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HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows trading of over 300 cryptocurrency pairs. The HitBTC exchange was launched in 2013 by Estoniantand Israeli specialists and entrepreneurs. More than 40 percent of transactionston the platform are made with Bitcoin (BTC) and there are two interfacetlanguages available: English and Chinese. HitBTC has its pros and cons. Fortinstance, service doesnu2019t require for registration so the account may remaintanonymous. However, replenishing an HitBTC account in dollars is possible onlytafter a time-consuming process of verification. There are no HitBTC applicationstfor Android or iOS. Nevertheless, the platform has relatively low fees and strongtsecurity properties, which still attract a lot of users.
OURSTORY HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows trading of over 300 cryptocurrencypairs.TheHitBTCexchangewaslaunchedin2013byEstonianand Israelispecialistsandentrepreneurs.Morethan40percentoftransactions on the platformaremadewithBitcoin(BTC)andtherearetwointerface languages available:EnglishandChinese.HitBTChasitsprosandcons.For instance, service doesn’trequireforregistrationsotheaccountmayremain anonymous. However, replenishinganHitBTCaccountindollarsispossibleonly after a time-consuming processofverification.TherearenoHitBTCapplications for Android or iOS. Nevertheless,theplatformhasrelativelylowfeesandstrong security properties, whichstillattractalotofusers.
HITBTCNEWS CryptocurrencyexchangeHitBTChasyettorespondtoaccusationsit deliberately froze account withdrawals on Jan. 1, days prior to entrepreneur Trace Mayer’s Proof of Keys event. In a series of tweets, MayerjoinednamessuchascryptoadvocateJohnMcAfeeinvoicing concernand evensuspicionaboutHitBTCafterusersreportedbeing unabletowithdraw their funds. On both Twitter and Reddit, users acknowledged thatthepractice of freezing accounts had occurred ofteninthepast,andthatthetimingtwo days before Proof of Keys was not necessarilydeliberate.
CONTACT INFO MailingAddress 234 St Road., NewYork, California, United States PhoneNumber 18777808636