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University of Panama Faculty of Humanities English Department Master of Arts in English as a Second Language. Lesson Plan The Countries of South America By Melva Lamboglia. Lesson Plan Format. Date: November 16th, 2007 Subject: English. Grade Level: 7th graders. Skills: Reading, Writing
University of PanamaFaculty of HumanitiesEnglish DepartmentMaster of Arts in English as a Second Language Lesson Plan The Countries of South America By Melva Lamboglia
Lesson Plan Format • Date: November 16th, 2007 • Subject: English. • Grade Level: 7th graders. • Skills: Reading, Writing • Macrofunction: Description. Preparing the Learning • Setting: Teachers will ask their students for the countries of South America • Assessing prior knowledge: All the students will answer wh- questions about these countries such as:
Where is Peru? It is beside Bolivia. What is the capital of Peru? It is Lima. Information of New Topic Teachers will explain about the nationalities and languages of those countries. Reference to previous knowledge Teachers will ask their students oral questions about the topic, to open a map of South America and to answer those written questions using prepositions such as beside, under, and over. http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/samericaquiz.html
Course of Study Objectives • At the end of the new class, your students will be able to: • Acquire a good pronunciation of the countries, capitals, nationalities and languages of South America. • 2. Use those countries in real context.
Learner`s Objectives • At the end of this new class, students will be able to: • Tell the countries of South America • orally. • 2. Mention their capitals, languages and nationalities. • 3. Identify them on a map. • 4. Use them on sentences
Materials • You will need. • A computer lab. • Computers. • Access to internet. • Methodology • Your students will make a brain-storming about the names of the countries of SouthAmerica and where they are located .
Then, you will assign them to go this page : http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/samericaquiz.html and solve a quiz about these countries, using prepositions in English. After they have finished this practice, they will go to the following page:
http://www.vocabulary.cl/Basic/Nationalities.htm and they will listen to the teacher`s explanation about the nationalities and countries. Next, they will go to the Page: http://clic.xtec.net/db/act_es.jsp?id=2740 and will practice identify the countries. Finally, they will go to a page where they can identify the nationalities and countries.
Teaching the Learner • Learner´s Performance • (Assessment) • Concluding the Lesson • Adaptation of Instruction • Thank You!