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The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics. Michael Wiescher. JINA mission and goals JINA growth and development JINA science and accomplishments JINA management and community JINA education and outreach. The JINA mission.
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics Michael Wiescher • JINA mission and goals • JINA growth and development • JINA science and accomplishments • JINA management and community • JINA education and outreach
The JINA mission • JINA forms a community of experimentalists, theorists, and observers in nuclear astrophysics • Develops interdisciplinary research projects in close communication between participants • Advancing students & postdocs interaction and career through workshops, schools, and collaborations • Develops new research tools and techniques • Provides an international hub for new scientific information through traditional web content and social networking • Outreach for K-12 through school projects, summer camps and research participation • An NSF Physics Frontier Center PFC should generate: • Synergy & common forum for community • Forefront research program • Training & education for young scientists • New ideas & projects in the field • New collaboration & communication lines • Service to the scientific community • An efficient & innovative outreach program PFCs have no sunset rule, but require the full re-application process every 5 years!
JINA Development Network of world wide science projects JINA core JINA associates JINA collaborators Michigan Lake
JINA impact worldwide EMMI Helmholtz Alliance ; JINA founding member (GSI, German; U. Tokyo, Japan; U. Paris, France; LBNL; JINA) EMMI UNIVERSE Excellence Center (TU München; MPI Garching; Sternwarte München; ANL; JINA) Chinese Center for Nuclear Astrophysics (Shanghai Jiao Tong University; CIAE, Beijing; CJPL, Jin-Ping; LAMOST; JINA) JINA EuroGENESIS Saha/INO (FRENA 3MV accelerator laboratory) (SAHA Institute, Kolkata, India; NSL/ND) Australian Center for Nuclear Astrophysics (ANU; Monash; Siding Springs; SkyMapper; JINA) - Host of Nuclei in the Cosmos 2012 - Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA) of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, University of Rio; JINA)
JINA infrastructure JINA core institutions: University of Notre Dame Michigan State University University of Chicago JINA Laboratories: NSL, Notre Dame NSCL, MSU ATLAS, ANL JINA observatories: Apache Point Observatory LAMOST Observatory Siding Springs Observatory JINA associated laboratories: Argonne National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore Laboratory EMMI GSI Darmstadt, Germany UNIVERSE TU Munich, Germany CIAE, Beijing, China Saha Institute, Kolkata, India SDSS III SEGUE JINA associated university groups: Arizona State University University of Minnesota Indiana University SB Keele University (UK) Monash University (Australia) University of Naples (Italy) Ohio University Princeton University University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) University of Victoria (Canada) Western Michigan University
