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CTF agenda, 4 Feb 2003. CTF MC status/plans for p13.08 -- Leslie/Marek Tau studies with p13.05 -- Silke Jet resolutions in CTF p13.05 files -- Alexander Low energy cells in CH -- Laurent/Sophie Update on jet seeding work -- Emanuel (tbc) Update on T42 work -- Jean-Roch (tbc)
CTF agenda, 4 Feb 2003 • CTF MC status/plans for p13.08 -- Leslie/Marek • Tau studies with p13.05 -- Silke • Jet resolutions in CTF p13.05 files -- Alexander • Low energy cells in CH -- Laurent/Sophie • Update on jet seeding work -- Emanuel (tbc) • Update on T42 work -- Jean-Roch (tbc) • Plans/issues for p14 and beyond -- Serban/others • Other reports/issues (please bring us up to date!) • Discussion of CTF workshop/documentation Marek+Leslie
As the CTF task rapidly approaches completion, we need to start focusing on documenting our work. Given the broad reach of our involvements, it will not be an easy task, and it seems best to break it up into smaller sections, each under the oversight of a designated person. At the moment we are considering the following sections: Overview of the calorimeter electronics and noise characteristics. Overview of the impact of noise on calorimeter data (mostly jets and MET) at 1.5sigma zesu, soft 2.5, full 2.5 Cell level studies of pedestals/noise, SCA issues, non-linearity EM issues: resolutions, fakes, comparisons of MC to data. JES issues: resolutions, response, jet shapes in MC and data. Jet and MET issues: fake jets, MET resolutions, analysis cuts for p11 and p13 (brief reference to other sources), new algorithmic solutions. Tau issues, discrimination between taus and QCD. Muon issues, detecting isolated muons in the calorimeter. Noise simulation: new pileup (including new format for input data), verification through cell level MC to data comparisons. Code issues: caldata, offline suppression, verification of layer weights L3 status of zero-suppression, MET, jet algorithms. CTF MC production: list of files and conditions for zesu, data set definitions "Toy" MC studies Conclusions and recommendations List of suggested follow-up studies/code developments, with a brief discussion Documenting CTF work Marek+Leslie
We foresee the following stages (for each of the sections): 1. A half to one page summary of the major results and conclusions, and a (small) set of plots supporting the conclusions. This is needed to be accomplished on the time scale of the coming CTF workshop (Feb 10), and our report to the collaboration (Feb 14). We expect that it would also lead to a more expanded presentation and discussion at the workshop. For the workshop and the recommendations we have to focus on achieving clear conclusions about the impact of zero suppression on each major aspect of our studies, rather than just go through a collection of reports on latest plots. 2. A longer (2-3 page) description that includes some technical details, pointers to other sources of information, and a somewhat more expanded set of plots. It should be compact but self-contained, and able to serve as a reference for the longer term. This should become our main document (presumably a DØ note). The time scale for this step is not as rigid as the previous, but we should try to have a complete set of sections by the end of February, to be followed by a rapid editorial process for the complete document. Documenting CTF work Marek+Leslie