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This talk explores the flow in Au-Au collisions and investigates source dynamics through correlations. It determines the extent to which the initial state spatial anisotropy is mapped into the final state particle production and how it affects other variables such as HBT and spectra.
Flow and Bose-Einstein Correlations in Au-Au Collisions at RHIC Steven Manly (Univ. of Rochester) For the PHOBOS Collaboration Flow constitutes the bulk of this talk Probe the source dynamics through correlations S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Collaboration ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORYBirger Back, Alan Wuosmaa BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY Mark Baker, Donald Barton, Alan Carroll, Nigel George, Stephen Gushue, George Heintzelman, Burt Holzman, Robert Pak, Louis Remsberg, Peter Steinberg, Andrei Sukhanov INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS, KRAKOWAndrzej Budzanowski, Roman Hołyński, Jerzy Michałowski, Andrzej Olszewski, Pawel Sawicki, Marek Stodulski, Adam Trzupek, Barbara Wosiek, Krzysztof Woźniak MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYMaartin Ballintijn,Wit Busza (Spokesperson), Patrick Decowski, Kristjan Gulbrandsen, Conor Henderson, Jay Kane, Judith Katzy, Piotr Kulinich, Jang Woo Lee, Heinz Pernegger, Corey Reed, Christof Roland, Gunther Roland, Leslie Rosenberg, Pradeep Sarin, Stephen Steadman, George Stephans, Carla Vale, Gerrit van Nieuwenhuizen, Gábor Veres, Robin Verdier, Bernard Wadsworth, Bolek Wysłouch NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWANChia Ming Kuo, Willis Lin, Jaw-Luen Tang UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGORussell Betts, Edmundo García, Clive Halliwell, David Hofman, Richard Hollis, Aneta Iordanova, Wojtek Kucewicz, Don McLeod, Rachid Nouicer, Michael Reuter, Joe Sagerer UNIVERSITY OF MARYLANDAbigail Bickley, Richard Bindel, Alice Mignerey, Marguerite Belt Tonjes UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTERJoshua Hamblen, Erik Johnson, Nazim Khan, Steven Manly, Inkyu Park, Wojtek Skulski, Ray Teng, Frank Wolfs S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Determine to what extent the initial state spatial anisotropy is mapped into the final state particle production. • Sensitive to the degree of equilibration and the initial equation of state. • Affects other variables, such as HBT and spectra. Elliptic flow dN/d(f -YR ) = N0 (1 + 2v1cos (f-YR) + 2v2cos (2(f-YR) + ... ) S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
-2.0 < h < -0.1 0.1 < h < 2.0 Yna Ynb dependence of the multiplicity SubE (a) SubE (b) Flow: basic method • Subevent technique: correlate qqqreaction plane in one part of qqqdetector to asymmetry in qqqtrack pattern in other part of qqqdetector • Correct for imperfect reaction plane resolution S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
The PHOBOS Detector (2001 run) Spectrometer Vertex 1m Octagon Paddle Trigger Counter Ring Counters Cerenkov Counter 137000 Silicon Pad Channels S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
RingsN Octagon RingsP f h S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Select vertices offset in z, symmetric coverage in , RingsN Octagon RingsP f h Flow: Hit-based method nucl-ex/0205021 submitted to PRL S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Reaction plane determined by subevents in -2<<2 RingsN Octagon RingsP f h Flow: Hit-based method nucl-ex/0205021 submitted to PRL Select vertices offset in Z, symmetric coverage in , S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Elliptic flow (v2) determined for ||<5.3 RingsN Octagon RingsP f h Flow: Hit-based method nucl-ex/0205021 submitted to PRL Select vertices offset in Z, symmetric coverage in , Reaction plane determined by subevents in -2<<2 S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Reaction plane determined by hits in widely separated subevent regions, symmetric in , Vertex measurement Flow: Track-based New for QM2002! S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Correlate tracks in spectrometer to reaction plane to determine v2 Flow: Track-based New for QM2002! Reaction plane determined by hits in widely separated subevent regions, symmetric in , S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Hit-based analysis Track-based analysis • pt dependence • Tracks less background sensitive • Minimal MC dependence • Subevents and tracks wwwidely separated in h • (Species dependence) • Large h coverage • Event-by-event • Uniform acceptance in • Separated subevents S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Preliminary v2200 Final v2130 v2 vs. centrality and energy |h|<1 v2 200 130 PHOBOS Au-Au Hit-based result v2200 & v2130 similar <Npart> 130 GeV result: nucl-ex/0205021, submitted to PRL S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
v2 vs.centrality, method comparison v2 |h|<1 v2200 (hit) v2200 (track) track hit PHOBOS Preliminary 200 GeV Au-Au <Npart> Hit and track-based results agree! S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
v2 vs.pT 0<h<1.5 v2 PHOBOS preliminary h+ + h- 200 GeV Au-Au track-weighted centrality averaging (top 55%) 17% scale error v2 appears to saturate for pT>2 Similar to published results at 130 GeV (STAR, PHENIX) S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Preliminaryv2200 Final v2130 v2 vs. and energy <Npart>~190 v2 PHOBOS Au-Au 200 130 Hit-based result v2200 & v2130 similar h 130 GeV result: nucl-ex/0205021, submitted to PRL S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Unambiguous large drop in v2 over broad range in PHOBOS preliminary 200 GeV Au-Au v2 h v2-dependence S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
0<h<1.5 v2 recall PHOBOS preliminary h+ + h- 200 GeV Au-Au v2-dependence Unambiguous large drop in v2 over broad range in Know pT, multiplicity, species yield vary with h and all can affect flow S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
dNch/dh’/<Npart> Systematic errors not shown h’=h-ybeam Phobos There is no large central plateau in the multiplicity distribution! See talk by Mark Baker tomorrow morning and talk by Peter Steinberg in minutes in session I S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
? Boost invariance at RHIC We look forward to seeing data(h) from BRAHMS! S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
HBT Another way to look at source dynamics ... phase space Identified ’s S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Data sample PHOBOS preliminary S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
HBT results 0.2<y<1.5 0.15<kT<0.35 Phobos preliminary 200 GeV Au-Au 15% most central events Rout Rside Rlong R2out-long - - 0.540.02 5.80.2 5.10.4 6.80.3 4.91.7 ++ 0.570.03 5.80.2 4.90.4 7.30.3 4.51.9 Systematic error on radii of 1 fm, on of 0.06 S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Scaling with energy -- data For more on HBT at PHOBOS, see poster by C.M. Kuo S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002 Compilation of non-PHOBOS data from C. Adler et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 082301 (2001)
Summary/parting thoughts PHOBOS analyzing flow with hits and tracks v2200 is little changed from v2130 v2(pT) appears to saturate for pT>2 GeV/c Rout, Rside, Rlong at 200 GeV are similar to those at 130 GeV AND ... S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Boost invariance S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
Boost invariance S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, which can be made, in a very narrow field. - Niels Bohr, recalled on his death, November 1962 More to come from : P. Steinberg - Universal behavior of charged particle production(session I, his talk is just starting … skip the QA and go!) M. Baker - Global observations from PHOBOSTomorrow morning (19th) B. Wosiek - Identified particle pt distributions (including very low pt!)Parallel session I, tomorrow night (19th) C. Roland - Scaling of charged hadron pt distributionsParallel session I, Saturday evening (20th) C.M. Kuo - HBT Correlations (poster) A. Iordanova - 20 GeV Au-Au analysis (poster) R. Hollis - 200 GeV p-p analysis (poster) S.Manly (PHOBOS) - QM2002