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CHEMISTRY. GUIDING QUESTIONS. Why do some things go Ka-boom while others just go Pssssss ? If I burn something, does it get heavier or lighter ? What are the conditions necessary to speed up/slow down a reaction ?. Elements and the Periodic Table.

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  2. GUIDINGQUESTIONS Why do some things go Ka-boom while others just go Pssssss? If I burn something, does it getheavier or lighter? What are the conditions necessary to speed up/slow down a reaction?

  3. Elements and the Periodic Table http://www.privatehand.com/flash/elements.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIlUXHZR3ZA&feature=related 2

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0zION8xjbM&feature=fvwrel They might be giants

  5. ATOMIC NUMBER and MASS NUMBER Atomic number 6 C Number of protons (+) Mass number 12 Protons + Neutrons

  6. Atomic Structure

  7. An atomis the smallest part of an element that can exist.

  8. What are atoms? Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms! There are 90 naturally occurring kinds of atoms.

  9. An element is a substance made up of a single type of tiny particles called atoms.

  10. Protons = Atomic number Protons = Electrons Protons + Neutrons = Mass Number Neutrons = Mass # - Protons

  11. Complete the following table:

  12. Complete the following table:

  13. Moleculesare small groups (2 or more atoms) of atoms.

  14. Compoundsare pure substances made of 2 or more elements chemically joined together.

  15. Magnesium Atoms Oxygen Atoms Molecules of magnesium oxide Summary compound element element molecule atom atom

  16. Which are molecules and which are compounds?

  17. Source: http://www.chem1.com/acad/webtext/pre/chemsci.html

  18. A MIXTURE is a material made up of at least two substances which may be elements or compounds that are NOT chemically bonded .

  19. Properties of Mixtures • The composition of a mixture is variable. • Each of its components retains its characteristic properties. • Its components are easily separated (e.g. filtration, evaporation).

  20. Which are mixtures and which are compounds? • soil • ocean water (H20 + NaCl) • air (O2 + N2 + CO2 + Ar) • water (H2O) • table salt (NaCl) • Sugar (C12H22O12)

  21. http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/M/Mixtures.htmlhttp://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/M/Mixtures.html

  22. Source: http://www.google.com.ph/imglanding?q=mixtures+and+compounds&hl=tl&sa=X&biw=1020&bih=567&tbs=isch:1&prmd=ivns&tbnid=hbOgJj5q_O3mEM:&imgrefurl=http://www.teem.org.uk/1060/buy.html&imgurl=http://www.teem.org.uk/img/47/SF1060_3310.jpeg&ei=jj1jTZ3oGcSXcfmHxLsJ&zoom=1&w=500&h=349&iact=rc&oei=QT1jTZTfC4ukugOH0d28AQ&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=183&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0

  23. http://www.google.com.ph/imglanding?q=mixtures+and+compounds&hl=tl&sa=X&biw=1020&bih=567&tbs=isch:1&prmd=ivns&tbnid=eet6vXOJz3e-qM:&imgrefurl=http://www.quantumtheatre.co.uk/BDks2web.html&imgurl=http://www.quantumtheatre.co.uk/BDks2web_files/image006.jpg&ei=QT1jTZTfC4ukugOH0d28AQ&zoom=1&w=604&h=292&iact=rc&oei=QT1jTZTfC4ukugOH0d28AQ&page=1&tbnh=90&tbnw=187&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0http://www.google.com.ph/imglanding?q=mixtures+and+compounds&hl=tl&sa=X&biw=1020&bih=567&tbs=isch:1&prmd=ivns&tbnid=eet6vXOJz3e-qM:&imgrefurl=http://www.quantumtheatre.co.uk/BDks2web.html&imgurl=http://www.quantumtheatre.co.uk/BDks2web_files/image006.jpg&ei=QT1jTZTfC4ukugOH0d28AQ&zoom=1&w=604&h=292&iact=rc&oei=QT1jTZTfC4ukugOH0d28AQ&page=1&tbnh=90&tbnw=187&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0

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