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Greek & Latin Roots and Affixes. RW1.4 (5 th Grade) Know abstract, derived roots and affixes from Greek and Latin, and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words. (3 questions on CST) RW1.2 Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words. (2 questions on CST).
Greek & Latin Roots and Affixes RW1.4 (5th Grade) Know abstract, derived roots and affixes from Greek and Latin, and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words. (3 questions on CST) RW1.2 Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words. (2 questions on CST) www.elatestprep.com
Greek & Latin • The Greek empire is famous for its architecture and philosophy. • The Roman (Latin) empire was famous for its military and artistic achievements. • Many of our words are based on roots or affixes from these two great civilizations. www.elatestprep.com
Roots • Greek • aero (air) aerobics • biblio (book) Bible • cardi (heart) cardiologist • chron (time) chronological • geo (earth) geography • photo (light) photosynthesis • tele (far away) telescope www.elatestprep.com
Roots • Latin • anim (life, spirit) animal • aqua (water) aqueduct • frag (break) fragile • luna (moon) lunatic • phone (sound) telephone • rupt (break) rupture • terr (land) terrain www.elatestprep.com
STAR Test Prep. The teacher required us to include a bibliography at the end of the report. The origin of the word bibliography is the Greek word biblio meaning A essay B book C research D write www.elatestprep.com
STAR Test Prep. Astronomers have predicted that a lunar eclipse will occur tonight. The origin of the word lunar is the Latin root luna meaning A sun B planet C lunatic D moon www.elatestprep.com
Greek & Latin Roots Practice California farmers have dug aqueducts to supply their crops with water from the Sierra Nevada mountains. The word aqueducts is based on the Latin root aqua, meaning “water.” Based on this information, the reader can tell the literal meaning of aqueducts is A waterways B water trucks C rain D snow www.elatestprep.com
Affixes – prefixes or suffixes that have been “affixed” to a root word. prefix + root word + suffix micro scope = microscope sub marine = submarine kind ness = kindness person al = personal bi cycle = bicycle re appear = reappear joy ous = joyous www.elatestprep.com
STAR Test Prep. Joel was the fastest runner in class today. In which word does est mean the same as it does in the word fastest? A test B festival C arrest D cleanest www.elatestprep.com