JINA management structure Director Michael Wiescher International Advisory Committee Executive Committee AstronomyLiaison Timothy Beers AdminWeb Ping Zheng Adminoffice Kathy Burgess Outreach coordinator E. Stech/ Z.Constan Workshop coordinator Frank Timmes Co-directorScientific coordinator Hendrik Schatz Workshop committee MA1 MA2 MA3 Smalleror localprojects Stellar Evolution Galactic Radioactivity r-Process Nucleo- synthesis Galactic Chemical Evolution Smalleror localprojects SN Ia Novae Smalleror localprojects X-ray bursts Neutron Stars Individual research projects led by collaborations Individual research projects led by collaborations Individual research projects led by collaborations
International Advisory Committee Executive Committee Annual 2 day meeting at a JINA site Present members Bob Tribble Texas A&M (chair) Ani Aprahamian, Notre Dame (EC liaison) Jolie Cizewski, Rutgers Wick Haxton, UC Berkeley Reiner Kruecken, TU Munich/TRIUMF Jim Lattimer, SUNY Stony Brook Alan Shotter, TRIUMF Verne Smith, NOA Monthly phone conference Present members Michael Wiescher Notre Dame (chair) Hendrik Schatz MSU Timothy Beers MSU James Truran Chicago Ani Aprahamian Notre Dame Sam Austin MSU Adam Burrows Princeton Ernst Rehm ANL Frank Timmes ASU Former members Lars Bildsten UCSB Stan Woosley UCSC Former members Peter Parker, Yale (chair) Sam Austin, MSU (EC liaison) Roland Diehl, MPI Garching Stuart Freedman, UC Berkeley Karlheinz Langanke, GSI Darmstadt Ken’ichi Nomoto, Tokyo Peggy Norris, DUSEL Vijay Pandharipande, U. Illinois Monique Spite, U. Paris Friedrich Karl Thielemann, Basel
JINA Science • Major Activities in Nuclear Astrophysics • MA1: origin of the elements, • the chemical evolution of our universe • MA2: cataclysmic binary systems, • from novae to type Ia supernovae • MA3: high density matter, • from the crust to the core of neutron stars
JINA led or motivated projects with strong international component r-process nucleosynthesis (NSCL/MSU; NSL/ND; LANL; GSI Darmstadt, U. Mainz, Germany, Princeton) rp/αp-process nucleosynthesis (NSL/ND, NSCL/MSU; U. Minnesota, KVI, Netherlands, RCNP Osaka, Japan; i-ThembaCapetown, South Africa) p-process nucleosynthesis (NSL/ND; NSCL/MSU; ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary; GSI Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt Germany;KocaeliUniversity, Izmit Turkey) Origin of galactic radioactivity (NSL/ND, NSCL/MSU, EMMI/GSI, FZ Karlsruhe, ASU) Stellar burning (NSL/ND; FZ Karlsruhe,Germany;HIγS/UNC, Naples, Italy; LBNL, RU Bochum, Germany) R-matrix code development AZURE (NSL/ND, U. Toronto, U. Surrey, NSCL/MSU) -strength in HF formalism (NSL/ND, FZ Dresden, Germany) NuGRID stellar model grid (U. Viktoria, Canada; Keele University, UK; LANL, ASU, ND/NSL, NSCL/MSU) Nova and SN 1a simulations (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel; ANL, Chicago; ASU) p process in core collapse SN (GSI, NSCL/MSU, MPI Garching-UNIVERSE center, NC State) Heat sources in neutron star crust (NSCL/MSU; NSL/ND, LANL; Joffe/St Petersburg, Russia; U. Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Project developments DIANA an accelerator facility underground (NSL/ND; LBNL; WMU; UNC; CSM; University of Naples, Italy; RU Bochum, Germany; U. Edinburgh, UK) ReA3 astrophysics program and utilities (NSCL/MSU; community) SECAR a recoil separator for ReA3 and FRIB (NSCL/MSU; NSL/ND; ANL; ORNL; U. Louisiana, CSM) ELISE separator (FAIR/GSI), SHARAQ (RIKEN) (NSL/ND,; KVI, Netherlands; GSI, Germany; RIKEN, Japan) High density jet gas target development (ND/NSL; NSCL/MSU; CSM; LBNL; U. Naples, Italy) SDSS III SEGUE (MSU, ND et al.)
