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Different types of braces

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Different types of braces

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  1. Different types of braces The teeth which are cracked have significant gaps, and the teeth which are crowded can be easily treated with braces. In the past, we didn't have many options in braces except metal ones, but now every person can be fitted with custom-made braces, especially for their teeth. Dentisthave also introduced unique treatments to improve the visual appeal of braces over the years. However, selecting the best treatment method is a careful consideration.

  2. Metal braces Metals are the most common type of braces used today. They are used to straighten teeth and improve their bite. Stainless steel is commonly used for metal braces. They are extremely durable and have a long lifespan.. Adults with problems with teeth often use these due to hereditary factors or a habit of grinding their teeth. Nowadays, bracers are smaller, and they are very comfortable to wear.

  3. Ceramic Braces Ceramic braces are the latest trend in orthodontics. They are made from zirconia, which is more durable and less brittle than traditional metal braces. Ceramic braces can be worn for extended periods and offer more comfort. Ceramic braces can be easily affordable for patients. They are non-invasive and do not require the patient to undergo any surgical procedure.

  4. Self-ligating Brace • Self-ligating braces use a clip to hold the arch wire in place instead of using elastics. The clips are either on the back of the bracket or the front of the bracket. The clips can be made out of plastic, metal, or titanium, depending on what is most comfortable for you. • The self-ligating system is more expensive than traditional brackets and bands because it requires a specific type of wire, which also costs more than traditional wires. However, research has shown that people with self-ligating brackets find them more comfortable and easier to clean than traditional brackets.

  5. Invisalign And Clear Aligners • Invisalign is a clear alternative to traditional braces. They are custom-made and offer a more discreet way to straighten teeth. Clear aligners are one of the newest and most popular orthodontic treatments. • Invisalign braces are not only virtually invisible, but they also can move teeth gradually over time. Clear aligners can be used by anyone who is an adult or child, has healthy teeth, and has enough room in their mouth for the clear aligner. It's the best alternative for patients with braces when they are young.

  6. Lingual Braces The lingual braces are a dental retainer used to correct teeth alignment. The lingual braces are placed on the side of your teeth that touch your tongue . In this way, they do not interfere with eating and speaking. These braces are used for patients who have had orthodontic treatment and need to maintain their dental alignment.

  7. Conclusion The idea behind these braces was to provide an alternative to traditional brackets or bands, which were often uncomfortable and challenging for patients to wear correctly.

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