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Mobile Ad hoc Networks (Spring 2003)

Mobile Ad hoc Networks (Spring 2003). Instructor: Dr. Damla Turgut Office: 450 ENGR 1 Bldg Office Phone: (407) 823-6171 Email: turgut@cs.ucf.edu Web: http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~turgut Class Time: Tuesdays 10am-12:50pm Office Hours: Tuesdays 1pm-3pm TA Information: TBD

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Mobile Ad hoc Networks (Spring 2003)

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  1. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (Spring 2003) Instructor: Dr. Damla Turgut Office: 450 ENGR 1 Bldg Office Phone: (407) 823-6171 Email:turgut@cs.ucf.edu Web:http://www.cs.ucf.edu/~turgut Class Time: Tuesdays 10am-12:50pm Office Hours: Tuesdays 1pm-3pm TA Information: TBD Prerequisites: EEL 6785 (Computer Network Design) and/or EEL 4781 (Computer Networks) Textbooks: No required textbook!

  2. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (Spring 2003) Reference Books: • C.E. Perkins, Ed., “Ad hoc Networking”, Addison-Wesley, 2001 • C-K. Toh, “Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems”, Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. • Selected research papers from journals, conferences and technical reports Course Objectives: The course is designed for advanced level graduate students. The course objectives are to provide the students with an: • understanding of current mobile ad hoc networking theory and practice • opportunity to work on projects related to applications of ad hoc networking • experience on reading and writing research papers Course Description: • Special Topics Course • Survey of state of the art • Design and development of various research topics

  3. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (Spring 2003) Grading Scheme: • Individual or group project (max. 2 students) => 60 % • Assignments => 20 % • Mid-term => 20% Class Project: The class projects require • design and implementation of a chosen research topic • written report including the research project findings and • presentation No make-ups will be provided for missing any deadlines!

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