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Secure Software Development Realized by Java Outsourcing Company

Leading java outsourcing company conducted a survey and discovered that many software development companies do not have fully integrated secure environment for development process. To help such companies in realizing what should be done, JPL experts compiled some “don’t s” to consider that will help in achieving secure software development.

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Secure Software Development Realized by Java Outsourcing Company

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  1. Leading java outsourcing company conducted a survey and discovered that many software development companies do not have fully integrated secure environment for development process. To help such companies in realizing what should be done, JPL experts compiled some “don’t s” to consider that will help in achieving secure software development 1)Bolting security on when project ends Having a security plan since the starting is what you need. It will help enable a secure architectural and design approach. It is very critical to bolt security on at the beginning of the project as it prevents developers from insecure environment and as software users have expectations to avail secure offerings from the developers. When you neglect security work of the project, you need to rework and retest a large part of the system after.

  2. 2)Not leveraging secure software development tools and expertise Resisting the temptation to have security in software, when it is about authentication models, encryption and other intricate capabilities is what should not be done. As you can avail so many resources today - from static code analysis to pen testing- there is nothing that stops you for not understanding the security profile of a product prior it ships. Moreover, the market has some good organizations that can assist you understand how to create a security program. 3)Security mistakes inheritance with the use of faulty library components It is necessary to know the origin of the libraries and the code you use from other sources. A proper research work needs to be done to find what security validation, threat modeling, and other assurances have been employed to 3rd party code. Developers find it risky to bring in 3rd party libraries and frameworks in terms of defect exposure and security. Experts from java outsourcing company believe that java developers and programmers should not depend on “security through obscurity.” Effective implementation of security will help in peering review, which is a cornerstone of quality security. It is sad that many software development teams are still addressing security at the end of the process. They should understand that this approach cannot drive the expected results. For effective output, they need to bake security into entire process- ranging from planning to deployment to use. This is the reason why today developers are finding more security challenges and time investment is a big thing, but benefiting them when they understand the worth of security. This Article is Originally Published on: http://javaupdate.kinja.com/secure-software-development-realized-by-java-outsourcin-1784750874

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