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Cultural Heritage Projects: Renardus

www.renardus.org. Cultural Heritage Projects: Renardus . Dr. Heike Neuroth Lower Saxony State and University Library Göttingen, Germany (SUB) neuroth@mail.sub.uni-goettingen.de. General.

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Cultural Heritage Projects: Renardus

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  1. www.renardus.org Cultural Heritage Projects: Renardus Dr. Heike Neuroth Lower Saxony State and University Library Göttingen, Germany (SUB) neuroth@mail.sub.uni-goettingen.de Bundesamtsgebäude Wien, June 30, 2000

  2. General • Renardus is funded through the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme 'Promoting a User-friendly Information Society'. This is a major theme of the European Union's 5th Framework Programme. • European project with 12 partners from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, France and Germany • Project started in January 2000 • Duration: 30 months (until June 2002)

  3. Project Partners • Coordinator: • Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands) • Participants: • Bibliothèque Nationale de France (National Library of France) • Center for Scientific Computing, Finland (CSC) • Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Germany (DDB) • Finnish Virtual Library Project, Jyväskylä University Library, Finland (JyU) • Institute for Learning and Research Technology, Univ. of Bristol, UK (ILRT) • NetLab, Lund University, Sweden (NetLab)

  4. Project Partners cont. • Participants: • Lower Saxony State and University Library, Göttingen, Germany (SUB) • Technical Knowledge Centre and Library of Denmark (DTV) • UK Office for Library and Information Networking, University of Bath, UK (UKOLN) • Viikki Science Library, University of Helsinki, Finland (ALUH) • Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und -information, Germany (ZADI)

  5. Subject Gateways • DEF fagportal (project status) • DutchESS: Dutch Electronic Subject Service • FVL: The Finnish Virtual Library • Les Signets: Collection of Internet Resources • RDN: Resource Discovery Network (EEVL, SOSIG, OMNI etc.) • SSG-FI: MathGuide, Geo-Guide, History Guide, Anglistik Guide • NOVAGate: Libraries of Nordic Agricultural & Veterinary Univ. • DAINet: German Agricultural Information System • EELS: Engineering Electronic Library, Sweden • Document Server DEPOSIT: Deposit of German Online Dissertations

  6. Subject Gateways: Definition • Quality controlled Subject Gateways and Resource Discovery Broker Systems, target audience is predominantly higher education and academic research communities across Europe: • Selection and collection development (human intellectual effort, certain policy with regard to collection development, documented selection criteria) • Collection management (maintaining or improving the level of quality of the collection, certain policy with regard to maintenance) • Resource description (all selected resources are described according to a fixed and documented metadata set, metadata are structured in well-defined semantic fields to enable structured searching) • Subject classification (all resources are indexed according to a subject classification scheme in order to enable subject browsing)

  7. Goals • to improve access to existing academic subject gateway services in Europe • to develop a 'broker' service that will allow integrated searching and browsing of distributed resource collections • to develop models for sharing metadata, agreement on technical solutions and other standards • developing a pilot system for a fully-functional service

  8. Work Packages (WP1) • The project is structured into a number of 'areas' of work or 'work packages‘: • WP1: Functional model - UKOLN • will develop the architecture that will underpin the Renardus system • will provide the functional and data model specifi-cations of the broker system (together with WP 6) and produce a scoping document for the pilot service

  9. Work Packages (WP2, WP3) • WP2: Design and implementation - DTV • will build the Renardus pilot system (will be based on the architectural model specified in WP1 and on the data model and data flow specified in WP6) • WP3: Organisational infrastructure - KB • will develop organisational structures (e.g. roles and responsibiltities of the participants, tasks and procedures relating the service etc.) • for the management of the Renardus service • and for collaboration between the participants (will include the requirements and rules for participation)

  10. Work Packages (WP4) • WP4: Service provision - KB • will set up a test-bed environment, based on the pilot system, in order to permit • beta-testing by partners (WP2), • evaluation by end users (WP5), • verification by extension with other gateways (WP5), • and experiments for data sharing and multi-linguality (WP7) • will provide a full documentation of the service

  11. Work Packages (WP5) • WP5: Verification and evaluation - JyU • will evaluate the pilot broker system by user group • verification of the generic model and the pilot system by extending it to at least one other gateway service • further verification of procedures for the management, maintenance and the availability of the service

  12. Work Packages (WP6) • WP6: Data model and data flow - SUB • will facilitate data exchange and the cross-searching of metadata • will develop a strategy for building consistent views on scientific and cultural resource collections across Europe • will then develop a data model and data flow for the broker system that is coherent with the functional/ architectural model of WP1 and the technical standards specifications from WP2

  13. Work Packages (WP7) • WP7: Data interoperability - SUB • the extent of data-interoperability achieved during the project duration is necessarily restricted, but the data model developed by WP6 furnishes the basic framework within which further work on data-interoperability can be carried out. WP7 is taking this work one step further. It will focus on two main issues: • metadata sharing • and multi-linguality

  14. Work Packages (WP8) • WP8: Business issues - UKOLN • will review the business issues which may impact architectural and design issues • will review business models of subject gateway activity amongst Renardus partners • and will survey the sustainability of a central broker service approach, results will feed into the Technical Implementation Plan

  15. Work Packages (WP9) • WP9: Dissemination and support - ILRT • to disseminate information about the project, its objectives, the collaborative approach and the results • to promote the use of the broker service by end users • and to enrol new participant services for the Renardus broker at the end of the project • will support project partners as participants in Renardus by disseminating clear guidelines and requirements documents

  16. Work Packages (WP10) • WP10: Project management - KB • will ensure that the project meets its objectives within budget and scheduled time limits • to this end it will monitor progress made, track deliverables and report back to the consortium • will also report to the EU (is responsibe for management and progress reports, costs statements and the final project report to the EU)

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