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Positioning - Liber

IGEP Rome 2009. Positioning - Liber. Why positioning. Liber perceived as traditional book publisher Customers do not experience any important differences among the 5 main publishing companies in Sweden Total school market slowly decreased during last 15-20 years Need for Repositioning

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Positioning - Liber

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IGEP Rome 2009 Positioning - Liber

  2. Why positioning • Liber perceived as traditional book publisher • Customers do not experience any important differences among the 5 main publishing companies in Sweden • Total school market slowly decreased during last 15-20 years • Need for • Repositioning • Positioning against competitors • Positioning including “e” • Consequent communication strategy to different target groups • Taking “the lead role” in the Swedish Educational business • The goals are increased markets shares and market growth

  3. Teachers – general characteristics Proud – we are important in society Eager to learn – themselves and the pupils To reflect is more important than facts only Teachers Independent – appreciate the freedom in the job

  4. Teachers Högskola Self-governed We are: We do: Learn how to learn Our goal: To liberate the individual students potential Gymnasium Grundskola

  5. Higher Education Upper secondary Vocational Primary Secondary 4 communication concepts which together creates a whole Mother brand

  6. Target groups per segment Liber Higher Education Upper sec. Vocational Primary/ secondary School mgm Authors Pupils/Students Politicians Parents Press Facilitators Liber tar ställning för vår sak! Customers Teachers Teachers Teachers

  7. Mother brand - Tagline ”Boundless learning” A boundless learning with a growing choice of individually adapted learning tools that guides, inspires and motivates teachers and pupils throughout the process of learning

  8. 360-degrees of learning Planning Follow up Realize/ Accomplish

  9. Position Our competitors direction Availability The educational publishing business existing position Supporting teaching

  10. Business idea • Liber develops and distributes learning resources with the aim to support the learning individual in the school, at the university and in the professional life. • Individuals • Teachers • Pupils • Parents • Emplyees • Employers • Etc • Knowledge • Authors • Resarch • Methods • Curriculum • Etc Learning resources; All those resources, distributed through different medias, which supports the individual learning cycle

  11. Message example : If every individual is unique, why isn't every schoolbook unique too?

  12. Higher Education Upper secondary Vocational Primary Secondary

  13. Koncept – higher education • ”Behind every important book, there is an important author”

  14. Higher Education Upper secondary Vocational Primary Secondary

  15. Koncept – primary & secondary • ”Knowledge exists in the curious classroom” • In words and pictures we are focusing the teachers and pupils most important tool to learn, understand and apply new knowledge – their own curiosity and imagination.

  16. Higher Education Upper secondary Vocational Primary Secondary

  17. Koncept – upper secondary & vocational • ”Learning resources for people” • Students have different needs – that's why we develops • different alternatives to choose from

  18. Liber communicates • A handbook used in all communication • Catalogues • Newsletters • Brochures • Magazines • Web • Events • Sales visits • etc Liber communicates

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