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;*****************************************************************************. ;* *. ;* Bank Time in User comment Record *.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ;*****************************************************************************;*****************************************************************************

  2. ;* *

  3. ;* Bank Time in User comment Record *

  4. ;* *

  5. ;* Written in PCBoard Programming Language *

  6. ;* *

  7. ;*****************************************************************************;*****************************************************************************

  8. ;

  9. ; Cmd line: bank save time nnn bank s t nnn

  10. ; bank restore time nnn bank r t nnn

  11. ; bank display bank d

  12. ;


  14. STRING cmdline,cmdtoken(5),usertoken(5),error,clrs(4)

  15. INTEGER maxtbank,count,chgtime


  17. maxtbank = 90 ; max bank time - could be from a file

  18. chgtime = 0 ; but would be slower

  19. clrs(1) = "@X79" ; Command instruction color

  20. clrs(2) = "@X7B" ; Time text color

  21. clrs(3) = "@X7C" ; Error text color

  22. clrs(4) = "@X7E" ; General text color

  23. :START

  24. cmdline = TOKENSTR() ; store commandline

  25. TOKENIZE cmdline

  26. count = 1 ; Used while loops rather than

  27. GETTOKEN cmdtoken(count) ; for loobs as the while created 20 bytes

  28. WHILE (cmdtoken(count) != "") DO ; less code

  29. count = count + 1 ;

  30. GETTOKEN cmdtoken(count) ;

  31. ENDWHILE ;


  33. IF (LEFT(U_NOTES(4),4)<>"BANK") THEN ; is bank setup in NOTES if not

  34. usertoken(1) = "BANK" ; do it

  35. usertoken(2) = "TIME" ;

  36. usertoken(3) = 0

  37. ELSE

  38. TOKENIZE U_NOTES(4) ; Get bank info from NOTES

  39. count = 1 ;

  40. GETTOKEN usertoken(count) ;

  41. WHILE (usertoken(count) != "") DO ;

  42. count = count + 1 ;

  43. GETTOKEN usertoken(count) ;

  44. ENDWHILE ;

  45. ENDIF

  46. IF (LEFT(cmdtoken(1),1) = "D") THEN ; Look for "D"isplay

  47. PRINTLN "@POS:10@",clrs(1),usertoken(1)," ",usertoken(2),": ",clrs(2),usertoken(3)," min."

  48. ELSEIF (LEFT(cmdtoken(1),1) = "S") DO ; Look for "S"ave

  49. IF (LEFT(cmdtoken(2),1) = "T") DO ; Look for "T"ime

  50. chgtime = cmdtoken(3)

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