JINA Scientific Papers September 2008 to June 2010 total MA1 MA2 MA3 Observation: 52 44 4 4 Experiment: 36 20 6 10 Modeling: 34 18 7 9 Proceedings: 72 Invited Talks: 136 Postdoc Talks: 42 MA1 MA2 MA3 The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics Author distribution reflects the international collaboration structure of JINA
JINA workshops & schools • Goals of workshops is to: build and strengthen the community • identify new challenging topics • formulate new research goals • provide information and education Goals of schools is to: provide training in exp. & theor. techniques generate new levels of expertise foster interaction & exchange build a interdisciplinary community Frontier meetings: are key tools for building community & encouraging interactions between JINA students and/or postdocs! workshops A total of 2330 participants
Workshops & schools 2008 - 2010 • NIF, opportunities for astrophysics • Berkeley, CA, USA, March 2010 • JINA "Building Virtual Galaxie" WorkshopEast Lansing, MI, USA, April 29 - May 1, 2010 • ECT/JINA Doctoral Training Programme ECT*, Villazzano, Italy, April 12 - June 11, 2010 • R-Matrix School and Applications • Notre Dame, IN, July 2010 • Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute • on Rare Isotopes Joao Pessoa, Brazil, August 1 - 13, 2010 • JINA Frontiers 2010 Workshop on Nuclear • Astrophysics Abbey Resort, Lake Geneva, WI, Oct. 21-23, 2010 • NIC workshop: Experiments at ReA3 • East Lansing, MI, August 2-8, 2008 • Post-processing of SNe I nucleosynthesis yields • Chicago, IL, October 5 2008 • 5th ANL/MSU/JINA workshop on Bulk Nuclear • Properties • East Lansing, November 19-22, 2008 • INT/JINA workshop on Solar Fusion Cross • Sections in the pp Chains and CNO Cycles • Seattle, WI, January 21-23, 2009 • 6th Russbach workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics • Russbach, Austria, March 2-6, 2009 • Challenge for Laboratory Nuclear Astrophysics • Underground, Carbon Burning • Naples, Italy, May 14-16, 2009 • Defining the Neutron Star Crust • Santa Fe, NM, May 18-21 2009 A total of 480 participants
Merging people & experience 2009-2010 2002-2004 ND Chicago Chicago MSU LANL UC AZ & Princeton UC & Wisconsin Large attendance by all JINA members but also highly attractive for Non-JINA people. JINA - JINA JINA - Non JINA Non JINA - Non JINA AZ
Event proposals for 2011/12 Nuclear physics in hot dense dynamic plasmas at NIF ND London Centre, UK, March 13-14, 2011 Questions about the p-process Armada Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey , May 25-27, 2011 Nuclear reaction network school Frauenwörth, Chiemsee, Germany, April 10-17, 2011 Reaction rate evaluation school ND London Centre, UK? summer or winter 2011, 2012 or 2013 Questions on Supernovae 1a Workshop details to be discussed Stellar evolution school a few lecturers who develop, run, and distribute stellar evolution codes spending 1-2 weeks going through the input physics, mechanics, and behavior of stellar models in practice. summer or winter 2011, 2012 or 2013 Segmented Ge Detector school a few lecturers spending 1-2 weeks on the construction, signal processing, and analysis associated with segmented germanium detectors. summer or winter 2011, 2012 or 2013 School on isotopic abundance determination extract abundances from spectra, determining solar abundances, Take home: data file with solar abundances, split by processes. School on Magnetohydrodynamic techniques School on Hauser Feshbach Methods R-matrix school, presenting the C++ version
JINA Visitor Program 2009-2010 • JINA seminar speakers • Invited and funded through JINA • JINA collaborators • Invited for longer periods of time • to participate on JINA projects • JINA consultants • Invited for help with technical • projects A total of 378 visitors since 2004 on average 50 visitors per year!
