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This essay explores the historical development and impact of four different economic systems - Manor System, Capitalism, Communism, and Mercantilism in various societies. It discusses the features and circumstances surrounding each system and evaluates their effects on society during specific historical periods.
Components of the Regents Essay • F – Facts, Evidence & Details (the explanation, specifics and substantiation of the essay) • O – Organization (Introduction, Body Paragraphs & Conclusion) • L – Level of Analysis (the long-range or immediate impact of the information on a society or on history) • D – Development of the Task (the bullets of the task)
The Economic Systems Essay! Task: Identify one society and one economic system that has been used or is being used in that society: •Discuss the historical circumstances surrounding the development of that system •Describe two features of the economic system •Evaluate the impact that economic system had on this society during a specific historical period
Circumstances: Tribal invasions made Europe a dangerous place Peasants & Lesser lords exchanged labor & loyalty for land & protection Features: Manor system is self-sufficient – limited trade or travel Land is the basis of wealth and power Manorialism *Western Europe During the Middle Ages* • Impact: – Trade slowed – System of De-Centralized and confusing political loyalties emerged – Few people ever leave the manor on which they are born – Rigid social system based on birth
Circumstances: Governments had promoted small business during the era of mercantilism Mechanizing inventions allowed development of factories & mass production Features: Pure laissez-faire capitalism – no gov’t restrictions on business Supply & demand pricing Law of Competition (produces best products) Capitalism *Western Europe In the Industrial Revolution* • Impact: – Abuse of labor. Long hours, low pay, terrible conditions, child labor. (No gov’t regulation) – Terrible living conditions (slums), environmental pollution – Ultimately standard of living rises as cost of products declines and wages increase (after gov’t involvement)
Communism *Soviet Union 1917-1990* • Circumstance: • Social, Political & Economic conditions led to revolution • Bolsheviks institute a communist economy • Features: • Collectivized agriculture • Emphasis on heavy industry • Theoretical economic equality • Impact: – Lack of focus on consumer goods production led to low standard of living – Resistance to agricultural collectivization resulted in tremendous famine (20 million dead)
Circumstance: Growth of commerce in Europe Spain’s conquest of the Americas Features: Amount of gold & silver in treasury defines the power of a nation Nations seek to develop favorable balance of trade Nations use colonies to assure favorable trade Mercantilism *Spain 1500 - 1820* •Impact: – Huge amounts of silver flood Spanish economy creating inflation (there and world-wide) – Spain closely controls colonial economies, focusing on mining and cash crop production; No colonial industry!
Mixed Economy (Socialist + Capitalist) *India 1947-1991* • Circumstance: • Upon independence, India faced structural economic problems created by the partition of Pakistan • Needed to create industry • Features: • Government ownership & control of major industries, transportation, communication & utilities • Private enterprise was encouraged at the local & retail level • Impact: – Industry does develop, but economic growth is slow in the Nehru/Gandhi era (~3.5% per year) – Budget deficits, inflation, food shortages – Rapid growth in 90s & 2000s as market economy is embraced
Circumstance: Anti-Nationalist sentiment led to revolution and a rise to power of the communist party Features: Collectivized agriculture 5 year plans focused on heavy industry Introduction of capitalism under Deng Xiaoping Communism *China 1949-present* • Impact: – The Great Leap forward forced agricultural collectivization and focused on steel production. Tremendous famine – 30 million dead – Failure of the Great Leap led to the Cultural Revolution and greater disruption of China’s society – Deng’s changes have brought growth & prosperity (to some) in China