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Learn about the groundbreaking Supernova/Acceleration Probe, focusing on dark energy, cosmic rays, and astrophysics research.
SuperNova/Acceleration ProbeL U O SLAC User’s Organization Meeting “Redefining the User Facility” February 7, 2008 Gregory Tarlé University of Michigan
A New Type of SLAC User Gregory Tarlé Professor of Physics, University of Michigan Research Focus: Particle Astrophysics/Cosmology Current Research: Dark Energy (SNAP and DES), Cosmic Rays (CREST) Past Research: MACRO, HEAT…
Supernova / Acceleration Probe • Use type Ia SNe as standard candles to measure expansion history of the Universe over 2/3 of the age of the Universe. • Complementary Weak Lensing survey will measure the growth of structure probing the competition the competition between Matter and DE. A large wide-field space telescopewith a 0.6 Gpixel visible/NIR imager anda visible/NIR spectrograph will provide: • A much larger statistical sample of supernovae (2000 SNe with 50 SNe/0.03 z). • Much better controlled systematic errors (1 – 2%). • A much larger range of redshifts (out to z = 1.7) than can be obtained with any other existing or planned instrument.
SNAP NIR Program • NIR Project Lead: G. Tarlé • Participating Institutions: Caltech, GSFC, IU, JPL, RIT, UM • Procure 36 Science Grade Flight NIR detectors meeting SNAP science requirements. • Procure FE electronics for above (SIDECAR) • Characterize and calibrate flight NIR detectors • Teledyne Imaging Sensors (TIS) has emerged as the leader for manufacture of large format SWIR HgCdTe Focal Plane Arrays.
The Michigan SNAP Group Faculty Research Scientists Gregory Tarlé SNAP NIR Coordinator UM Task Leader Dave Gerdes Science Simulations Tim McKay Auxiliary Science Shawn McKee Simulation Software Tools Michael Schubnell UM Lab Coordinator Data Analysis Wolfgang Lorenzon PrecisionPhotometry Thomas Zurbuchen Electronics Graduate Students Undergraduate Students Professional Staff Thomasz Biesiadzinski Detectorand Cosmology Simulations Curtis Weaverdyck NIR Lab Eng. Bob Newmann Steven Rogacki SIDECAR AnastasiaKarabina
Resources at UM available to SNAP • UM Physics shared facilities: • Electronics shop (1 engineer + students) • Mechanical shop (2 machinists) • UM Space Physics Research Lab (SPRL) shared facilities. • Clean room • ~dozen engineers, managers w/space flight expertise
The Michigan NIR Detector Lab Michigan NIR Laboratory Calibrated Flat-field Illuminator ESD safe environment Spot-o-Matic Quantum Efficiency setup Dewar #1 Readout electronics Dewar #2 Power supply and temp. controller Coordinated by Michael Schubnell Equipment developed mostly by students
Towards SNAP Science Grade Detectors • SNAP NIR in excellent shape; performance of NIR detectors better or as good as required at beginning of R&D. • Latest Teledyne detector lots promising • Goal: • produce ‘home run’ science grade device based on optimized recipe (high QE and verylow noise) • 12 layers grown successfully. Four looking very promising (PEC results) • Hybrids from lot 4 and lot 5 are being packaged (SNAP SiC flight package) • Expect new devices delivered in March 2008 • Space version of FE electronics under development
Our SNAP Collaborators at SLAC Aaron Roodman Group Leader Gunther Haller SNAP Electronics System Manager Dave Nelson Engineer SNAP Elect./Mech. Roger Blandford Director of KIPAC Kevin Reil Staff Physicist SNAP star tracker Dave Tarkington Engineer SNAP Elect./Mech. Leonid Sapozhnikov Engineer SNAP DAQ hardware Sergio Maldonado Engineer SNAP DAQ software
Teledyne has developed a read-out ASIC (SIDECAR), specifically designed for use with the H2RG multiplexer (ROIC for 2k x 2k FPAs). This ASIC is designed to handle the clocking, biasing and read-out of all 32 channels of our HgCdTe FPAs. • SIDECAR electronics under evaluation at UM and SLAC • UM: Supported by SPRL @ UM (Prof. Thomas Zurbuchen and Steve Rogacki (engineer)). Established functionality and read-out of cold detector (w/ warm Teledyne SIDECAR Development Kit (SDK)) • SLAC: Gunther Haller’s group, as part of the SNAP electronics effort developed EGSE and DAQ. Replaced Teledyne interface and (JADE card) and DAQ with documented open system with easily modifiable software. (1 unit to UM by Feb 2008) SIDECAR UM SLAC
EGSE Provided by SLAC SIDECAR Adapter Board (SLAC) cPCI crate Instrument Communication Board (SLAC) cPCI MCP750 processor SLAC
EGSE DAQ Provided by SLAC • Linux host client connects to EGSE crate • Ethernet TCP/IP sockets • User Interface on Linux host • Python shell API or PyQt graphical application • SIDECAR acquisition controls • CRIC acquisition controls • ICU controls and settings • Configuration upload and dump • Image upload and dump • Telemetry display • Message logging • SAO DS9 integration • Python command line API or PyQt graphical application provides real-time configuration and control of ICU and Sidecar/CRIC front ends • File based Sidecar front end configuration executed via Ethernet load • System commanding and telemetry uses CCSDS protocol over Ethernet • Python shell API supports integration with offline analysis utilities • PyQt graphical application provides interactive system control
SLAC Support for SNAP • Development of tracker (fine guider) using 4k x 4k HyViSi FPA. • Instrument Control Unit • EGSE setups for Caltech, Teledyne, French spectrograph group, I&T site… • Software support, modifications to optimize performance of detectors. • CCD imager ASICs
Future Possibilities for SLAC Participation/Support for SNAP • Electronics Engineering expertise • Mechanical Engineering expertise • Experienced space qualified technicians • Computing support - SLAC experience with large datasets/database • Analysis pipeline
Conclusions • Although LBNL is the lead DoE laboratory on SNAP, SLAC has a vital role to play. • SLAC is already proving to be a valuable partner in SNAP through the development of flight electronics and software. • SLAC is an ideal partner for university groups that do not have the facilities and experienced manpower present at SLAC. • As a new type of SLAC user, I am extremely grateful for SLAC participation in SNAP and their contributions to the NIR program. • I hope/expect that the association of the SNAP NIR group and SLAC will continue to grow.