JINA visitors 2010 Richard Azuma (UND / September 20 - October 10, 2010)University of Toronto, Canada Alexis Diaz-Torres (UND / October 2 - 8, 2010)University of Surrey, UK Carol Guess (MSU / October 16 - 24, 2010)University of Massachusetts Lowell Marco Pignatari (UND / October 23 - 30, 2010)University of Basel, Switzerland Chris Wrede (MSU / November 7 - 9, 2010)University of Washington Gianluca Imbriani (UND / November 6 - 19, 2010)University of Naples, Italy Charles Akers (UND / February 1 - December 17, 2010)University of Surrey, UK Nalan Guray (UND / July 30 - September 10, 2010)Kocaeli University, Turkey Recep Guray (UND / July 30 - September 10, 2010)Kocaeli University, Turkey Karl-Ulrich Kettner (UND / March 10 - August 31, 2010)Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Germany Werner Richter (MSU / June 1-20 and July 11-22, 2010)Department of Physics, University of the Western Cape Carl Brune (UND / May 23 - 26, 2010)Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Ohio University Silvia Rossi (MSU / April 1 - May 15, 2010)Instituto de Astronomia, Cidade University, Sao Paulo, Brazil Vinicius Placco (MSU / April 1 - May 15, 2010)IAG/USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Kefeng Tan (MSU / January 15 - May 15, 2010)National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences Dean Townsley (U. Chicago / May 10 - 12, 2010)University of Alabama Peter Bertone (UND / May 3 - 6, 2010)Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory Barry Davids (MSU / May 2 - 4, 2010)TRIUMF, Canada Maxim Priymak (MSU / March 6 - May 4, 2010)University of Melbourne, Australia Toshitaka Kajino (MSU / April 17 - 22, 2010)University of Tokyo, Japan Frank Strieder (UND / April 13 - 20, 2010)Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany Chris Sneden (U.Chicago / March 16 - 21, 2010)University of Texas at Austin, TX Irina Sagert (MSU / February 22 - 25, 2010)Institute for Theor. Physics, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany Daniel Cano Ott (MSU / February 19 - 24, 2010)CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain Ami Glasner (U.Chicago / February 17 - 23, 2010)The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, ISRAEL Almudena Arcones (MSU / February 7 - 11, 2010)GSI, Damstadt, Germany Andrey Chugunov (MSU / January 18 - 21, 2010)Ioffe Institute, St Petersburg, Russia Recep Guray (UND / March 1, 2009 - January 31, 2010)Kocaeli University, Turkey
JINA training and education From 2008-2010 16 JINA postdocs are presently supported by JINA (compared to a total of 29 JINA postdocs, 31% female) at Argonne National Laboratory, University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Michigan State University, University of Notre Dame, Princeton University, University of Wisconsin 8 PhD students are presently supported by JINA (total of 53 JINA associated PhD students, 36% female) 17 undergraduate students have been supported for research activities, 35% female) 10 students graduated with PhD (3 MA), 33% female) Professional development through seminars, JINA workshops and schools, and exchange program between JINA institutions. Participation in JINA outreach activities is expected!
JINA job market & opportunities JINA postdocs Ed Brown: faculty, MSU Manoel Couder: faculty, Notre Dame Jacob Fisker: LLNL, retired Blogger Dani Galaviz: res. associate, CFN Lisboa, Portugal Leandro Gasques: faculty, U. of Sao Paulo, Brazil Sanjib Gupta: industry, India Khalil Farouqi: res. scientist, MPI Mainz, Germany Carla Fröhlich: faculty, NC State Alex Heger: faculty, U. Minnesota Milan Matos: postdoc, ORNL Casey Meakin: research scientist, U. Arizona Fernando Montes: faculty, NSCL/MSU Kaori Otsuki: faculty, Fukuoka University, Japan Christian Ott: faculty, CalTech Jorge Pereira: faculty, NSCL/MSU Lawrence Piau: faculty, IfA, Paris, France Alexander Sakharuk: faculty, Florida Gulf Coast U. Daniel Schürmann: consultant, U. Naples, Italy Sivarani Thirupathi: faculty, IIA Bangladore, India Dean Townsley: faculty, U. Alabama Clarissa Tur: Saint-Gobain Crystals, France JINA students: Postdocs: Alan Amthor (Ganil), Mary Beard (EMMI/GSI), David Chamaluk (ANL), Alfredo Estrade (GSI), Guiseppe Larusso (RIKEN), Hye Young Lee (LANL), Young Sun Lee (MSU), Brian Marsteller (UC Irvine), Fang Peng (CalTech), Matt Quinn (Fermi Lab), Dan Robertson (ND), Ivo Seitenzahl (MPI Garching), Claudio Ugalde (ANL) Industry: Jason Daly, Paul Hosmer, Paul LeBlanc, Elisabeth Strandberg Government: Shawn O’Brian
JINA outreach JINA runs a broad based outreach program at the core JINA sites reaching elementary school, middle school, and high school audiences! Current outreach coordinators: Ed Stech (Notre Dame), Zach Constan (NSCL/MSU) • Summer camps with high attraction for high • school students and teachers nationwide • Local school programs in collaboration • with teachers (Art to Science) • Site visit programs for targeted • local schools, including Chicago district • Class room equipment and book program • Numerous web based activities • movies, games, teaching material
Instead of a Summary Good news on St. George!