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This presentation explores the Janus-face of engineering work and the importance of the Leonardic Oath as a benchmark for curricula in engineering education. It highlights the need for action-oriented, reflexive, and task-oriented curriculum development. The aim is to produce engineers who use their technical knowledge responsibly and ethically. This presentation emphasizes the societal, sustainability, and checkability aspects of engineering work.
Ralph Dreher Chairfor Technical VocationalDidactics (TVD) A Benchmark for Curricula in Engineering Education: The LeonardicOath World Engineering Education Forum 2015 2D – IGIP – Session: Curriculum Development and Innovation Firenze, 21st September 2015
The Janus-Face of Engineering Working • Engineering Working andsocialsupervision • The Function of the „LeonardicOath“ ? • Why „LeonardicOath“ ? • Curriculum Development usingthe „LeonardicOath“ • General Aim: Action-orientationbyusing PBL-characteristics • General Result: Not onlytheproduct/plan, also thereflection-process • Curriclum-structure: Not discipline-oriented, but reflexive task-oriented • Curriculum-Development: Curriculum-workascontinuedprocess Content dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
Globalizing Networking is a preconditiontosolvetheproblems of theworld. The janus-face of Engineering-Work dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
? ? Source:www.apfeltalk.de Source: prgramm.orf.at The janus-face of Engineering-Work dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
Engineering-Work: Inventive Design • generating • Consequences: • Consumption of ressources • Imposing • Creating (political/economic) Force-capacity • Developing • humanity: • Healthiness • Prosperity • Autonomy The janus-face of Engineering-Work dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
„If I askthepeople, whatthey like you will gettheanswer: more powerful horses.“ (Henry Ford) Socialsupervision will besteeringbygoodfeeling ! Engineering-workingand socialsupervision dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
source: http://www.eecs.mit.edu/eecsenergy/images/Fig1_highres_525w.jpg called 14th September 2015 “You can choose the path where we control more of our own energy. [...] We've opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration in the last three years, and we'll open more.” (Barack Obama, 2012) Socialsupervison will besteeringby personal/national advantage ! Engineering-workingand socialsupervison dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
Technology istheresult of specificdecisions, precipitatedby a specialgroup at a speciallocationto a special time fortheirownpurpose. (Wajcman1994) Who else must beeducatedtoformulateexplanationsasthisspecialgroup, whichisprofessionalisedtocreatethetechnicalsolution? Engineering-workingand socialsupervison dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
Tounderstandthenecessity, thateducatedengineers must betrainedtoexplainandjustifytheirsolutions, the „LeonardicOath“ will become a benchmarkfor Curricula in Engineering Education. UNESCO Engineering Initiative 2012: Engineering plays an importantrole in addressingthecomplexchallenges of ourworld: • Improvingandstrengtheningengineering at universities, engineeringcapacity-building, • Engineering educationtowardssustainabledevelopment, attainment of internationalllyagreeddevelopmentgoals. Function of the„LeonardicOath“ dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
Every Study-course of Engineering must bebasedon theideathatengineers will beeducatedtousetheirtechnicalknowledgewiththeir design-responsibilityorientedtowardstheprinciples of • ethical Legitimation, • sustainabilityand • societalcheckability. Function of the „LeonardicOath“ dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” „Who will digunderthe wall, will beentombedbythe wall.“ “Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.” “If you find from your own experience that something is a fact and it contradicts what some authority has written down, then you must abandon the authority and base your reasoning on your own findings.” “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” “The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves.” Why „LeonardicOath“ ? dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
social self- reflecting self- positioning Ecologic Economic advanced: Rauner 2002 General AimandGeneral Result: Reflexive Case (PBL+) dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
Costsvs. efficacy Training for (re)mounting ? Healthriskduring (re)mounting Usability, Environment, EnergyConsumption duringProduction Cu?Pb? Al? Material sources Reflexive Case (PBL+): Task-Orientation dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
Curriculum work ascontinousprocess dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
What will beneeded? • University andIndustry must cometogetherto find realisticandgoodtasks; • Engineering Educators must betrainedtorealizeandto moderate thepartof Reflection; • All involvedpartners (Educators, Industry, Adminstration) must understand, that Curriculum- workis a continuedprocess („pantarhei“); • Mentors must betrainedandworkbetweentheEnginneringEducatorandthestudentstosupportthecase-study, tohelp in • specialmomentsforlearningduringthetask, • to moderate at eye-level duringthecase-work, • tohelpfindingthenextcase. Conclusions dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de
ThankYou ! dreher.tvd@uni-siegen.de