed 02 You will lose your driver’s license You will lose your driver’s license Regardless of the state in which you live, driving while intoxicated is a serious offense. Causing an accident while intoxicated can have serious consequences. 03 You will have to pay fines and fees You will have to pay fines and fees 04 You will be charged with DUI You will be charged with DUI You may face a lawsuit from the other You may face a lawsuit from the other party involved party involved 05
Some states have more serious laws when it comes to DUI, and want to encourage drivers to take a cab after a night of drinking. In Utah, every motorist who is pulled over and has any amount of alcohol in their blood will be charged with DUI. The limit of alcohol in the blood is 0.05%, and any amount above that is punishable by the law.
One-Third Of All Accidents According to the statistics (provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), around 35 percent of all car accidents are related to DUI. This means that the number of people who drive while intoxicated is concerningly high.
Driving with a high level of alcohol in your blood gives you a sense of “false control”, allowing you to think that you are in control of your vehicle when you are not. If you are pulled over with alcohol in your blood, you will face serious charges. Contact Salt Lake City DUI attorneys Salt Lake City DUI attorneys and see if there is a way to receive compensation for your injuries after getting involved in a DUI accident.
Jail time (Maximum 180 days in jail, mandatory 2 Jail time (Maximum 180 days in jail, mandatory 2 days or 48h for a first offense, mandatory 10 days in days or 48h for a first offense, mandatory 10 days in jail for a 2nd offense and a maximum of 5 years in jail for a 2nd offense and a maximum of 5 years in prison or a mandatory 62 days in jail if prison is not prison or a mandatory 62 days in jail if prison is not ordered for a 3rd offense) ordered for a 3rd offense) ❖ ❖ Utah Penalties In the state of Utah, there are different types of penalties for getting pulled over for DUI. Based on your age and the amount of alcohol in your blood, you could face the following consequences: Fines and Fees (1st offense – minimum of $1,300, Fines and Fees (1st offense – minimum of $1,300, 2nd offense – minimum of $1500, 3rd offense 2nd offense – minimum of $1500, 3rd offense –minimum of $2,850) –minimum of $2,850) ❖ ❖ Driver’s License Suspension (120 days, revoked for 2 Driver’s License Suspension (120 days, revoked for 2 years based on the number of offenses) years based on the number of offenses) ❖ ❖ Ignition Interlock Device (1 year mandatory, 2-year Ignition Interlock Device (1 year mandatory, 2-year mandatory based on the number of offenses) mandatory based on the number of offenses) ❖ ❖
Speak with DUI attorneys in Salt Lake City DUI attorneys in Salt Lake City at the Jardine Law Offices, P.C. Law Offices, P.C. and see if they can help you avoid getting jailed. Perhaps the office did not read you your rights or did not do everything properly after arresting you for DUI. If there is a way, attorneys will help you find it and minimize your penalty if that is possible. Use your one free call wisely, and call the right group of attorneys. Jardine
CONTACT DETAILS: www.jardinelawoffices. www.jardinelawoffices. com/contact/ com/contact/ 801-350-3506 801-350-3506 825 N 300 W Ste N-224 825 N 300 W Ste N-224 Salt Lake City, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 84103