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NAZ works to address the achievement gap in North Minneapolis by collaborating with over 50 partner organizations and schools. They focus on family engagement, improving the education pipeline, and providing whole family wrap-around support. Through their integrated effort, NAZ aims to end generational poverty and prepare youth for success from birth to college.
NAZ as a Promise Neighborhood….. Where opportunities rise to meet their promising future! NAZ Family Academy Graduates
Need in North MinneapolisThe achievement gap in Minnesota is one of the worst in the nation. Nowhere does the gap hit harder than the Northside. • 26% enter kindergarten ready to learn • 32% of 4th graders are at grade level (indicated by math) • 19% of 10th graders are at grade level (indicated by math) • 54% graduation rate (indicated by representative high school)
What is NAZ?• Collaboration of over 50 partner organizations and schools• Back-bone org. that leads collaboration and operates “infrastructure services”• Shared goal of preparing youth to be successful from birth leading to college• End generational poverty by promoting achievement• “High-touch” process builds a culture of achievement one family at a time
3 Pillars of Impact Pillar 1: Family Engagement and Opportunity AlignmentEngaging parents to strengthen their ability to build a culture of achievement in the home and aligning resources to support their success
3 Pillars of Impact Pillar 2: Education PipelineImproving schools and the educational experience within a continuum of support services to produce academic excellence for all children
3 Pillars of Impact Pillar 3: Whole Family Wrap-Around SupportSupporting family success so NAZ children show up ready to learn
How NAZ Works—An Integrated Effort• Collaborative process with action teams in key areas • NAZ Connect online tool—achievement planning & shared data system • The NAZ Seal of Effectiveness • NAZ works as an intermediary
Operating as a Pilot— Initial Family Success! • 150 families, 2010 and 2011 • Parents are setting education goals—many for the first time • Completing parent education classes at unprecedented rates • Participating in high-quality early childhood education • Stabilizing housing • Career pathway plans
Scaling Up as a Promise Neighborhood• 5-year scale up from 150 families to 1,200 families• Scale up staff and infrastructure• Expand Engagement Team and increase coordination of services across partners• Expand education pipeline programs and support services • Locate new Engagement Team and capacity staff on site at partners• $5-6M annually for 5 years and $1.3M+ from private funding
Early Childhood INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES • Early Childhood Navigators working with Action Team to provide content expertise for Connectors • NAZ Connectors and/or Academic Case Managers located at early learning anchors to support access, progress monitoring, & coordination • NAZ Connect tool and technology on site and used by NAZ staff at partner locations 8 early learning and support service anchor partners Promise Neighborhood supports in Action Area: • Family Academy Infant/Toddler program expansion • Seed scholarships for high-quality early education
Excellent Partner Schools INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES: • Academic Case Managers located at schools to support coordination, progress monitoring, and student success • NAZ Connectors located at schools to support parent engagement and progress monitoring • NAZ Connect tool and technology on site and used by NAZ staff at schools 8 Anchor Partners Promise Neighborhood supports in Action Area: • Principal Learning Community & teacher effectiveness training • Reading Corps expansion • Connection with Out of School Time opportunities
Out-of-School Time INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES: • NAZ Connectors and Academic Case Managers located with anchor partners to support access, progress monitoring, and coordination • NAZ Connect tool and technology on site and used by partner and NAZ staff 5 Anchor Partners Promise Neighborhood supports in Action Area: • Expand academic-focused extended learning programs • Support college-readiness curriculum starting at elementary • Expand mentoring matches
Whole Family Wrap-Around 4 Behavioral Health & Health Anchors 2 Housing Anchors 2 Career & Financial Pathways Anchors INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES: • NAZ Navigators on site with Action Area lead partners • NAZ Connect tool and technology on site and used by partner and NAZ staff Promise Neighborhood supports in Action Areas: • Streamline access to meet needs identified in NAZ family Achievement Plans • Target key services to active enrolled NAZ families • Implement bridge fund for highly-mobile families to support stability
End Outcomes BenchmarksGoal outcomes for NAZ-enrolled youth after 2016 (year 5 as Promise Neighborhood) Increase NAZ children entering kindergarten ready to learn from 29 to 80% Increase NAZ children who perform at grade level in reading from 27% to 75% and math from 24% to 70% Improve Zone graduation rates from 54% to 80%
Action in 2012• Increase NAZ’s capacity to lead the collaborative and serve as an intermediary• Build Engagement Team, navigator, and academic staffing at a measured pace to work on site at partner locations • NAZ Connect training with anchor partners to facilitate decentralized enrollment• Enroll more families through “decentralized” approach• Expand NAZ families connection to opportunities and NAZ curriculum offerings• Fully execute NAZ-Tested Seal of Effectiveness process • Monitor progress of every NAZ child
Following DOE and Federal Grant Guidelines• Purpose of Promise Neighborhoods is to build a model of systemic community change with strong schools at the center. Our NAZ proposal was a top example of this.• Funding primarily to build staffing to execute collaborative work, i.e. “infrastructure services” or seeding effective programs to attract increased direct service funding.• NAZ will implement slowly to accommodate learning curve for federal funding process. Organizational foundation will be built before program-focused strategies are implemented.
Following DOE and Federal Grant GuidelinesWhat Promise Neighborhoods will NOT do:• Funding cannot be used for re-granting; contracts for providing services for NAZ-enrolled families is allowable• Funding will not replace existing operating or program funding at partner organizations or schools
Investment Opportunity— Promise Neighborhood as a Magnet NAZ will continue to develop resources through partnerships for areas such as:• Expanding effective Out-of-School Time academic programs• Family Academy curriculum expansion• Mentor match support • Early childhood scholarships and early learning supports • Housing stabilization bridge fund