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Stony Hill Road Contamination: Response and Investigation

Learn about the investigation and cleanup efforts following well contamination on Stony Hill Road. Responsible parties, costs, actions, and known risks are discussed.

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Stony Hill Road Contamination: Response and Investigation

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  1. N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Stony Hill Road Contamination Wake County

  2. DENR Organization(Background) • Division of Water Quality (DWQ) • Division of Waste Management (DWM)

  3. Site Discovery • Resident at 7305 Stony Hill Road reported odor in their well water. • Wake County Health Department sample showed TCE and PCE in that well. • DWQ sampled 6 additional wells at nearby residences that granted access permission, finding all 6 to be clean. • Resident at 7305 shut down their well and was connected to their neighbor’s well.

  4. 2005 NC DWQ Potable Well Sampling

  5. Initial Response Actions • Based on soil contamination and historic uses, 7303 Stony Hill Road (circuit board assembly operations) confirmed likely source of well contamination. • DWQ  sent the current owner notice of requirements to determine the extent of contamination through testing and to clean up the contamination. • The current owner conducted a limited environmental assessment in 2006 that confirmed soil and groundwater contamination on the property.

  6. Responsible Parties Must Pay for Response Costs • Responsible parties are required to conduct and pay for any testing and cleanup of contaminated sites and for providing alternate water supplies to affected properties. • DWM must first request cooperation of responsible party prior to issuing orders.

  7. Responsible Parties Must Pay for Response Costs • Proving who caused the contamination is most often difficult when multiple parties operated at a property, there were no requirements for record keeping and the potential responsible party has no incentive to be forthcoming with data that will show they caused the problem. • Water line installation and connections at multiple homes can easily cost a few million dollars. • Cleanup of groundwater contamination can run into the millions of dollars. • Cleanup of groundwater is very difficult with today’s technologies.

  8. Potential Responsible Party Investigation and Actions • DWM sent requests to various potential responsible parties associated the site to conduct testing to determine extent of contamination. • DWM requested information regarding chemical usage and operational activities from various potential responsible parties. • DWM attempted to contact 40-50 former employees (interviewed about 20) with C-Tron and CBA • DWQ issues order to Flextronics requiring delineation of contamination

  9. New Adjoining Landowner Notified • In 2008, 2009, and 2010, DWM sent letters to developers of a planned subdivision adjacent to the site due to potential for installation of a community well.

  10. Response Based on Known Risk • DWM-IHSB is aware of 2600 contaminated sites that still require cleanup. • On average, about 55 new contaminated sites discovered each year. • DWM-IHSB required to work on the highest risk sites first.

  11. Response Based on Known Risk • There are hundreds of sites in the state with contaminated wells or where water supply wells are near a source of contamination. • Initial response at Stony Hill based on known risk at the time.

  12. 2012 Well Testing • In June 2012, DWM contacted 10 well owners within 1000 feet of the 7305 well to request access for new sampling to support enforcement action and to get an update on site conditions. • DWM sampled wells on June 20, 2012 at the three properties that granted access.

  13. June 2012 DWM-IHSB Sampling and Request for US EPA Removal Action • Laboratory results showed TCE and PCE in one new well at 7333 Stony Hill Road. This home was built since 2005 sampling took place. • Contaminant levels are high enough to warrant US EPA Removal Action. • DWM contacts US EPA same day to request action.

  14. June 2012 DWM Potable Well Sampling

  15. More Information • DENR has set up a place on its web page where you can get more information: • Contacts • Maps • Fact Sheet • More coming

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