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Cred - believe. Accredit – to regard as true (verb) Molly accredited her biology professor as a trustworthy source after seeing his doctorate diploma on his office wall. Cred - believe. Credulous – willing to believe (Adj.) Anyone who believes in the Loch Ness monster is a
Cred - believe Accredit – to regard as true (verb) Molly accredited her biology professor as a trustworthy source after seeing his doctorate diploma on his office wall.
Cred - believe Credulous – willing to believe (Adj.) Anyone who believes in the Loch Ness monster is a credulous fool.
Cred - believe Incredible – unbelievable (Adj.) It seems incredible that the students performed the play with only four weeks of rehearsal.
ic - art Aesthetic – the philosophy of art and beauty The painting represents the clean lines, bare surfaces, and sense of space that reflect the machine-age aesthetic.
ic - art Eclectic – the art of selecting sources out of the ordinary (Adj.) Lady Gaga has eclectic taste in her personal fashion.
ic - art Rhetoric – the art of writing or speech (n) Many people prefer not to hear the empty rhetoric of politicians.
Sci – to know Nescience – lack of knowledge (n) Since Billy has been sick for two weeks, he didn’t turn in his project due to nescience of its due date.
Sci – to know science – a branch of knowledge (noun) Modern forensic science is often used to research many old cases that were never solved.
Sci – to know Sciolism – superficial knowledge (noun) Tossing around trendy academic terms is a common display of sciolism.
Vac - empty Vacate – to empty of occupants (verb) Buddy the Elf was order to immediately vacate the store after punching Santa in the face.
Vac - empty Vacuous – without contents (adj.) Jeremy’s vacuous wallet was empty after his Wife went shopping.
Vac - empty Vacuum – space empty of matter (noun) At high speed, the rushing air tends to create a partial vacuum inside the tube.
Zygo - yoke Zygomorphic – bilaterally symmetrical James was able to cut the watermelon into two equal halves because of it’s zygomorpic shape.
Zygo - yoke Zygosis – the union of gametes to form a zygote; conjungation (verb) Zygosis is essential to the creation of life.
Zygo - yoke Zygosity – the genetic condition of a zygote (noun) The zygosity of the unborn fetus was determined to be identical twins!