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Preparing for Oklahoma City University - Your Complete Guide

Are you a new student at Oklahoma City University? Learn how to apply for a visa, find housing, navigate airport pickup, enroll in classes, and more in this comprehensive guide. Discover essential information about student life, academic integrity, campus resources, and activities to engage in throughout the year. Get ready for a successful journey at OCU!

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Preparing for Oklahoma City University - Your Complete Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preparing for Oklahoma City University

  2. Welcome! What do I do now? • Applying for a visa • Finding a place to live What do I do when I arrive in Oklahoma City? • Airport pickup • Shopping trips • Enrolling in classes • Orientation What do I need to know about being a student at OCU? • Academic integrity • Campus resources • Student handbook and code of conduct What can I do throughout the year? • Dealing with homesickness • Getting involved 

  3. Applying for a Visa • Documents to bring to your visa interview: • Your I-20 • Visa application form (DS-160) • Your valid passport • One 2”X 2” photo • Visa application (DS-160)fee receipt • SEVIS (I-901) fee receipt • Transcripts and diplomas • TOEFL or IELTS score report • Financial documentation Pay the $350 SEVIS (I-901) fee at www.fmjfee.com. Be sure you print your receipt. Each consulate or embassy has their own procedure for applying for an F-1 student visa. You can find a list of them here: http://www.usembassy.state.gov/ Follow you embassy’s instructions to schedule an interview, complete the Form DS 160 (visa application) and pay the application fee. (Be sure to print this receipt too). When you go for your interview, bring all your important documents, stay calm, and answer questions openly and honestly. Good luck!

  4. Finding a Place to Live On-campus Housing Required for all OKCU students until they turn 21 Dorm and apartment options Apply as soon as possible https://www.okcu.edu/campus/residencelife/living-on-campus/how-to-apply/ $250 housing deposit to reserve your spot. (Pay through BlueLink account) Off-campusHousing Internet search for “apartments near Oklahoma City University”

  5. Airport Pickup & Shopping Trips Airport pickup  August 10 & 11, 2019 between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Sign up in advance! https://www.okcu.edu/admissions/international/arrivalprocedures/pickup/ Shopping trips Schedule and details will be sent by email. Sign up in advance by sending an email to mmwilson@okcu.edu

  6. Enrollment Appointment • Documents to bring: • Passport • I-20 • Official transcripts • Official graduation certification and/or degree certificate • Original financial documents Set up an appointment by emailing your admission counselor (listed on your admission letter) prior to your arrival Meet your counselor at International Admissions upon your arrival Bring your official/original documents Have your documents checked, register for classes, make payment arrangements, and get your Student ID card Ask any questions you have!

  7. Orientation All international students are required to attend! Monday August 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  Pick up a welcome bag & win door prizes Important info sessions (immigration, Title IX) Campus resources Meet other international students Free breakfast & lunch!

  8. Academic Integrity Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own Even copying one sentence from someone else’s work is considered plagiarism.  If you use ideas from or directly quote another source, you must cite that source.  Group Work Unless your professor specifically says you can work together on an assignment, you must complete the assignment alone. Cheating: Using any unauthorized materials to help your academic performance  Ex: copies of test materials, calculators when not allowed, using notes on exam when the professor has not specifically said it is open note, getting help on an exam from other students Oklahoma City University takes academic honesty very seriously.  The consequences for cheating or plagiarizing can range from redoing the assignment, to an automatic F in the course, all the way to dismissal from the university.

  9. Campus Resources We are here to help! • Professor office hours • Academic Advisors • Learning Enhancement Center - http://libguides.okcu.edu/lec • Provides tutoring, writing assistance, and English conversation practice • University Counseling Office • International Admissions Office

  10. Student Handbook & Code of Conduct Student Handbook https://www.okcu.edu/students/handbook Student Code of Conduct https://www.okcu.edu/students/conduct/code/ Please review these documents before starting your semester at OKCU.

  11. Dealing with Homesickness Being homesick is normal; it is not a sign of weakness. Try to stay healthy by eating healthy foods and exercising Stay in touch with friends and family at home, but make new friends too! Remember why you came Don't hesitate to visit University Counseling! https://www.okcu.edu/campus/resources/counseling/ Get involved in activities on campus

  12. Getting Involved International Student Association (ISA) Other international organizations (Indian Student Association, Chinese Student Association, etc.) https://www.okcu.edu/students/organizations/ Intramural sports https://www.okcu.edu/students/intramural/schedule Student government https://www.okcu.edu/students/handbook/09-student-organizations/h-student-government-association/

  13. See you soon! Aaron Kelly Star Megumi Dawn International Admissions Ann Lacy Admissions & Visitor Center (2nd floor) Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. P: +1 405 208-5358  E: ia@okcu.edu

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