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Financial report

Financial report. January 2009 - December 2010. Incomes 2009 in Euro. No membership was paid for 2009 0 Bank interest 2009 114 Total income 2009 114 Eur. Membership fees for 20 10 in Euro paid till 31th December 2010.

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Financial report

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  1. Financial report January 2009 - December 2010

  2. Incomes 2009 in Euro • No membership was paid for 2009 0 • Bank interest 2009 114 Total income 2009 114 Eur

  3. Membership fees for 2010in Euro paid till 31th December 2010 • University of Miskolc, HU700 • Rzeszow University of Technology, PL700 • Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, RO700 • AGH Krakow, PL 700 • University of Oradea, RO 700 • University of Rzeszow, PL 700 TOTAL: 4200 Bank interest: December 2010 114 TOTAL incomes 2010 4314 Bukovian State Medical University, Chernivtsy, UA organizer of AC /as a membership fee/

  4. Expenses (January 2009 – December 2010) in EUR • Rent of the office 0 • Honoraria ( Assistants, Accountant, web admin.) 3065 • Executive Committee meeeting in Kosice 122 Accommodation and refreshment • EUA membership fee 2009 956 • President´s and his staff visit to Košice 397 • EUA membership fee 2010 970 • Communication expenses 290 • Material translation and expenses for changes 345 Bank fees 298 • TOTAL: 6443

  5. FINANCIAL REPORT:ExpensesJanuary2009– December 2010 • Incomes 2009-10 4428 Eur • Expenses 2009-10 6443 Eur • Balance of the bank account of 31.12.2010 57319 Eur

  6. FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2011 – MAY 2011 www.acru.eu.sk

  7. BALANCE OF THE BANK ACCOUNT ON THE DATE 31th . DECEMBER 2010 57 319.- EUR (Until the date when the ownership of the bank account was taken over from the Technical University of Košice) BALANCE OF THE BANK ACCOUNT ON THE DATE 31. MAY 2011 61 238,40 EUR

  8. BALANCE OF THE BANK ACCOUNT ON THE DATE 31. MAY 2011 61 238,40 EUR - INCOME – 7 049,16 EUR - Membership fees 7 000 € - Bank interest 49,16 € - EXPENSES - 3 129,64 EUR - Mobility grant 400 € - Executive committee meeting in Košice 511, 85 € - Annual conference - travel expenses for EC members 2 161,94 € - Bank fees (including tax, transaction fees and other service) 55,85 €

  9. Membership fees • A written request for payment of membership fees for the year 2011 and back membership fees for 2010 was sent to the non-Ukrainian universities on 4 March 2011 and to the Ukrainian universities on 15 March 2011. The deadline for payment was on 30 April 2011. • Membership fees payment up-to-date records : • No payments have been received from the Ukrainian universities (although some of them used to pay in the past) • As regards the non-Ukraininan universities: 8 (out of 24 member universities) have paid for 2010 + 1 university organising annual conference (AC) 8 universities (out of 23) have paid for 2011 + 1 university organising AC

  10. Financial plan for 2012: Income from membership fees – should be 16 100 € (23 x 700 €) (real estimate 6 000 €) Expenses – honoraria – 2700 € –bank fees – approx. 150 € Recommended usage – for grants – student/staff mobility summer schools joint conferences etc.

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